Let's get to the bottom of this once and for all: why did Nietzsche hate anti-Semites?

Let's get to the bottom of this once and for all: why did Nietzsche hate anti-Semites?

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cuz resentment is for cucks

Because they clearly are stupid enough to believe the world can be controlled by a group of people

jews are the archetypal übermensch if you think about it

Lots of factors. Prob because of his hatred for German lutheranism and he actually liked the old testament as a book. Also you can just look at the anti-Semites that post here.


how so

they don't care about morality and do whatever it takes to impose their will

You can approve of their mindset and still hate them for being jews though.

I prefer the Conan the Cimmerian interpretation of übermensch

Because Nietzsche died before jews had taken power in Germany, out of commission long before Weimar. Jews hadn't yet turned Berlin into a brothel. Nietzsche was right about how jews spread slave morality to their hosts but he also said a lot of contradictory shit which is why every faction thinks he speaks for them.




There is nothing abnormal about 'antisemitism.' Jews are a very sick cult from the Middle East, they are bad people who have caused problems everywhere they've gone which is why they've been kicked out so many times.

>Because Nietzsche died before jews had taken power in Germany, out of commission long before Weimar.
He already recognized the degree which Judaism corrupted Western civilization, though. He also made much deeper historical and philosophical connections than the anti-Semites ever did. In other words, your explanation doesn't really work. It's absurd to think he would have just not said the things he did about anti-Semites if more time had passed, especially since he discovered that Judaism came from the Babylonians, who were Aryans. Things like:

>“This is our conviction: we publish it to the whole world; we live and die for it—let us respect all who have convictions!”—I have actually heard such sentiments from the mouths of anti-Semites. On the contrary, gentlemen! An anti-Semite surely does not become more respectable because he lies on principle...

It's hard to take your defense seriously when basically everything he charged anti-Semites for appears in the characteristics of modern day anti-Semites all over again.

If you want to be taken seriously you should stop using fake terms like the above. Jews have been despised within and removed from everywhere they've ever been. That is not everyone else's fault, it stems from their behavior. And Nietzsche said Christianity corrupted Rome and the West, not judaism. Please, I'm happy you've chugged through the first half of BGE, but you don't seem like the type who's ready to understand his works in toto or wade into the jewish problem. One step at a time, kid.

He emphasized envy. Anti-semites fail to emulate the jews, and thus fail to be proper nihilists

>If you want to be taken seriously you should stop using fake terms like the above.
Nietzsche was using a fake term?

>And Nietzsche said Christianity corrupted Rome and the West, not judaism.
From The Antichrist:

>>The Jews are the most remarkable people in the history of the world, for when they were confronted with the question, to be or not to be, they chose, with perfectly unearthly deliberation, to be at any price: this price involved a radical falsification of all nature, of all naturalness, of all reality, of the whole inner world, as well as of the outer. They put themselves against all those conditions under which, hitherto, a people had been able to live, or had even been permitted to live; out of themselves they evolved an idea which stood in direct opposition to natural conditions—one by one they distorted religion, civilization, morality, history and psychology until each became a contradiction of its natural significance. We meet with the same phenomenon later on, in an incalculably exaggerated form, but only as a copy: the Christian church, put beside the “people of God,” shows a complete lack of any claim to originality. Precisely for this reason the Jews are the most fateful people in the history of the world: their influence has so falsified the reasoning of mankind in this matter that today the Christian can cherish anti-Semitism without realizing that it is no more than the final consequence of Judaism.

>One step at a time, kid.
The sad part is I'm probably older than you, but regardless, this is an incredibly immature comment.

Jews are inbred, nepotistic parasites who contribute little that is positive to our societies. Why would European peoples, who are responsible for 97% of all scientific and technological innovation be envious of jews?

