I hate the ‘essential leftists charts’ that circulate so here is a new pair

I hate the ‘essential leftists charts’ that circulate so here is a new pair.

First is the from the revolutionary communist tradition, second one are a collection of left books I think are all essential reading.

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>all these gay charts
>no trotsky

come on now

What by Trotsky would you have?

Is there any chart on psychoanalysis?

>Literature and Revolution
>Revolution Betrayed

>some shitty zero books cuck...

Top right book doesn't belong here.

Almost half the books on this pic are either liberal or not especially leftist. Society of the spectacle would be equally at home on a far right chart.

I'd otherwise agree but:
>Society of the spectacle would be equally at home on a far right chart.
What did he mean by this?
For its relevance and utility, maybe? Like, for "recommended reading"? But in that case there are a million books that could be recommended across the board like that. Marx.

nowadays the spectacle is woke, so the next generation of situationists will by necessity be composed of D'Annunzio/Manson/Mishima idolising homonazbol revolutionarists

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>ywn have the neurotic bravery to live an artistically complete life like Mishima... die for eros...

It absolutely does, that’s the book found Marxist feminism.

I just don’t really like any of the Frankfurt folks desu. Adornos best works don’t have much to offer activists, and his more political works aren’t as strong.

>It absolutely does, that’s the book found Marxist feminism.

it's just outdated 19th century anthropology obsessed with muh stages of development, and besides it claims monogamy is the natural state of the working class and homosexuality is bourgeois degeneracy

>bitches that marxist anthropology is "outdated"
>still considers marxist economics (also outdated 19th century ideology) not outdated


Sounds good

The second chart is not what I was expecting after seeing the first, Marxist-Leninist one. Negri and Hardt? The accelerationists? I'm not complaining, tho. Very nice charts.

Which ones are liberal?

>monogamy is the natural state of the working class and homosexuality is bourgeois degeneracy

It is tho


>Calling yourself lefty.
>Haven't read Sismondi, Henri de Saint-Simon, Fourier, or Babeuf.

>All this pseudo-fascist-commie crap

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yeah it's almost like outlooks aren't monolithic and have multiple facets

Marx ruined socialism. If marx hadn't happened we'd all be living in Blanquist-Saint-Simonian Phalanstere utopia already

>a chart of books that only show you one side of the story
it's like you're asking to be brainwashed

Please get that tankie shit out of here.

Now, this is leftist. Not what Murifags call "leftist", shit like Hillary Clinton.

/pol/ has the exact same thing as do all keynesians and lolberts they all just read books that confirm what they believe, this is no different

why do you still cling to marx?

>we are all retarded so it's fine
The absolute state of internet political communities

>well the side i disagree with does the same thing so it's ok
/pol/ is brainwashed too, doofus

>le both sides are worth listening to meme
fuck off centrist

it's actually 'neither side is worth listening to' because you're all faggots



this. extremists are cancerous people with too much time on their hands

functionally the same

>No Bukharin
>No Kołakowski
>No Lyotard
I'm an ancap, and even I think your list is shit.

Because he was right about capitalism.

You're so full of pure ideology, my dude.


>'neither side is worth listening to'
Ironically the only opinion not worth listening to. You're the kid who does nothing but puts his name on the assignment anyway of humanity.

>Society of the spectacle would be equally at home on a far right chart
The impossibility of distinguishing whether a critique of capitalism and democracy from the nineteenth century you're reading was written by a marxist or a traditionalist is a marvelous, incredible thing.

gabidalism evil welfare need be 50% higher

Tradcom Gang

techno-capital cannibalizes your children

>The impossibility of distinguishing whether a critique of capitalism and democracy from the nineteenth century you're reading was written by a marxist or a traditionalist is a marvelous, incredible thing.
In most cases is not that hard, actually.

microeconomics is religion for people who are too emotionally autistic to get into religion

holy shit user, that was genuinely brutal

He picked the wrong side.


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all economics is a religion for obsequious gnome hearted termites
shut the fuck up

It's just a term that originated from Vilfredo Pareto's complex analysis of political economy.

