Harold Bloom

He is the savior Veeky Forums desperately needs. In fact, Veeky Forums should have a sticky that simply says READ BLOOM CUNT and a list of his works. It doesn't matter where you start, really; just a taste of Bloom and you lot will instantly stop posting the absolutely fucktarded nonsense that pollutes the catalog. It struck me while I was reading his latest book, The Daemon Knows, that Bloom becoming a meme here would unfuck this board. Even though the book is largely just a personal account of what he considers "the American sublime" and "the daemon" (spoiler: the daemon is essentially American inspiration).

Bloom would also serve as an instant jolt of awareness to people who come to this board earnestly looking to learn about literature. With Bloom, they can skip the b8 and not waste their time on the likes of Jordan Memerson/the self help crew, nor will they waste precious moments of life being trolled by the school of resentment. Veeky Forums is lost because it has no beacon guiding it to an appreciation of aesthetics.

This is a pro-Bloom thread about making Veeky Forums a pro-Bloom board.

Other urls found in this thread:


most of Veeky Forums is pro-Bloom and has only become moreso with the /pol/ invasion. this is the only positive quality they bring to the board, so long as they don't figure out he's jewish they might do some good yet.

>he's jewish

>old liberal, jewish, agnostic boomer mad at his liberal co-workers for being slightly more liberal than him

Bloom is just a massive pseud. His adulation of Shekel Speer smells like bullshit from its very beginning, he's just faking pathos in order to gain reputation from the plebs.

No one in academia takes him seriously. He's even less respected than Peterson in his field.

For everything that is not "muh shakespeare" he sucks.

He's a better public figure than critic. I've given him multiple tries because of his stature and "expertise" on writers I'm interested in. His essays are a fucking mess compared to other critics. Beyond the rambling, ultraviolet prose, he can't go a page without bringing in some archaic source like Freud into the mix or making some bombastic claim with a Capitalized Important Thing for emphasis.

>Bloom becoming a meme

>can't write for shit
>the savior Veeky Forums desperately needs

yep, checks out

I love the Bloomster but this is right.

This is not true, the opposite is. Before a lot of people like myself just assumed he was white when he's really a jew and therefore shouldn't be in the position he is to "critique" our culture.

>literary criticism is dead and everyone involved is a brainlet or ideologue t. bloom
>surprised that the people who are still shilling the zombie of criticism hate him

gee what a story mark. it's absurd to deny his influence in the mid 20th century, even if it wasn't massive. it's almost like the reason I made this thread is that I think he's good anyway and a solution to this board's terminal shitposting. but that would require an original thought and not parroting zombies.

Isn't Harold Bloom the guy from Ulysses?


What Veeky Forums needs is literary history and theory in general. The deepest discussions of those matters are mostly people being triggered by The Death of the Author and putting every ancient Greek book on a "le start with le greeks" chart.

Imagine being so deracinated - so low among God's creations - that you'd entrust your cultural riches to some sniveling old Hebrew?

That old kike charlatan shouldn't have a say in the western canon. He, like so many of his co-ethnics, is a born huckster. He picks clean the bones of this civilization. He doesn't enrich anyone's intellectual life.

Look at that sniveling Semitic face! Ha! He ought to be peddling broken pottery on the back of camel. His people are vulgar and commercial, and they'll never understand aesthetics. If you haven't realized this, you've got a lot more reading and observing to do.

idpol is not aesthetics

This is true.

That's not true. If you watch other Yale lectures, many of the professors reference Bloom. Also, he has his own department, so naturally he won't be publishing with many other people since he has exiled himself.

Also, many times has Bloom admitted that his criticism will doubtless have many blunders, just like every major critic. Whether you agree with everything he says or not, very few have read as widely as him, and reading his work allows you to view literature from that vantage point. At the very least it is valuable to see what someone who has read so much his to say about any given work. People who say he is a pseud have contributed nothing to the canon and haven't read even a fraction of what he has.

I do hate his personality I think it reflects badly on his work.
He is not a grumpy old man who is unhappy with how things became. If you read his work or more than that read what others said about him, those who met him, you will realise that he was a "that guy" ever since his youth. A proto fedora-wellachtually-neckbeard.

His Western Canon while obvious with its selective biases ought be pushed forward as it is a fine and accessible jumping point for those interested in literature.