That doesn't say what you said before, but regardless you should stop trying to selectively quote from Nietzsche, you're wasting both our time. Have you read Genealogy? Anyone can pick and choose from Nietzsche, which is why he is both lauded by many on the alt right and enshrined by leftists in academia. But when someone like you tries to play this game it gives away that you aren't well-rounded in his thought.

i mean, have you seen the anti-semites on this site? they're pretty retarded and illogical

Jews gave us Christianity, which is a major thread in western civilization. There is also a secular Greek thread, but the Jews have been just as influential. Jews were able to thrive in European society specifically because of our liberal values. Jews have disproportionally won nobel prizes, and please don't tell me that it's solely because of a "Jewish Conspiracy." You anti-semites are reckless with what you say. You have no idea the level of violence it takes for your policies to even be nominally implemented.

>lauded by many on the alt right and enshrined by leftists
No one gives a shit about these "groups" other than you. Of course I have read Genealogy, I am not saying Nietzsche loved Jews. But the notion that he wouldn't have hated anti-Semites if he lived a little bit longer suggests Nietzsche was a shallow thinker. He was a genuine philosopher, and because of that, many of his observations of both parties still hold up true today.


El Polaco sifilítico...

Yeah dude it's horrible. I hate how politicized this site has become.

>create value system Nietzsche lambasted for being based on ressentiment
>these guys are the ubermenschen
I know this is Veeky Forums but could you at least pretend to have read Nietzsche?

"Gave us" Christianity? Jews bribed Charlemagne to impose it upon us to weaken us and destroy our traditions. You should be ashamed of yourself if you're white. It's absolutely pathetic to see whites who still worship the God of their enemy and defend a people who hate them and are the main source behind the current destruction of their own society. Jews are nepotistic parasites who can't survive on their own. They produced literally nothing until they were released from the shtetl. Zero. And even if one were to grant you that the achievements you're referring to were not a result of nepotism, the harm they've caused far outweighs the good. You want to talk about Nietzsche? You embody the slave morality he was referring to.

Nietzsche died in 1900. The social and economic destruction jews were causing in Germany hit its peak decades later. Read the link here, okay? You need to understand the timeline of jewish involvement in Germany before you start taking Nietzsche as the final word on German "antisemitism."

Okay, first of all, this is a ridiculously simplified view of the history and development of Germany. For one example how, read: pbs.org/wgbh/commandingheights/shared/minitext/ess_germanhyperinflation.html

1919-1933 was also decades after German nationalism & anti-Semitism was forming. Germany was experiencing an identity crisis. They were nomadic barbarians not many centuries ago. In their collective hysteria for a "stronger national identity" they were ostracizing everyone who did not fit into their own imagined geneti-cultural identity and trying to push several peoples, including Jews and Romani, out of the country. In other words, Zionism was very much a reaction to the German cultural bonfire already being made to burn them. This is also why Nietzsche lamented the Germans and came to despise them, saying that they had become weaker and were in spiritual decline, that they had utterly failed to live up to the ideals formed by the greater individuals in the previous centuries — instead, they were becoming hysterical and slavish, failing to adopt a higher spirited cultural identity and instead opting for a much more rudimentary one.

And deflect what you want with words that amount to "but it's the Jews' fault," that shit just doesn't fly dude. If the Jews were David and the Germans were Goliath, Goliath is as much at fault for being dumb enough to let little David topple him. In that story Goliath was weaker. Goliath also challenges David, not the other way around.

The jews were isolated to the shtetl prior to the 19th century, but that was my fault. I know the problem here is that you don't understand the jews and jewish history/nature and I didn't clarify. Jews were by Nietzsche's time only just entering the German public space in large numbers. People didn't understand them or their nature; they had this Christian perspective on them as good people, as you still seem to, but they didn't fully realize how destructive they were until Nietzsche had written most of his works or was dead, and then notably later during the Weimar period. And Nietzsche's perspective was also historically based and, I've heard, partially related to his desire to cuddle up to jews to further his career. No one's perfect and Nietzsche didn't have all the answers, though his most important ones, like the jewish transvaluation of values, derived from jewish practices in Rome, Egypt, and elsewhere are essential to why people who know about the destructive nature of the jews think he is important.

