Pretty good read but

Pretty good read but

>commits murder and rape because of racism

That's not how human agency works, Wright. Try again.

Other urls found in this thread:

>knowing the sociological reason why you commit crime means that you can't do it


>agency can exist under oppression
Try again opee

>dude these people are racist therefore im justified in murdering anyone

This basically the ultimate negro mentality. From Wright to Fanon, they all have it.

Wrong, nazi. Access to white resources, white institutions, white culture, and, above all, white people and communities is a fundamental human right shared by everybody on the planet except whites. Blacks were historically denied this human right to white achievements, which means they are permitted to rape and kill as many people as they feel fit

This is called justice

>sociological reason why you commit crime
Made me a smidge more crypto-fascist

Are you incapable of detecting the literary devices known as irony and satire? Did you think Jonathan Swift was actually promoting baby eating?

Why whitey goin to the moon?

>Did you think Jonathan Swift was actually promoting baby eating?
Ahahah, o-of course not!
*puts baby steak away*

Holy shit that's not the point the book is trying to make. Is this a literature board? How the fuck can you guys be functionality illiterate

It's admittedly hard to sympathize with Bigger because of the incredibly fucked up shit he did, but that white girl was using him as a play-thing in a way that could've easily gotten him killed.

Not defending the fact he murdered her, but she put his life at risk just to appear to be some woke special white girl along with her soyboy boyfriend

>I'm not ACTUALLY racist, I was just being ironic

>Not being lowkey racist here and there

Was the lawyer's novel-length rant supposed to be satirical as well?

Yeah, the premise was so far fetched I stopped reading.

"Racism is bad because it'll make black people accidentally kill white people rather than get caught putting them in their beds after dark when they're drunk."

anyone else a strategic racist? I don't give a shit about muh white race or iq, but I can sense the coming of the neoliberal globohomo new world order, driven by a quasi religious egalitarian ideology, mass disarment, and surveillance tech. And I don't like it one bit. As a Nietzchean edgelord, I feel compelled to make total war against the state whatever that entails.

I was an ancap crypto edgelord who got radicalized by the Trump campaign. I went from Rothbard to Hoppe and Gottfried and beyond to Foucault, Claestres, and SIEGE.

it's autism my boy. Highly sophisticated and irregular but autism nonetheless

A fellow Deleuzian reactionary I see.



I didn't say it was justified. I said human agency and the knowledge of where they fall on an ideological system doesn't stop people from committing crimes.

Deleuze and Guattari were , in the last analysis, too bogged down in the stirated terrain of old Europe. Charles Manson on the other hand, the schizo nomadic multiplicity haunting the American wasteland, walls cannot contain him: he's already out here.