Can you guys recommend me some books on racial homogeneity and race mixing...

Can you guys recommend me some books on racial homogeneity and race mixing? I'm genuinely interested in the pros and cons both scientifically and philosophically of a society engaging in race mixing. I'm not looking for propaganda material or anything biased, just something so I can look from an outside perspective.

Other urls found in this thread:


>the negro has a confrontational face
why is this always the case?

>ching chong looks like she is ready to roundhouse your head off
>stacey lookin basic as fuck what else is new

thank you

>I'm not looking for propaganda material or anything biased
then literally why make this thread, on this site

Higher testosterone. There's a reason blacks dominate nearly every sport on Earth and aggressively pursue our women.


"A Troublesome Inheritance" by Nicholas Wade is an engaging, evenhanded look at genetics. Lots of popular blank slate assumptions are challenged, and it's presented apolitically.

There are no pros of race mixing.

link to pdf on REPORT
ON THE HUMAN GENOME AND HUMAN RIGHTS. Basically, the "New Eugenics" thing.


Godamn imagine actually being a nigger

Here are some studies:

Was there ever any race mixing in the Redwall books? I don't think there was.

Back to your containment board

>blacks dominate every sport
what do you know fuckwit? you dont watch any sport for what I can tell

>Aggressively pursue our women

Lol my man it's the other way around. Black men only like white girls because they're more submissive than blacks and Latinas. Aggressive pursuit though? Uhh no it's more like they fetishize us and that makes it really easy to hook up with them. Nice try though.

They only dominate sports related to lower body mass. That'S why you wont find any black heavy lifters. Due to their race higher bone density they are also horrible swimmers, literally called, "sinkers", so no blacks there as well. You also don't have to look in gymnastics or tennis aka where quick reactions (brainz) are necessary, there it's either chinks or the white man.

Blacks are literaly only good at running (from their responsibilities).

>Blacks are literaly only good at running


Why don't you just post something from AtlantaBlackStar, my dude.

Those are african americans, aka hybrids of west african and whites. If you speak about blacks, you will have to stick to blacks and not use hybrids which have been unironically selected as strong farm animals.

I fucking hate these thinly veiled /pol/ threads. The notion of race has long been extinct in any academic discipline, it only exists in... racism.

I hate when people fall for easy bait.
For the same reason the native looks benevolent and the white looks passive/dumb as fuck.

Nope, only in the west race is supressed due to specific people. Race is real.

Ah, like clockwork some alt right fagtron comes along with some conspiracy. I don't care for your irrelevant fringe scientists. People are genetically too diverse to discern a race clearly. The fact that race is not used anywhere in science anymore is a simple consequent of this, not the product of some 'surpression'.

Dont even need to. Best boxers are ""black""
And regarding the mediocre theories above and your mediocre nomenclature, there is NO white race, black race or yellow race. The """white""" race seen as united in the mediocre books is more """race""""mixed of all races. And the boundaries of what is called white or black are outdated. The """white""" Stalin is closer to a Mongolian than an Englishman. The """"white"""" Botsaris is closer to a Northern African than Sandinavian, and so on. The """purer""" a person is, the less developed.
That's why America is one of the best nations and remote untouched pure islanders all around not.

Like clockwork, judging a science and a book by it's cover instead of giving it a fair rational chance. Race is as real as it can be. Which is why you need specific donors in medicine and mixed race people die mostly because of lacking one with a specific mix. Anybody in madeicine would laugh at you denying race.

>west race
Now i now you are bullshitting
Why not say "Fat race" or "Weeaboo race"

>The """white""" race seen as united in the mediocre books is more """race""""mixed of all races.
Na, it's all clusters. Mixing only happens at ethnic borders. Whites aka indo-euopeans don't have black admixture and for the most part besides the east not even mongoloid ones. Just like the subsahran blacks don't have neanderthal admixture.

Race isn't clear cut but clear enough for everyone to know what we are talking about.

t. eastern european with mongo admixture so spare be your 56% speech

>only in the west
> race is supressed

Anyone in medicine understands that different genetic groups are something else than there being a 'white' 'black' 'Asian' race. Race was invented in colonial times to justify oppression, this is a historical fact. Yes, some countries and groups of people are more intelligent, but the notion of race itself is a reduction to the infinitely complex variety in genes. If you'd do a DNA test, you'd realize you probably carry a whole range of genes from different parts of the world. People have been 'race mixing' for centuries, hell, the early Homo sapiens even mixed with Neanderthals.

>Anyone in medicine understands that different genetic groups are something else than there being a 'white' 'black' 'Asian' race
Those are just the mayor clusters due to ancient mixing of proto humans like the denisovian man or the neanderthal man. It's like differentiating fruits from vegetables.

>e. Race was invented in colonial times to justify oppression
Even the ancients egyptians knew what race is my dude.

