Did New Sincerity die with DFW or did DFW die because of New Sincerity?

Did New Sincerity die with DFW or did DFW die because of New Sincerity?

he kil hisself

sincerely, epic!

New Sincerity was never a thing. DFW was modernist who wanted to be post-modern but didn't actually get post-modernism

answer the question faggot, it's pretty clear it died after he did, but was it already dead when he removed his map or no?

>new sincerity was never a thing. dfw was a post-modernist who wanted to be post-post-modern but didnt actually get post-post-modernism


>DFW was modernist
Excuse me?

it's postmodern you absolute plebs

Its actually post modern.

He died because he tried to change the anti-depressants he had been taking for like 20 years for some new ones and it didnt work. All that new sincerity crap was just him trying to be quirky in order to get audience pussy.

it's actually all three my dudes

post modern would be a solid name to take when i start producing trap music

isn't it rousing to think that Infinite Jest was first published 22 years ago

hell he did it ten years ago this september
i'm probably older than most guys on here these days but i remember IJ was still a big thing when i was an undergrad, from what i see on here it doesn't seem to be the case anymore

Don't steal my shit, bud.

Serious question: what even is New Sincerity? Did Dave even know himself? His work just seems like post-modern ironic memery with footnotes. Dave seemed barely post-adolescent when he whined that everyone enjoyed Infinite Jest because of it's humor and structure and not because it was "sad" (which is the author's fault and never the audience's)

I think he was depressed because he could never stop his use of irony and convey how awful he felt, he always felt he was misinterpreted


New Sincerity lived on through Fight Club, and now survives in Ready Player One. These are sincere efforts to connect and to define the values of the generations. Nothing said that New Sincerity must somehow be complex or even original.

It's more of a desire for sincerely in a world full of meaningless images rather than sincerely in itself to be honest. He killed himself because he was depressed.

I smirked

I think A Little Life by Yanaghira or whatever is New Sincerity. Basically melodramatic realism.

New Sincerity is still a „thing“. Tao Lin‘s prose is new sincerity. Marie Calloway and Mira Gonzalez as well. Note that Tao is the best of them, and he‘s a hack.
New sincerity as a subgenre is not dead, but it never caught on because no talented writer ever picked it up, maybe excluding DFW who did have some discernable talent.

I‘d say it‘s comparable to the German „Neue Sachlichkeit“ (new rationality), maybe even a bit of a ripoff. Just like the Sachlichkeit never really took off, new sincerity will remain a niche sub genre and - sincerely - be nothing but a foot note in literary history.

>I think he was depressed because he could never stop his use of irony and convey how awful he felt, he always felt he was misinterpreted
He took funny characters and put them in serious situations, but the problem is they're always stereotypes, cutouts, or caricatures. I don't know if this applies to Infinite Jest, but definitely to Hideous Interviews and Oblivion

The goal of New Sincerity was just to put an emphasis on the important role of empathy when you read, to counter, ironically, the main issue I point out in Wallace's writing above. My personal theory is the whole movement was a symptom of the 'end of history' hubbub throughout the nineties, which was itself a symptom of American exceptionalism.

All these writers are privileged and spent most of their lives in school. The New Sincerity is a tacit admission of their pretensions