Start with the gre-

>start with the gre-

Wrong. Start with Kant's preliminary works, then work your way backwards to the Greeks, then work your way forwards all the way up to the Critiques, then very quickly peruse later German and French philosophers, then jump all the way backwards to the Vedic scriptures, then jump to the Christians (again) and include the mystics, then back to the Greeks, then jump all the way forwards to Weininger (Kant's greatest disciple), then concentrate on the Vedic scriptures, the Christians, Kant, and Weininger, with brief interludes of Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, and Girard. All the while you should be reading classic fiction. Absolute celibacy is required for this path. Also acceptable: brief intermissions into the occult, hedonism, and/or quantum physics which are quickly abandoned on account of a rapid descent into nihilistic despair.

This is the way.

Other urls found in this thread:,_immanuel.html

... .... .... NOT!


By chance, are you familiar with a reading guide for Kant's corpus?

I intend to read his three Critiques, but I'd like to read some of his other works too.

What do you think?

Yes, well done OP, well done OP . . .


>I remain puzzled by the total lack of production values with English presses (OUP and CUP are the main culprits, but Continuum is probably even worse), if you compare them to Dutch, Italian or German publishing houses. There is no consistency in quality, not even in format or size (see the picture), where one would expect to have some standard for such a prestigious series as the Cambridge edition of Kant's works. The quality of paper and printing is beyond poor even with the hardbacks, although some, such as my copy of the Notes and Fragments have nice smooth paper. The idea of sewn books (still common for some hardbacks in the Netherlands and Germany, certainly for the more prominent titles) has been jettisoned long ago.

And these things are like 80$ a pop!

My reading guide for Kant:

>the Christians (early Fathers, hardcore ascetics like St. Anthony and St. John of the Cross)
>the Bhagavad Gita
>the Tao te Ching (in very small doses)
>the Bible (again, in small doses especially in the case of the Old Testament, or in larger doses as you feel more grounded)
>his preliminary works: Logic, the Prolegomena
>surprisingly helpful: various short essays and correspondences of Kant's
>a dictionary

Take the Critiques slowly but deliberately, it will not go down easy the first few times but you must take your medicine.

it's true, most US presses are utter shit. can also vouch for the german presses too. getting something from meiner verlag or vittoro klostermann is like a religious experience. the only US presses I like these days are SUP and northwestern

One more thing, this is your new homepage:

Actually you should start with math and science. Then work back as you see necessary
Classics are for brainlets

What do you see in this picture, user?

I started with Nietzsche and continued with Schopenhauer and Kant. Now I understand Black Metal pretty well, and that's all I need.

You need to read the Bhagavad Gita.

Sounds shitskin desu but I'm not going to discard it based only on this trait, what is it about?

Nevermind. It might do you better to go sit near a river for a while.

a tree on a field with sky behind it

imagine being these people

fucking pleb

oh do I have to watch a malick film or read the bible to see what a non pleb sees

no, you have to be someone who naturally wants to watch malick films and read the bible

>Kant's greatest disciple

there's a war and a prince doesn't want to do it but Krishna's like suck my dick your gonna die anyways just get it over with.

A smug pepe in the clouds. Anyone else? Lol

a placenta

Here you go. In regards OPs picture, I only found the Jasche logic lectures useful for the Critique. I would read the introduction to that (p. 527 in the book), skip the "logical perfections" parts, and then read from "Universal doctrine of elements" until the end of that lecture (p. 589 to p.640)

"Logic has not gained much in content since Aristotle and indeed it cannot, due to its nature. Aristotle had ommited no moment of the understanding; we are herein only more exact, methodical, and orderly. " - Kant (Jasche logic lectures)

Is it viable to split philosophy into autists and not-autists? You always get that stench of autism from Aristotle, Kant, Wittgenstein...

I feel like the relation between Aristotle and Plato is autism destroying mysticism.

>autism destroying mysticism.
that's just philosophy

Yeah, I think what you're looking for is what Reinhold and Fichte called Popularphilosophie. Try something like Jordan Peterson, Sam Harris, Ayn Rand, or John Green.

Hegel is just as complex but i dont think he is autistic.

Really? I feel like Hegel is pretty autistic. I think prose philosophers like Nietzsche and Kierkegaard and the non-autistic kind

This is a reminder that Neoplatonists thought Aristotle wasn't down-to-earth enough.

>haven't read anything by an author
>want to read his entire bibliography just because
What the fuck, user? Maybe read Prolegomena and then see if this guy's ideas are actually worth months/years of your life to study before deciding.

What should I read after Weininger?.

Wrong, start with Descartes' Discourse on the Method which was the proverbial kick off to the enlightenment.

wikihow article with instructions for suicide

Trust me, I'm very much sympathetic to this position.

I want to read his foundational trilogy and those few work that might help prepare the way. Others may come in time, but maybe not. I don't necessarily intend to read everything he wrote.

You may be wondering why I'm willing to dedicate so much thought to a thinker I may not even like. The thing is, I love Schopenhauer, and Schopenhauer wants me to read Kant. There's no way around it really.

It's me Is Logic difficult to read?

No, this is all you need to read about Kant:,_immanuel.html

Is there any reason to read up on any philosophy besides epicureans and stoics?