>Yes, some countries and groups of people are more intelligent
Funny, that wasn't even the topic. But if you go about IQ you have to call the asians the oppressors, as they are the most intelligent ones.

>If you'd do a DNA test, you'd realize you probably carry a whole range of genes from different parts of the world.
I did, it's literally pure indo-europeans with a 2% or mongo due to the known history in my region. Having an actually heavily mixed outcome is very very rare and mostly only the case in heavily mixed countries like turkye or america.

>People have been 'race mixing' for centuries, hell, the early Homo sapiens even mixed with Neanderthals.
You don't see many Neanderthals around these days. In germany they call it "Aus dem Leben gefickt", which translates to "fucked out of existance".

>it's literally pure indo-europeans
What is the ``IE`` haplogroup then?

No. That's off-limits circa BCY 1

r1a, most concentrated in Poland due to the Völkerwanderung. Which matches me.

It is a nationalist myth that multiethnicism is some new phenomenon. In the Roman empire for example, there was constant migration. There is a lot of archeological evidence of there being northern Africans in Brittannia, mostly soldiers and officers. These soldiers married later and created offspring etc. The notion of a race being dominant in one country was invented in the 19th century as part of nationalist discourse. Nation states were places where a 'nation' (used interchangebly from 'race' at the end of the 19th century, before this the German term 'Rasse' was more close to 'people' i.e. a nonethnic distinction) had a unique history and a unique destiny. The Roman had no notion of race and could not have considered race mixing to be a thing. Being Roman was a civic distinction. Romans also did not think low of Sub-saharan (black) people (who they rarely saw anyway). A Roman patrician from north Africa would have had absolutely no problem marrying his daughter to a Roman officer from Britain, even if there would be a difference in skin color.

Roman identities revolved around their city, their religion, their civic status (were they Roman citizens or not) etc. Literally anyone could become Roman and the Romans actively handed out Roman citizenship to non-Romans on different historical occasions.

So, according to you, this man is not white
His haplogroup originates from Eastern Africa, not Iran. Not an IE haplogroup

You're a goddamn retard. Indo-European are a wide array of people ranging from European (white) people to Persians and different groups in (ancient) India. You literally have no idea what you are talking about and you were unable to interpet your own DNA test correctly. This is hilarious actually.

Funny how every empire going multicultural has gone to shit due to it beeing a end sign of a weakening people, which is best seen in greek egypt and the end of rome.

It was born as multicultural you retard.
It being destroyed from Christianity or corruption is more compelling than what you are saying

"White" is an american concept, I only used it because I didn't think anyone of you even would understand. Nobody in europe uses it.

Regarding that man, he could be a nealithic farmer, but I'm not that great at physical anthropology, especially not without a side pic for head and facial shape.

Needs more info.

Funny how you reply to literally nothing in my post while posing some untruths which anyone with any academic knowledge would laugh about. Roman Empire fell for a thousand reasons and German invasions were one of them. The Roman Empire was extremely multiethnic, and this was mostly in thr Eastern part of the Empire. Their have never been monoethnic empires, it is a contradictio in terminis.

I miss old Veeky Forums, the quality of posts in this thread are so extremely low it is embarrassing

>end of egypt because everyone just coming in and taking out a piece because no ethnic ruling class
>end of rome where literal brabarians fucking it up after the roman people have ceased to keep up their will to life and power
My dude, you are talking out of Gibbon Ideology. There is no funtional multiculturalism beyond neighboring tribes.

Funny how my point still stands that no multicultural empire ever prevailed, and so the sam thing already happens to america and europe.

>picture of people with different skin colours
>the Egyptians knew what race was my dude
Please be trolling.

>no multicultural empire ever prevailed
How can an empire NOT be multicultural
God poltards are retarded

Read any book on evolution and you'll learn race-mixing stops it.

The Ottoman Empire, the Mughal Empire, the Russian Empire, the Abbasid Caliphate, the Eastern Roman (Byzantian) Empire. Literally if you would open a history book you would see that empires have ALWAYS been multicultural. In the Ottoman Empire for example was a 'millet' system where Armenian, Orthodox Christians and Jews were allowed to have their own religious and cultural dominion and a special legal status. The Ottoman Empire grew out to become one of the biggest empires of modern times and they even conquered half of Europe. Any empire HAD TO BE multicultural in order to survive. I honestly cannot grasp the fact that people do not have this basic historical knowledge.

Imperialism, by its very definition, subjugates one people/culture in favor of another...are you just pretending to Ben retarded?