No. Bloom comes with a big asterisk being a jew. You personally may not understand how jews are but that's your own fault for being lazy and unresourceful (or more likely just 17 and retarded). While he could certainly have done more harm than he has, Bloom has still advanced the work of non-whites and furthered the general zeitgeist, and this is simply unacceptable from a literary perspective that isn't blinded by post 60s jewish multiculturalist ideology. Other members of his tribe involved in the literary world have done far worse to our literary traditions, but the only praise Bloom deserves in relation to them derives from being comparatively benign, which in itself is not high praise. He should and will be in time pushed to the back and remembered as someone who as a foreign critic never had any business pretending to be a guardian of our culture.

Boy, you sure do hate the kikes.

Nobody should read one of the dullest literary critics in the history of literary criticism. Seriously each critique following the western canon and contemporary publishing as he frabricates assorted complaints has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy reviews, Bloom's only consistency has been his lack of excitement and ineffective use of "scathing" remarks, all to make the medium uninteresting, to make the written word seem inert.

The kikes hate whites. That's the problem, it's not the other way around.

You are probably just insufferable to be around

wow thanks for making that clear, everybody wanted to hear that

Bloom got me into Don Quixote. It was worth it.

>..the daemon is essentially American inspiration
though Emerson's certainly a favored source in this book, I don't think the Daemon of the title is essentially either American or even inspiration.
the Daemon is rather an alien source of unexplainable know-how that is able to achieve work(s) beyond the writer's self-conscious capacities. not so much 'inspiration' as an in-spirit-ation. not a muse inspiring but a daemon possessing. What seems to be required in order to gain ITS ACCESS TO (YOU) (as opposed to your access to it) is a kind of ironic self-trust NOT to trust 'yourself'. the book's almost a plausible re-working of the very notion of 'inspiration,' though not outright. It hearkens back to the GREAT Bloom The Anxiety of Influence initiated back in the early 70's and that lasted up until The Breaking of the Vessels (early 80's).
Wonderful book that essently concludes after a lifetime's literary experience- Who the fuck really knows what's going on when it comes to great literature, or even marginally astute criticism? which I found refreshing, if not *essentially* true. I mean, who does?

They figured out he's jewish. It's over. Thanks a lot user

Bloom has had his days, and they were great, but he is old now and his best work is far, far behind him. The Visionary Company was 1961. Romanticism and Consciousness was 1970. The Anxiety of Influence was 1973. A Map of Misreading was 1975. Even The Western Canon was 1994, and The Anatomy of Influence, his most recent work worth noting, is largely self-referential (I'm ignoring his religious criticism for this post). And though his cultural intelligence is wonderful, it's getting dated too, though is psychological perception is still sharp. Bloom has successfully championed the secular religion of literature, and fought for the continuing relevance of tradition and canon against opponents both worthy and absurd. He has nothing left to prove, but he's not the voice of the future, and he's not perfect: his idolatry leads him to rash claims: when he argues that Shakespeare "invented" vivid complex characters and personality, it leads him to dismiss Homer, Sophocles, Euripides, Virgil, Ovid or Petrarch in a breath, and to ignore all the other stuff the Bard offers (plot, genre, action, history, politics, law, religion, etc.). It's like Joseph Campbell's unshakeable idea that romance was invented by medieval minstrels, or Bloom's dismissal of all critical schools he doesn't care for as "The School of Resentment." The man walked out of Yale's English department in a huff back 42 years ago, and since teaches and writes alone, doing what he likes and ignoring the rest.

This, desu.

the irony is that if you're gonna go full utilitarian culture warrior, bloom is your kike #ally. as an old school kabbalist and defender of the hwhite man's culture ("You know, there are certain inescapable books that I really do feel all of us should read as early as possible. What does education mean if it does not expose children and young people to Shakespeare and Cervantes and Dante?...But unfortunately what is called 'multiculturalism' in the United States never means Cervantes. It doesn't mean replacing a writer in English by Cervantes...It means fifth-rate work by people full of resentment, who happen to be women, or who happen to be Chicano or Puerto-Rican, or who happen to be African-American, and they are by no means the best writers who are African-American, or women, or so on. They are simply the most resentful and the most ideological. The function of an education is not to make people feel good about themselves, or to confirm their sense of division, of being in one group rather than another." ) he is a dinosaur stuck in the 50s, which is where you /pol/weenies really want to be versus the meme ethnostate that would be just as shit for people like you than 2018's reality for different reasons

Bloom's a non-entity. I don't care for Mccarthy but whenever Bloom talks about him he makes sure to mention that Mccarthy is derivative. As if all writers aren't derivative. As if his buddy Pynchon hasn't made a career out of slapping the worst of Joyce and Nabokov together.

