Why are most Booktube videos so painful and cringe-inducing to watch...

Why are most Booktube videos so painful and cringe-inducing to watch? The teenaged girls and queer boys read nothing by YA and review the books they've read like they're on a sugar high, and the few older men who are the minority of Booktube come off as being super smug; not to mention that there are zero young men in their twenties or thirties. There are a small handful of young women who make good content, however those are few and far between and make sparse content. Is there anything redeeming about Booktube, potentially or otherwise?

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You should reflect a bit on why you're emotionally invested enough in this irrelevant shit that you felt the need to make a thread about it.

who are the smug ones and the women you label as making good content?

The smug ones are easy to find. As to the quality women, I'll keep that to myself.

> zero young men in their twenties or thirties

Better Than Food Book Reviews and ForTheLoveOfRyan are both young men in their twenties who review Veeky Forumserature.

it has to be this one

god, each time i hear that weeb intro song i laugh frantically

Well get off youtube, go read books, or go on a bicycle ride, or jerk off at a bus stop, or whatever and engage the world instead of attempting to watch others engage it.

check out Neil Griffiths, bb

Stripped Cover Lit is decent, but the guy is too busy autofellating himself half the time.

>Why are most Booktube videos so painful and cringe-inducing to watch? The teenaged girls and queer boys read nothing by YA and review the books they've read like they're on a sugar high, and the few older men who are the minority of Booktube come off as being super smug; not to mention that there are zero young men in their twenties or thirties.
then don't watch them you stupid nigger holy fuck

This upset me

Because most YouTube videos are.

I've never seen one. Why the fuck would I sit there and watch some kid ramble nonsensically about books they don't understand when I can read literature or critical articles instead? Are they nude or something?

this guy is trying too hard to be that guy that's always on /tv/

bookchemist too

good god

bookchemist is hilarious, love him


Because he wants to watch book reviews from someone who isn't unbearable?

>Why do movie reviewers watch mostly fun, modern films, why don't they circlejerk over citizen cane and Kubrik over and over?

Because Kubrik is a hack and Citizen Kane isn't as good of a movie that everyone makes it out to be.

Why should anyone help you?