>The notion of a race being dominant in one country
it's not a notion you worthless fucking lefty, it's a fact. ethnic stratification is a real thing. look at brazil, look at india, look at mexico, look at any fucking nation. we'll remain """mutlicultural""" as long as there's not too much ethnic conflict but there's a tipping point in any battle for demographic superiority

I love these stupid academic exercises because that's totally how the real world works. the rotherham gang didn't target white girls because they had a perfect definition of whiteness, they did it because "all white girls are good for is sex, and they are just slags." malema isn't confiscating white farms in south africa because he looked at the data and pondered the haplogroups, he's doing it because "we must ensure that we restore the dignity of our people without compensating the criminals who stole our land."

Right? At least someone with basic knowledge in this thread

Please, name one empire in history that tried to impose its culture and only its own culture on all its subjects and succeeded. It does not exist. You cannot subjugate a wide variety of religions and not be constantly battling rebellion and dissent.

History in the head of a /pol/ tard is such an infantile fantasy.

No, thats not the definition of Imperialism
Not even of cultural one
>Cultural imperialism comprises the cultural aspects of imperialism. Imperialism here refers to the creation and maintenance of unequal relationships between civilizations, favoring the more powerful civilization. Thus, cultural imperialism is the practice of promoting and imposing a culture, usually that of a politically powerful nation, over a less powerful society, but not the destruction of that culture

>the Ottoman Empire
Yes, the turks are highly mixed and have an avreage IQ near the potato plant unable to keep up a stable goverment without tiranny. Great example. Not even Atatürk could really help them.

No one in the scientific community gives two shits about the concept of "race" in terms of breeding. The only people who do do so out of less-than-wholesome motives, that is to say, "prove" their preconceived biases.

A notion can also be a fact. You also did not respond to my basic arguments and resorted to name calling.

Just admit you are a racist and you need history to justify it, not the other way around.

The Ottoman Empire is not the same as Turkey, and I named a few more other empires.

Hey, what about the British empire? Did they try to make all inhabitants drink tea and read Shakespeare?

/pol/tards live in their own bubble and it is fascinating to look at

Literally every single one. The existence of the former culture does not mean an alien culture was not imposed on it, you absolute mong.

to you it's nothing more than a notion because you have been brain fucked by neoliberal think tanks to favor a political system built on nothing more than than the good feelings you get from looking at a a united colors of benetton ad

the fact that you don't think you'll be ruled by endogamic ethnic elites in this brave new world of global brazilification is fucking funny

>what about the British empire
Yeah, what about the Sharia legalized Britannia getting flooded with the third world unable to prosecute child rpaist because they might look racist. Yeah, a trully great example.

This is blatantly untrue. There have numerous miscegenation studies revolving around genetic effects produced by mixing of "races". You don't even have to be a poltard to admit that one mate

You are unironicallt proving my point here. In the land that is now Turkey until 1923 (founding of Turkish state) there was a wide variety of Greeks, Armenians, Jews and Balkan people living in what is now Turkey. After nationalist revolts these people mostly fled and Turkey became monoethnic while oppression minorities like Kurds. Turkey literally stopped being multiethnic and multicultur al when it ENDED being an empire. How can you be this dense.

>Literally every single one
LMAO no. Tell me ONE empire that imposed and succeeded to impose its culture to all of its inhabitants
GOD this post is retarded

My sides, dude.

Name one then, please name one

Haha great rebuttal dude.


Its funny how despite this pic being in front page of /pol/, poltards are the ones that use logical fallacies the most

Yah buddeh the fact that half of Africa and all of South America is Christian has nothing to do with an Empire imposing its culture (religion) on another culture. Yah everyone just decided to be Christian in Rome after Constantine, there wasn't a state mandated religion or anything. Yeah buddy Balkan states converted to Islam out of their own volition, nothing to do with Ottoman repression and the jizya. And that's just the religious example. Care to admit you've been BTFOd now, son?

The funny thing is, in Rome's case for example, IS LITERALLY THE OPPOSITE RETARD
Christianity wasnt part of Roman ruling elite culture, but 1/5 of its population, and christians were more submissive, thats why Constantine made it official religion.

Islam is not culture, but simply a religion. ALL Balkan muslim population retained its language and culture, but vaguely following Islam
And the main reason, for example, Bosnians chose Islam, is to not be assimilated by Serbs or Croats of the time
Nice """"""BTFO"""""" sonny

>but 1/5 of its population, and christians were more submissive, thats why Constantine made it official religion
>tfw a minority will still be able to fuck up your nation due to multiculturalism

>Islam is not culture
>ftw religion isn't just the social guidelines of a culture resulting from the people and its habitat
>ftw the coran isn't mainly a cultural law beeing even more politics than religious

How can a person fuck up their own arguments that much.

Notice I said AFTER Constantine? The greater population was converted. I don't know how this is debatable. Did Christendom just randomly spring up? I suppose it's a coincidence all Gallic an Germanic nations became Christian during this time. Why are you so retarded?
As for the Islam thing, if you seriously believe Islam is just a religion does not contain cultural trappings, neck yourself. I know you don't seriously think that, you're just desperately trying to save face in this argument.
Also I noticed you didn't respond to my African and Sourh American example.
Wanna try again?