>all this impotent rage at a difference in opinion


da jooos

even if you don't like bloom because academia doesn't, he's a gateway drug to actual literature instead of fucking bookshelf threads. nothing will launch a 20 year old retard into serious inquiry of literature like this old faggot with an encyclopedic knowledge of canon ranting about how everything sucks now. if you're really stuck so hard on the credentialism ride, he *is* still teaching at yale, just as a pariah now

yeah, I'm thinking bloom's back

>send your haters into hysterics just by existing
i wish i was a jew like harold desu

nothing makes me feel more like a loser than watching these lectures from tier 1 universities and seeing those kids attend class. I wish i could have known this feeling when i was 14 and prevented it from happening now.

Ever tried putting yourself in the shoes of someone else to see how they would feel from your actions?

it really is an added bonus

not only is he the zestiest critic alive, but once other >critics are done screaming about his ideas, others can yell WOW WHAT A FUCKING JEW

two birds

empathy = virtue is a shit meme. the implication that understanding causes an enlightened (and thus liberal) point of view can gtfo

this is bait plz you niggers stop responding holy shit

what's bait? that shitty post or the thread? either way you seem to have defeated your own purpose. also in this poe's law world we live in now, you can never claim bait

bumping the bloom thread can only be a good thing

i want to learn yiddish so i can visit old man bloom and entertain him with conversation in his mother tongue

I'm surprised he isn't somehow fucking dead yet, by all rights his "reader lifestyle" of being an NYC yid who has never seen an exercise and eaten >whatever happens to be present and relevant (my quote of the non-consciousness of DYELs), should mean he's ascended to the halfway-in-The-Void old people headspace. but he still taught up until a few years ago, and now he is lecturing students over skype (the absolute state of yale)

kike genetics wins again

where will you be when bloom is kill

me: posting in the sticky

I really like Harold Bloom. A great teacher communicates a great passion. When I read Harold Bloom I just want to dive into Shakespeare and swim in it forever.

Besides being the English teacher I never had, he helped me realize the danger of having a primarily political orientation to the world. For that I am deeply grateful.

This is the only book I have with any of his writing. Might be the next book I read.

>jew shit

>nip shit

the jews should come out with some formulaic hypersexualized cartoons to win over all the low iq kekbois

they don't need to, anime makes you less intelligent emotionally and will stifle creativity. People who watch lots of it have the worst kind of taste in everything, just look at the diction of an anime fag even if they do STEM, its atrocious. Anime threads are filled with broken english, spics, low iq whites and homosexuals. Its a kind of soft eugenics

You could argue that in the 90's it had some merit for bringing the mind of the westerner out of its calcified prison, the corpse of 20th century white culture could be lifted off the growing spirit of the viewer for a small interval and the pure forms of idealist shinto-buddhism pour through into their souls but at this point, especially with the fan service, the universal american dubs, the serialized shows, the homofaggot undertones (just look at Shinji for the early roots of this), the hentai its nonexistent.

People think anime is fascist, is radical, is marxist or perhaps something Faustian but its really the worst kind of corporate utilitarianism, they took the beauty of Japanese futurism, religion and paranoia (reflected in their rich demonology, grimoire style literature) turning it into a cheap experience for sugar poisoned american/jap goblin spawn. Its dead like the bible and the crown

I like you.

There won't be a sticky.

And That's A Bad Thing

empathy is virtue because it gives you perspective. perspective is something /pol/ "DA JOOS" posters very much lack.

that lack is had by virtually everyone below a certain IQ threshold. implying that people who disagree with you just aren't empathetic (smart) enough is a bad maymay but please do continue to believe that if only everyone could step into the shoes of others for a sec, they would agree with you. it's (not) interesting

empathy has absolutely nothing to do with being smart. i don't think you understand what it actually is.

negative canthal tilt, manlet, brown hair

>empathy does not correlate with intelligence

boy are there some revelations for you to check now that I'm smugly telling you that you're fucking wrong and dumb and incorrect and that it is known otherwise

ok retard.

attach the bamboozle face next time if you want to play the jester

empathy is a subjective experience, why are you even arguing over this

He's fun to read, but he's not precise enough as a critic and he says the same things over and over. Read a good sampling of his introductions and you've read most of what he has to say outside of his early books. He ignores most contemporary authors -- fair enough -- but doesn't bring anything new when writing about his usual topics.