You're a moron.

economics is just a booj tool of obresion my feelings on wat we should do instead are much more nuanced

cringey post

t. classcuck

Why doesn't leftists like anthropology?

there are marxist economics, economics is a tool of exploitation that the intelligentsia uses to cover up actual mechanics like interest rates, central banking, libor rates, debt, consumption, production, leverage etc. the only thing that matters is what the actual institutes do and what the market does, econ is completely helpless but to make idiot predictions that are more oftent than not so general as to be unremarkable or just wrong. the existence of business cycles which can’t be predicted negates the entire field as a science. and since all social sciences are upper class cons, this is also a con. bankers, money managers, treasury ministers are the only people who matter, but even they don’t know what the market will do

noone identifies with that label though

Economics isn't about predicting things. It's clear you have no idea what you're talking about.

if only we could look through a book to see how its biased... oh wait it isnt

its a tool of social control

>Economics isn't about predicting things.
hence it being utterly fucking useless

You people sound like /pol/tards talking about Jews when you talk about economics.

>tee hee I want to completely change our economic system from top to bottom but I don't even know how the system works

>I don't even know how the system works
If you guys knew how the system worked you could predict what it would do.

>muh economics is a hard science, no bias, just numbers
this kind of thinking is the cancer that is eating the world
we won't be living in the wastelands because of a new hitler or mao but because of some dweeb with a pen shirt clip from a university economics department

then its not science and is in fact state sponsored propaganda for the owner class and economists are charlatans like all social scientists, thus i have no reason to recant anything
economists sound like astrologers in the city marketplace

This chart is decent.
This one is a bunch of idpol and pop history/ economy books.

>muh idpol

go back to

>we don't need to read about the fight of women, blacks and other minorities because class is the only thing that matters
this not your safe space, /leftypol/

Then make your own chart with Solzhenitsyn and other garbage and stop complaining.

This is Veeky Forums not /pol/ stop trying to manipulate people

not a leftist but you need to go back either way, and from what I have read and discussed with the smart marxists I've met they all fucking despise idpol because it has absolutely nothing to say about Capitalism and is almost always an excuse to hate whites or men. In fact the only people who are idpol who hate Capitalism want 3rd worldist maoism with white genocide and blacks/asians running everything. I'm sorry you're fucking intellectually bankrupt

you're fucking stupid
>not a leftist
opinion discarded

weak little nigger faggot, gonna get steam rolled non-stop by Liberal propaganda. i bet you voted for Sanders too. Shrinking from the task at hand to whine about women and niggers being mistreated by the owner class. What have feminist and black marxists contributed to marxist theory? Have any of them written anything rivaling Adorno's Dialectic of Enlightenment, what about Marcuse? What about Benjamin? What about Engels or Rosa? No?

Stop shilling this edgy Atomwaffen garbage. Street violence is a scalpel, and one you only break out after you've already won by the people and by the law. Once we get our succession of laws, the left will chimp out, and we'll use it as a pretext to annihilate them. They'll have unwittingly followed siege, and they'll be dead or in prison.

>we're going to exterminate the liberals, left, spics, niggers and Jews
keep posting what you're doing so I can screencap and post it in public forums you dumb fucking faggots. I know exactly what you really want

>reading Keynsian establishment economics
>reading Austrian lolbergtardarians
We read more stuff like Solzhenitsyn, Huxley, Dostoevsky, Codreanu, Mishima, Evola, Guénon, Orwell. On the whole, the right and left are very poorly read in their own ideas, outside of wikipedia scholarship.

>Solzhenitsyn, Codreanu, Evola, Guénon

what a bunch of gibberish

>liberals, spics, niggers, Jews
Oh, that's so American it hurts. You can't disappear a hundred million or so people. Enjoy your subverted society and pet chimps. Revenge is the only thing to be gained by the struggle for European interests, in America. No, I support the full de-colonization of whites from Africa, and eventually North America. We'll need their voices and their experiences to permeate and radicalize our society, after theirs becomes unlivable, and the ones who don't die run back home to Europe.

The only useful anthropology to lefties is biological blank slateism.
Don't do this, even ironically.

The zeitgeist is trending towards the metaphysical, which is more our thing. As well, the materialism and artificial feeling of society is causing the old, the esoteric and the traditional to become quite fashionable. The left is still focused on on-the-ground resistance, and viewing society through an industrial revolution-era lens, which isn't a good fit for people mostly shoved into the service industry (I won't account for the bourgeois white-collar sector).

