Can we get a culture war general to try and corral anything about Contemporary...

Can we get a culture war general to try and corral anything about Contemporary Politics/Tankies/Nazis/alt-right/Peterson? I feel like it’s getting a bit out of hand, and it doesn’t seem to be dying down.

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I wish /pol/ wasn’t such a shithole so people wouldn’t bring their half-assed political threads here to begin with

/pol/ is completely out of hand, i'm so sick of the "iq" people, like taking iq superior seriously, and almost always drawing some racist conclusions, take it Veeky Forums at least since iq is pseudo-science not literature

t. scored 90 on iq test

/pol/ has been the heart of Veeky Forums and the landing zone for most of its newcomers for years. We're still the literature board of an anime website, but we're also the literature board of an "alt right" politics website.

I have to say as someone who’s been browsing for a couple years (I think first in 2012) that things really do seem to have gotten a lot darker here. There’s always been shitposting, but it’s just depressing how racist and angry it’s become.

>for years
yes 4 years just about now, we have 5 months left at least till that point has been reached

That doesn’t explain all the fucking tankies.

Like it or not, the political developments of the last several years have increased politicization in general. Both the left and right are waging culture war, attempting to align all human enterprises, literature included, into their own narrative like never before.
Particularly relevant for literature is the increasing polarization of language on political lines. The left goes around talking about "diversity" which is virtually meaningless to the right at this point, and constantly talks about "racism" which it defines on its own terms that disregard the traditional or dictionary definition of the word. I could go on and on.
When the factions that are supposed to compromise to keep the country together can't even speak the same language anymore, the anger and sense of darkness that you mentioned takes hold on both sides. Politics has been reduced to a room full of people yelling at the top of their lungs simultaneously, while tweeting to their own tribe how ridiculous the antics of their enemies are.
Yeah, people on all sides are angry and it's depressing and things don't seem to be getting any better. It's inevitable that this is reflected on Veeky Forums just as it is on the Internet in general and in society in general.
I think there's a great feeling, maybe the predominant feeling, that some kind of revolution needs to happen to restore unity and suppress the perpetrators of all this division. Trump's election was a sign of this hope and I expect to see more outspoken non-ideological strongmen in politics from here on out as people get sick of watching traditional political discourse fail on a daily basis.

excellent, Plato is smiling from his pedophile heaven somewhere at the dialectic in motion

I feel that the key to understanding it is the Global Financial Crisis. After that, the narratives of life in Western countries seemed to completely collapse.

Many on the right lost faith in the promises of "economic growth" and now look to other ideological touchstones. At their worst they become actual racists and unironic nazis. More often they have doomed reactionary/nationalist impulses, or have a sort of cherrypicked traditionalism conceived basically to favour them, their vision of life, and "their people".

I think the left is actually the more sordid story, though. With globalisation smashing the political potential of organised labor, they (understandably?) gave up and tried to adapt revolutionary collectivism to a globalised world.

I am convinced that the left took a very stark authoritarian turn in the years after the GFC / during the Obama administration. Long before there were articles gasping about Trump supporters being authoritarian, I had a distinct sense of a growing left wing authoritarianism which was basically a broad political legacy of Critical Theory. This shift was most obvious in the media and in universities. The media, grasping and perfecting clickbait, benefited from generating outrage, anger, and tribalism. To continue to make money in the digital age, they created horrible externalities that harmed society. Universities amp it up for various reasons, but probably ultimately as a way to sell identity-backed degrees (and debt) to students from backgrounds whose identity is keenly felt. When weird shit is happening and you don't know why, you can bet someone is making money from it.

But the key part for the left is adapting collectivism to a globalised world. We see highly abstracted group identities like LGBT, women, racial minorities, etc - which can be found all over the world and can be absorbed into these big political narratives of social progress/emancipation and so on. I say this is "sordid" because it is on the one hand basically imperialistic (absorbing the human capital of other cultures into what is basically an American/Western identity politic), and on the other hand it is a pretty pathetic revolution if it succeeds at its goals - at best it just swaps the identity of the tyrant sitting on the throne and pretends that this deed has some sort of moral content.

I don't remember who said that democracy is a starting requirement for fascism, but I agree with him more every day. Whatever, burn it all down.

I think part of the left's authoritarian turn in the US is just them trying to everything within their power to maintain their long-standing culture war victories after the 2010 midterms.

Aristotle and Plato both considered tyranny through a demagogue as an inevitable corruption of democracy, is that it?

Yes please.

>the left took a very stark authoritarian turn in the years after the GFC / during the Obama administration
I wouldn't call it a turn so much as a continuation of GWs policies and Clinton's before him and HWs before him and so on. Because outside of whatever social interest a party/candidate is advancing, the core policies and ideas of the RNC and the DNC aren't actually very different at all, as much as they'd like you to think they are

This has already been decided on. The timing must be perfect though for the icon-pacifier to be selected and given a pathway that doesn't interfere with the icon's authenticity. This can be a difficult process and can lead to many false icons which are less easy to channel through. But the sentiments and theory are already in place, each having an authority which is hidden to the majority of either side. The aesthetic must be derived from that authority in a novel manner without interference before the selection can take place and individuals be co-opted materially or otherwise....

