Best sci-fi books

I'm in the first DUNE book and I am completely loving it.
I've only read history/philosophy so far, and I would appreciate your suggestions.

Pic related, Dune illustration from Folio society.

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We already have /sffg/, keep the board tidy. Also if you liked Dune you'll probably like Lord of Light by Zelazny.


>spamming your thread in the name of being 'tidy'

Get some Dick in you.

Attached: philip k dick.jpg (960x698, 72K)

Bruce Sterling's "The Caryatids". i'd be interested to hear if you came to hate the protagonists as much as I did.. pack of self-centred, squabbling bitches. pretty sure Sterling wrote them that way.

you - fuck off. generals are shit, and you know it, yet you persist. are you making these because they keep attacking you in the /who/ generals over in /tv/? that is truly sad.

Well there are about 7 or so Dune books. They're all worth it. The second one (Messiah) is the best though, I think, so at least read that.

Read the classics; Asimov, Heinlein, and Bradbury. They all wrote a TON of kind of crappy serials from when sci-fi was like that, but look up their higher rated books, and you will be blown away.

Philip Dick is really worth your time as well. Once you get through the three I mentioned, and Dick, you'll see how just about every sci fi movie you've ever seen is a rip off of their books.

VALIS fucked me up more than psychedelics ever did. Do you think his experiences were real in any way, or just his mind fucking with him? And if so, how the fuck did he know about his son and learn all those languages? I don't know what to think.

I Agree with you. I would also add Arthur C. Clark to the list. The 2001 series is worth it. As well as fountians of paradise

>reading a shitty star wars ripoff
lmaoing @ ur life

I think the experiences were 'real' in the sense that Dick personally experienced them, but he was on a lot of drugs, and possibly had an abormal brain structure, so I doubt that his experiences actually happened outside of his own head.

Eat shit

Asimov since you mentioned philosophy.
If you want cyberpunk stuff, Gibson and Sterling are almost obligatory.
More fantasy oriented like Dune then Book of the New Sun by Wolfe.

The Culture series. Consider Phlebas is decent set building, but Player of Games is the most new-reader friendly. I've been reading in publication order and loving it.
Banks has a great imagination and sense of humor, and I love his turns of phrase. It's good shit

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If you're not interested in any of the fedora shit that dominates the genre start here

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The man who fell to earth
It's pretty incredible

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Stay in your containment general if you wont get the fuck off Veeky Forums you subhumans.

Love this book

Adding Earth Abides as another post-apocalyptic masterpiece.

the end of eternity of course

im not much for heinlein, but i was surprised at how much i enjoyed asimov.

read flatland, or egg's dragon

Also doing this and I'm really enjoying Consider Phlebas.

The only thing he did wrong was imply that star wars isn't actually shitty

What is that even supposed to mean you fucking retard

compare PKD to what the surrealists wrote utilizing Automatism and Hypnagogia. Riding the flow of your unconscious can provide PKD level results.

The Foundation Trilogy by Isaac Asimov and the Rama Trilogy by Arthur C. Clarke

Book of the New Sun
White Plague
Dossadi Experiment
Rendezvous with Rama
Lord of Light

Depending an what you're after these all might fit.

man I couldn't get into Consider Phlebas, I'll have to retry

Earth Abides was surprisingly comfy.