We've also made great use of the neoliberal political establishment, as a whipping boy to prop ourselves up, whereas you guys have gotten roped into being its biggest cheerleaders, because they'll throw you a bone on social issues.

If the left wants to win things, it's going to have to drop the crazy joke issues, that are mostly a symptom of compromise to the neoliberal establishment (ie "are these drone strikes and extrajudicial killings intersectional?"), purge the or re-educate the useless soc-jus's, and position itself as the alternative to imperialism, genocide, corporate and monetary tyranny. Which you were, before this weird switch occurred in the 2000's. Now, the left are seen as the warmongers and imperialists, the moralistic pearl-clutchers, and the right is advocating for free speech, self-determination for all, peace among nations, etc. You guys need to step back, take a look in the mirror, and completely re-think what you're doing, and why. Otherwise, you go down with the ship.

Yeah pal, I made my chart, feel free to make your own.

Because he’s right

There is no idpol in there. There is Marxist analysis of questions of race and gender, but there is no liberal Idpol. Are you going to tell me that Stalin’s On the National Question or Lenin’s Impeiralism are also idpol because it addresses something other than class conflict? Nationality is also an identity, is Imagined Communities idpol?

>The zeitgeist is trending towards the metaphysical, which is more our thing. As well, the materialism and artificial feeling of society is causing the old, the esoteric and the traditional to become quite fashionable. The left is still focused on on-the-ground resistance, and viewing society through an industrial revolution-era lens, which isn't a good fit for people mostly shoved into the service industry (I won't account for the bourgeois white-collar sector).

Read Tiqqun, specifically Theory of Bloom and Critical Metaphysics.

>Read Tiqqun, specifically Theory of Bloom and Critical Metaphysics.
What do they say?

I'll do my best to provide a tl;dr but cannot really do them justice, basically denying Metaphysics was capitalist modernity's project (The Spectacle) the moment it succeeded it leaves humanity feeling empty, so the Spectacle doubles down "but how can you still yearn for the Transcendental, look at all those commodities"

As for the Bloom it is the subject that is emerging in our contemporary era, basically a person whose identity has been reduced to nothing, a completely interchangeable service worker.

Mmmh, that's interesting. I've looked their Wikipedia page, are they some kind of "religious anarchists" or something like that? I have an interest in Agamben, so his influence on them is a bonus.

>implying Lenin, Stalin and Mao were relevant thinkers

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>religious anarchists

I would say that's as good a definition as any desu

>no kropotkin

kropotkin was an anarchist not a marxist u dingdong

and anarchists are right-wing now?

>Adorno's Dialectic of Enlightenment
and Horkheimer's

Wonderful. That's basically what's being railed against, by us. We kind of exist in so far as people sense a threat to their circle. In this time, the threat is corporate and monetary interests using imperialism to spur replacement immigration into our circle, in order to prop up their establishment, economically and politically.

Sadly, the popular left has been co-opted into siding with the establishment, at least in perception, due to its readiness to pacify them by appealing to trivial social issues. For the moment, that makes nationalist and racialist positions the true odd man out, to the increasingly unpopular corporate and monetary establishment.

I really wish the left to rid itself of trivial identity politics, which I could swear is some sort of diversion to keep criticism off of actual capitalism and societal reformation. Then, there would be little keeping us from uniting. Most of us don't want anything to do with imperialism, genocide, and so forth. We want to preserve the integrity of our circle.

Why not? Have you been around homos and their subcultures? I don't think you could describe it in any other way.

This is a good mix
far too dry

That's a good list, user.
Personally I'd remove the Manifesto and start with something like Engels' Socialism: Utopian and Scientific, but I agree with most of it.

>the second chart

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>marx ruined forever socialism
>hitler ruined forever nationalism

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>We read more stuff like Solzhenitsyn, Huxley, Dostoevsky, Codreanu, Mishima, Evola, Guénon, Orwell.
yikes. at least say leo strauss or schmitt or some shit. also implying /pol/ reads half those fags. youtube videos and izquotes are good enough. only certain self-improvement types on /pol/ can stomach mishima, the rest are too disquieted by his shameless eroticism. listing huxley and orwell together betrays a plebness........ codreanu is a nonentity, means absolutely nothing to me.

>ftw no gulag archipelago