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>the core policies are not much different
I have come to believe this as well.
Besides in the U.S. you are basically obligated to fund the military, SS, Medicare, etc. That has become so expensive there are very few decisions you can make with the rest of the money.

>please stop talking about IQ ;_;

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We are witnessing the gradual deterritorialization of all identities. The postmodern and post-colonial left tried to re-elaborate exclusion and oppression discourse within a global framework which basically recasts all these issues on a universal scale. The right calls it globalization. The left thinks they are working on international cooperation. Both have no idea what's going on. This is the self-replicating movement of capital.
While the state will turn into capital itself, the left will gradually degenerate into a stamp, a stamp to be put on commodity, to ensure that they are "morally safe" to consume, while the right becomes the instinctive reaction of the more and more obsolete working class. Industrialism will disappear in western countries, removing the need for a working class, as we move towards service economy. Suburbs will become empty wastelands as people pack into cities, where the economy will remain. These cities will be the scene of a global meltdown of all traditional morality and rules, as the state gradually becomes a mere purveyor of basic needs with no decisional capacity. This will devolve into all-out war, fought on the streets, between the disenfranchised working class and the left-outs of the new service economy. Immigration will keep rising, and gradually bastardize the last remnants of the previous "working class" into a complacent, depolitized mass of mutts. Organic pollution and plastic particles in the rainwater will keep their IQ below 100. A massive estrogen intake from their alimentation will keep them calm. Then we can start working on the real issue : creating a new aristocratic class to rule the unwashed, retarded masses, and prepare the legacy of the West for the next dark ages.

Just repor tall of those threads, they get deleted.

When you say "we", I can't tell who that we is.

>The idea of intellect isn't complex at all, it's just one number and we can measure it

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>fake inspirational quotes literally made for retards
IQ is probably shit, but vehemently shilling against it only outs you as a fucking dunce.

>b-but muh emotional intelligence
Yeah, that was invented for retards to feel better about themselves.

>IQ is probably shit, but if you think it's shit you're stupid
user pls reconsider
And I didn't say shit about emotional intelligence, that's all you. Surely you could agree however, that a great writer is smart in a different way than a great physicist or lawyer. It isn't one dimensional

>iq is one number
>something being complex means we can't measure it
Why are you always spouting the same bad arguments? Can't you get creative?
>IQ is probably shit
Nope. You either know nothing about it or you just don't like it.

>something being complex means we can't measure it
You're a fucking moron if you think this is a good argument for quantifying an abstract concept

Anyone who seriously studies IQ differences between groups doesn't think IQ measures intelligence 100% accurately. The current theory is that IQ and a bunch of other test have a common factor, g, which is basically a measure of your analytic capacity. Even then we're not 100% sure if g is the real deal, we just know that a high G means you tend to do well on a bunch of different mental tasks.

That being said, all of these are decent proxies for intelligence, and amazing indicators of future success in life. So when someone has an IQ of 70, we know they're almost always fucked, and when someone has an IQ of 130, we know they're almost always gonna turn out ok.

Here's an article with a list of interesting IQ correlations, from liberal rag Vox no less:

Color is an abstract concept too.
We can quantify it.

> white people literally being genocides through demographic changes
> more hostility online

Gee I wonder why? Maybe we aren't all stupid enough to believe that less white people and more foreigners is a good thing for white people.

Very interesting post. Any further reading on this subject user?

What exactly is Zizek referring to when he talks about ideology? It seems like a catch-all boogeyman.

an imaginary structure by which the subject represents his relationship to the material forces and relations of production of his or her mode of production.

So he basically adopts the Marxist view of it, together with all the presuppositions that come with it?

I represent the apolitical faction.
I find this whole thing silly but important.
Waldgang now! Defy your inner Kniebolo!

whites make up 70% of the US populationg 80+% of the UK population and over 90, close to 95% of most european populations. their choice not to breed is their fucking choice. maybe stop blindly defending techno-capital if it makes you dysgenic and retarded

>thinking this is caused by capitalism and not quasi-religious fanaticism by Progressives wanting to feel like they're living up to universalist egalitarian values

What's some lit that goes well with my tiredness of politics turning slowly into a sickness of life

Well, Zizek IS a Marxist.

>iq is pseudo science

t. pseud

> their choice not to breed is their fucking choice. maybe stop blindly defending techno-capital if it makes you dysgenic and retarded

Here is what actually happens:
>Authority figures: Guys, don't have too many children. We're using too many resources, and it can cause damage to the environment in the long run.
>Average person: Okay.
>Authority figures: We need more immigrants to keep our economy propped up and pay for our retirement funds!
>Average person: but... they seem to be using a lot of public funds.
>Authority figures: What, are you a bigot? It's our moral duty, you Nazi. You deserve it because of colonialism/slavery/the Holocaust/the Mexican-American war.