*With a few exceptions like Martin Luther.

>they had this Christian perspective on them as good people, as you still seem to
I don't seem this way to anyone except dingbats who can't read and aren't well read.

I also like how you link to that article about sexual decadence which states that light entertainment (burlesque / porn) was a "Jewish innovation." What of the Greeks then? Dionysian rituals in Ancient Greece? The Bacchanalia in Rome, which they learned from the Greeks? The Greeks had festivals where they got drunk and fucked each other in a frenzy. Orgies were part of the ancient Greek religion. In fact, the word orgy etymologically starts in ancient Greece. You are the one steeped in Christian sentiment here, not me.

maybe this is where marx got the idea that class struggle drives history, from being conscious of how the jews would enter a society as low class then gradually assert their interests and take over until ultimately the host civilization would expel them or collapse

In every dispute he weighed in on, he admired people for the way they held their positions far more than for the positions they held.
Nietzsche disagreed with Jewish values completely and yet was able to see the genius in them. Your average antisemite is mediocre and resentful - it's clear who Nietzsche would respect more.

>nepotistic parasites
t. Christian
>who contribute little
t. muh we are all in this together
>muh science and technology but I don't like jews
t. knows nothing about science and technology and just uses them as adornments to his white superiority movement that he WISHES was Jewish, i.e. völkisch, in nature, but won't be because it was literally messed up by the Jews (lel)

>Jews bribed Charlemagne to impose it upon us to weaken us and destroy our traditions.
And you wonder why we don't take you seriously.

>Creates value system that isn't in line with Nietzsche's taste
>Imposes it on the world without caring that some frail philologist is REEEEing about it

Take your own advice.

See how you pretended to read the link but clearly didn't? This is the type of intellectual dishonesty that, coupled with your attempt to selectively quote Nietzsche to support jews, confirms that you are an intellectually dishonest person. And I can't do anything about that.

You're on the right track. Nietzsche's transvaluation of values explains Marx's intentions and the jewish strategy as a whole: to use to bottom of society to overthrow the top, in this case the European elite. Jews agitate and empower women, minorities, and anyone else and try and topple the host male elite, whom they desire to replace. That's what communism was, and to borrow a quote from Nietzsche... It was successful. There is no more European aristocracy, jews are the elite now, which is why it is imperative that we remove them, especially so they don't slaughter us like they did to the Russians when they took over following the jewish bolshevik coup there in 1917. Jews are sick, murderous people.

That's a fact. Sorry if it hurts your Christian sensibilities, but what the fuck are you doing worshipping a kike on a stick anyway. Well, you quoted the answer, bud.

Because you should

>they had this christian perspective of them as good people

That's fucking stupid, Christian never liked jews. Antisemitism wasn't new.

Also the more I read about what the jews suposedly did to Germany the less sense it makes. They were the capitalists bourgeois oppressing the average germans but they also tried to topple the governement with a communist uprising? They deliberatly ruined the country economies? (Never mind that every other countries was also hit by the depression). This is just paranoid fantasy.

>That's a fact. Sorry if it hurts your Christian sensibilities, but what the fuck are you doing worshipping a kike on a stick anyway. Well, you quoted the answer, bud.
No it's not. Christianity was adopted centuries before Charlemagne.

Not among the germanic tribes.

Who give a shit about these subhumans. Nietzsche was Polish anyway.

Germans are the most productive and innovative people on the planet.


To anyone who shares the opinion of this "progressive" autist feel free to observe third reich's case.
>hitler calls out jews on porn, degeneracy, banking systems, media propaganda
>hitler rises to power and removes jews from these positions
>all of the above disappears
>"b-but jews aren't responsible for those things you anti semite, how can a group of people control and have so much power"

How would you define Ubermensch based on him? You implying he's the incarnation of ubermensch?