I wonder who made this thread and what was the purpose behind it haha

How can you say it is imposing its culture when it doesnt succeed imposing its language and laws
Koran law wasnt even followed in certain places. For example Albania used Dukagjin kanun

AS I said religion itself was not a culture of elite, but just a mean to keep the masses under control, which still failed. ""Christianity""" in different places has a different form. In Bolivia is almost paganism, same in some African places.

They bred cats, classes (incest) and races.

What are you arguing against? Nobody here is denying cultures do not get imposed from above which is the reason we speak Roman languages and not Celtic in Europe, the reason why Christianity is dominant etc. My point is that the reality was (as historical and archeological inquiry proves countless times) much more complex. Early Christianity was fused with local cult traditions in the Empire, like gnoticism, hermeticism and the Isis cult. Countless papyri have shown different prayers to 'Jesus' the son, 'Isis the mother', 'God the Father etc.' Also in early Islam, Islam was mostly regarded as an elite religion for the Arab ruling class. The spread of religion, in the case of early Islam and early Christianity, was an extremely slow process. (It took more than 3 centuries for Christianity to become state religion in an Empire where only a small minority was actually Christian). Also one religion does not make for one culture. Islam was so succesful in spreading because of its adaptability to a diversity of cultures. A variety of cultures were Islamic, but this did not make it monocultural. This is basic AP history and I am surprised so few people know this here

Why are racialists so easly btfod in this thread? Not even a single convincing argument.

>it doesnt succeed imposing its language and laws
Britain has a parallel legal law aka the sharia going. It looks like Islam is a pretty well functioning culture so far in terms of expnsion. You only need to read the biographie of Mohammed to know what his intention was with the koran.

How can I rape you if I don't even get you pregnant?

Because it is a dogmatic religion, their hatred for other "races" is irrational and emotional. This is why these ideas can only be found on fringe places on the internet and are condemned in main stream culture.

What is the difference between a /pol/tard and an ISIS jihadi? I think not much

>racial homogeneity and race mixing

Just read Lovecraft my man.

You can impose a culture. Even before mass psychology these things happened. However, you seem to believe that it has to be total in order to succeed. The level of conversion you talk about sounds like total genocide to me.

It's telling how you people alwys think race realism is based on hate. Nobody here hates on blacks or chinks, on the contrary both have been given credit in mind and physique. Accepting differences is just that, realism instead of an ideology os sameness. This whole boasitic nonsense is the actual domagogic religion. But you one can't argue with those which have been already indoctrinated.

Nice false cause man

>Constantine: Hey everyone, I am a Christian and you should be one too!
>Every Roman: Okay let's be Christians!
>And after this, everyone in the Roman Empire was a Christian
You really believe this?

Rome was quite able to defeat the pagans in order to impose Christianity on itself.

>Nobody here hates on blacks or chinks, on the contrary both have been given credit in mind and physique.
Okay this is a 100% certain troll

I'm out

>I'm out
Knocked out.

Well, I for one don't. I just see the differences and genetic clusters and accept those broad categories insetad of chimping ot claiming you argue out of "hate". My motivtion is mostly curiosity for this pavlovian reaction. But I have to admit I'm not really /pol/.

There is no broad definition. There is no white, black or yellow
You can divide them in Mediterrenean, Eastern European, Western Asian, Central Asian etc(even then it wouldnt be that homogenous), but such terms as white, black, yellow etc are outdated

It must be really confusing for you Americans and Europeans trying to identify with a certain ethnicity, since you guys are like a mutt of different races. Us East Asians literally have a single blood line that probably descended from some old Chinese dynasty. Our culture is so traditional that marrying outside your race is seen as a disgrace. My family is 100% pure Korean, not a single outside race. We descended from the Northern Chinese dynasty that emigrated to Korea. If I even think about marrying an outsider my family will probably look at me with disgust and shame. I've fucked a ton of white and latina bitches though. Would never marry them. Good times.

Recommendation 3 suggests the introduction of sharia council regulation via the creation of a state body that:
* includes specialist family lawyers and sharia council members;
* has a code of practice for sharia councils to accept and implement;
* monitors compliance of sharia councils

Again, false cause, not even related to the argument

Your shitty image is leaving out the master race, /pol/tard.

Yeah that's my point mate. That's an imposition of culture...if that's your position we are more or less in agreement, but some other retarded user was arguing that "Empires don't impose culture" which is retarded. The existence of other cultures does not mean they are not subjugated by the larger culture. I never claimed that "one" homogeneous culture is necessary, only that there is necessarily a hierarchy, which you seem to agree with.