What does Veeky Forums think of this as a First Chapter to a novel?

What does Veeky Forums think of this as a First Chapter to a novel?

>thinking we won't recognize houellebecq

I mean to ask, what do you think of this as a First Chapter?

What's your opinion of it?

I have some grammatical and syntactic edits, firstly. Secondly, I feel like you're telling too much and not showing enough, although the content is not my taste at all.

Who is your target audience?

The target audience is Veeky Forums autists desu

Which edits would you make?

>grammatical and syntactic edits
>I feel like you're telling too much and not showing enough

Jesus Christ, I don't have any stake in this particular piece but I feel compelled to say that this is the stupidest shit anyone can say about anything. You may as well wear a shirt that says "psued" on the front and back.

>I feel like you're telling too much and not showing enough

christ. go back to the 7th grade.

I legit thought this was something some Veeky Forums half-/pol/ wrote.
If it's really Houellebecq, that's a fucking let-down.

Also, OP here.

Here are some thoughts about what the chapter is "about", or what it subtly communicates:

>some stupid bitch
The narrator is obviously a male, and not one who is narrating from a neutral perspective.

>absurdity of her behaviour
The word may be a reference to existentialism, since the book itself is in part a nod to The Stranger, plot-wise.

>voices appeared to come from on high [...] like the Holy Ghost's
A subtle reference to the book's thesis, which is that following the death of god (and much else) women now occupy a more superior position in society and can choose to overlook characters like the narrator, and also define what is "normal" or suitable for the workplace (in this instance, a slutty costume).

>thrown up on the moquette
The narrator is literally sickened by what he sees.

>lost my car keys
Cars are an important symbol for H. In this book he loses his car or, rather, his "drive" / "libido". The loss is discussed at length in a way that is itself absurd, unless we are to interpret the car as symbolizing as something more than simply a vehicle.

>I'd lost my car

The book was rejected dozens of times but became a cult classic in France selling 20,000 copies shortly after its release. It is only 31k words in length.

I really hope this isn't Houellebecq because I've never read him and was hoping he was actually good

If this is you, OP, you don't understand grammar

It's the beginning of L'extension du domaine de la lutte, I guess in English it's called 'Whatever'.

This book is actually good and you faggots are just a bunch of patethic bastards.

It's the English translation of Houellebeq's debut novel, Extension of the Domain of the Struggle.

>waah waah waah

>I really hope this isn't Houellebecq because I've never read him and was hoping he was actually good
This is an embarrassing statement. Not only do you admit to not reading, but also having preconceived ideas of authors before you even read anything by them! Welcome to Veeky Forums, enjoy your stay!

>I've read everything by everyone ever

fuck off. I haven't read every Pynchon novel either, is that okay with you?

>300 000 words

YOOOOOOOOOOOOO y'all niggas need to calm the fuck down with the houellebecq criticism. this is his first novel and the translation is very well-known to be utter garbage. he insultingly titled the fucking book 'Whatever' when the actual translation is 'The Extension of the Domain of Struggle'

hoeullebecq is fantastic. but this book aint his best. and the english translation just destroys it.

31 thousand
150 pages


The book IS fantastic. It's a short, angry, clear-sighted, humorous depiction of two men completely at odds with the modern Western world. Whether you "like" the characters or not, the story hit a nerve with a lot of people and made Wellbeck an almost overnight sensation.

>not reading it in French
>being this American

Wew I never knew houellebecq was so terrible