Yeah, the jewish problem is transparent to those of us who have actually studied it. We know this is just what jews do to attack their host. Too bad so many whites are too lazy to look into it.

No need to lie, Hans, I know that behind this human mask of yours is the face of a beast so monstruous as to make every good natured people faint.

>banking system and media propaganda disappeared under nazis germany
>the retarded nazi paranoia wasn't utter degeneracy

Hitler could have become a hero that would ride the world of communism but instead he just fucked up his country and gave half of europe to the red, simply because he indulged in his schizoid fantasy.

No he wasn't. He larped as one. Polish nobility was the most corrupt and spoilt in all of Europe, they had so much freedom they essentially destroyed their own country out of sheer greed and narcissism. This freedom and power that polish nobles had is attracted Nietzsche.

>all of the above disappears

So I could trust a noble polish intellectuan or a bunch of teuton... hmm, yeah I know who I'm going to trust.

Which Germanic tribe? Goths and Anglos were Christian long before Charlemagne.

After hitler's rise, germany took over the banks from foreign (jew's) control and borrowed it's peoples money with no interests. He gave lands and work to german volk and promoted simplicity and honest living for life and true values.

they gotta be "progressive" and open minded cause the media and their highschool professors told them so

It's a literal undisputed fact that there are (((secret societies))) conspiring together.


Ah, so you're a polack, and thus not interested in reality. You're only interested in appropriating history as a means of negating your inferiority complex against the West. No serious scholar thinks Nietzsche was polish.

Because Wagner was one. Thus is bad and mean :(

And then he started several wars.

No serious GERMAN scholars.

You mean he payed out of the state pocket to have people works in army and arms factory along other socials programs, while using MEFO bills to secretly rearms itself. Germany's debts increased and the standard of living never went back to pre-depression level. A weaker country couldn't have applied the same policies as the nazis because they would have gone bankrupt much sooner (Germany was also about to become bankrupt) Part of why they invaded Poland was to steal their moneys.Hitler was an utter nigger who destroyed Europe.


>Jew boycott Nazi germany because it's openly antisemites and german jews are getting fucked for no good reason
>this completly justify the invasion of Europe in the mind of the /pol/tard

Find better arguments you antisemite.

>jews are getting fucked for no good reason
No good reason all 359 times jews have gotten kicked out. Always everyone else. Keep telling yourself that, schlomo. And read the link there

>why did Nietzsche hate
confirmed OP hasn't read Neatcheese

Reverting to insults already?

>read the link
>the link that claim pornography was invented by jews and didn't exist before the great war

Yeah, it sure doesn't sound like yet another resentful tirade against the jew.

Making child porn was one reason of many jews got run out of Germany. Jews are a very sick people who suffer from numerous genetic diseases due to inbreeding. It was a natural and healthy response for Germans to do what had been done so many times before, which was kick these sociopaths out.

source on that report?

>Claims Nietzsche was just ignorant even though antisemitic thought had been a mainstay of european culture for about a thousand years at that point.

The nazi economic recovery 1932-1938.

>making child porn
>Jews were the only one making child porns

Antisemitism is a mainstay wherever jews happen to be because jews are shitty people who do bad things then blame everyone else until they are forced out.


If they are such sick and inbred people how do they manage to have such a strong presence and influence in such a wide array of industries? Why didn't gypsies follow that same path since they're also "very sick people who suffer from numerous genetic diseases due to inbreeding"? Where's the gypsy Von Neumann, or Oppenheimer equivalent?

In-group selective pressures and a culture that tells them to make everything safe for jews. Their achievements are overstated due to nepotism and their high IQ is limited to verbal IQ though.

thinking about romani people wouldn't be a leisurely stroll of anthropological digression if they had high IQs. we'd have the "romani question" on our hands if they were smart and well-organized

the bull who fucked his waifu was jewish


Thank-you! Can't believe it took this long for someone to mention Wagner. Although Nietzsche greatly admired him for a long time, they had a serious falling out (can't remember the catalyst) and he began to hate everything associated with Wagner.

>Can't believe it took this long for someone to mention Wagner.
Because more than half the thread isn't even trying to answer the OP question.

>we'd have the "romani question" on our hands if they were smart and well-organized
The resentment can be felt through the screen and it's unbearable.

>itt people that never read any of his letters
He fucking hated antisemitism and constantly berated his sister for it. He ended his friendship with Wager, a man he deeply admired, because to Nietzsche, antisemitism was the lowest and most base mode of humanity which he refused to associate with.

>You mean he payed out of the state pocket to have people works in army and arms factory along other socials programs, while using MEFO bills to secretly rearms itself. Germany's debts increased and the standard of living never went back to pre-depression level

sounds like FDR

Weil es kleine Duckmäuser sind und damit ist alles gesagt.

What have the most so called successful Jews given to humanity? When you weigh out the positives and negatives it’s the latter which are far more prevalent. Look at Marx, Einstein and Freud. What have the given us? Communism, the atomic bomb and infantile sexuality. They’ve managed to impose their unnatural, materialistic views on practically the entire world. They are the antithesis of beauty.


>359 times Aryan societies allowed Jews to obtain their highest institutional ranks
What did they mean by this?

>Their achievements are overstated due to nepotism
They can't be overstated when they are such a small minority, is Google famous due to nepotism?

>and their high IQ is limited to verbal IQ though.
If that was the case, they'd have never created anything of value in scientific fields, these mental gymnastics are embarrassing

what no, I don't resent jews or romani people for that matter. I just think ethnic nepotism in politics, media and academia is a serious topic, not one to be hand-waved away at least

Because wise men live on mountaintops above politics and national concern. Leave that shit for the rabble.

Okay, but that user made a fair point. when you have a group of people with an extreme ingroup preference and a striking ability to chameleon and shuck and jive to assert themselves above the rest- does that not make them ubermensch? i'm not going to argue that it does because i'm not jewish. but it's interesting. Also, how can you approve of their mindset but hate them for being jewish? Certainly it is something about the ideology itself that manifests as this conquering will. i do not think they are separable.

The jew, as imagined by the antisemit, is everything the antisemit desire to be. Smarter, religious, convincing, rich, ready to die for their conviction, with a strong identity.

Hatred for the jew is often nothing more than pure jealousy.

I'm antisemitic and my main adjective for jews is 'irritating' followed maybe by 'hypocritical'

>Hatred for the jew is often nothing more than pure jealousy.
Which is usually a masking for self-hatred.

it's true i wish i could take advantage of the poor and stupid but i always feel bad

what about people who hate whites? are they jealous?


because they're weak and afraid of getting bullied by jews

nietzsche only criticized them for acting like christians. his big beef is with christians who replaced the value system of jews with their slave morality.

After frequenting /pol/ for a few months I found that those adjectives apply to them perfectly.

Just start doing it and you'll feel less and less bad.

Yes. If you listen to them enough you'll learn that they are angry that they weren't the one to enslave most of the world. Look at the blacks who desperatly claim that Africa would be just as advanced as Europe if the white man didn't come. Look at the fat women who state that they're perfectly fine in their body yet spend hours each days raving in fat acceptance groupes.

If you hate the elite, the people you see as being as the top, there is a good chance you also envy them. I'm reading the memo of Eliot Roger and that man was deeply frustrated by succesful men, as he saw them as both nemesis and ideals.

They are reactive.

>become dictator of a country
>you can now ban things you don't like
also hilarious how you think nazi germany didn't have media propaganda when they had a ministry that literally had "propaganda" in the name

So this is the power of /pol/tards...

>inverse cripple.png

Nietzsche dislikes Jews as a group, but not individuals.

>The prejudice existing is proof the prejudice must be justified

Nazi logic everyone

for now, in 20 years, they will be just another poor arabian country