unironically? vonnegut

it is caused by capitalism you dipshit, political movements are down stream from biology and material conditions. economic systems are downstream from biology and material conditions. none of these things are strong enough to influence the base, superstructures are reflections of the substratum

that’s not why breeding is diminished you stupid fuck because even in countries where there is no emphasis on the environment birth rates drop, education and technology correlate nearly 1:1 with falling birth rates. stop being an idiot
>they seem to be using a lot of funds
only fucking hardline conservatives who make up 20% of the US population give a fucking shit about immigrants on welfare you daft nigger. social security, defense spending and medicare cost us more than anything else and fucking old white people benefit the most from that shit and the middle class/working class whites who get gov jobs. stop being dumb fucking nigger i hate you so much

Political movements are caused by people with power.
>unironic right wing Marxism
stop reading nick land lel

Yes, unironically. Are there any philosophical/nonfictions that reflect on political fatigue? Should I just read nihilists?

capitalism is fucking unbeatable. Everyone trying to romanticize some bullshit leftist ideology is just jerking themselves off. Economies can’t be efficiently planned. With regards to human progress, there is no suitable substitute to the raw driving force of capitalism. Get a fucking job and stop making excuses for your lazy pot smoking ass, commies.

Veeky Forums is now a capitalist board

The US spends as much money on Medicare for Hispanics annually as it did on the entire Apollo program, adjusted for inflation.
Jobs program.

The sad part is that I don't consider myself to be a "capitalist" in the traditional sense, if anything I'm kinda Ralph Nader pro-regulation, but I really do feel that defeated

Also, there are of course other flavors of anti-natalist propaganda and anti-natalist policy beyond environmentalism, of course.

no they’re caused by biological changes in the population and changes in material conditions stemming from: dumb luck, natural telos of techne coming to fruition, the biology of the population changing as selection varies over time

you have no room for your idealist crap, the closest thing to proof of MUH DEGENERACY is social epistasis causing spiteful mutations to depress group fitness via pleiotropy. and Land wants to accelerate all of this. I want to crash it now.

Please, just stop reading Land before you become too retarded to be salvageable. Revolutions are caused by ambitious elites and motivated minority proxies seeking power and/or status, not by breeder's equations and "techne"

>The only alternative to capitalism is "some bs leftist ideology"

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wow how convenient its all explainable with magic propaganda and public policy but techno-capital the very backbone of post modern existence has nothing to do with it! and of course falling birth rates in singapore and japan are because of anti-natalism and anti-white ideas right?
>jobs program
giving people jobs to do nothing while the actual bulk of the funding goes towards weapons and surveillance systems to fight secret wars for cathedral elites and blood drinking oligarchs is pretty fucking daft user
>muh spic healthcare
most medicaid and medicare coverage goes to white people user, whites are the biggest burden on the social security net, whites with no skills who don’t work collect most of the welfare, whites who are retired and living off of SS cause most of our budget deficit and then of course massive trade deficits with china who we cannot compete with anymore (not an injustice just a product of market selection) and gigantic financial disasters and out of control speculation on real estate and complex debt packages. stop being illiterate and repeating CATO and John Birch society nonsense i will fucking break your soul if you keep this up mate. You cannot hide behind party rhetoric, no one who is being paid to speak about our economy is being honest. land and the lunatics like Zizek are being honest because they have no fucking vested interest. Think, market actors cannot give accurate information to potential dupes/voters or competitors/political opposition. Spics and niggers are not the problem, borders are not the problem, poors are not the problem, people like Adelson, Hunt, our Dear Leader, Bloomberg, Mercer, Murdoch re the fucking problem

they are caused by completely impersonal factors, humans have no agency whatsoever in large groups. selection explains everything, biology will completely cannibalize economics and the rest of the social sciences includig political philosophy. men do not do anything, technology and nature do everything. go back to the year 1910 if you want to hide behind pre-spenglarian logic.

What's some worthwhile philosophical writing/nonfictions to cope with political/human fatigue?

this is fucking pathetic chest pounding, there will never be free market economies it will always require mediation from planners who are in touch with material conditions

Well, you're more or less right about this bit:
>humans have no agency whatsoever in large groups.

>biology will completely cannibalize economics and the rest of the social sciences includig political philosophy.
As it turns out, a characteristic of humans is that they respond to authority and hierarchies. Also, I'm not seeing biology cannibalizing economics any time soon. The closest we have to this sort of thing is research into national IQs e.g. Hive Mind, IQ and the Wealth of Nations, etc. but even this is teetering on the edge of Wrongthink. Why don't you try at least reading some stuff in these fields at at least an introductory research level before assuming Land-tier drivel is correct?

>men do not do anything, technology and nature do everything.
Can't say I agree with this.

>read fake science instead of just reading CS and Evo biology
no, i like truth user you can keep the parasite papers. im not interested in ruling class ideology
>im not convinced of this
it doesn’t matter what you believe user, biodeterminism rules everything around you, technology is the lever which moves nations, biology is the mechanic through which techne becomes sentient. you can disagree but i am truly sorry

>wow how convenient its all explainable with magic propaganda and public policy but techno-capital the very backbone of post modern existence has nothing to do with it!
Where does techno-capital come from?
>attributing this to some magical force of nature and not states/power centers competing with one another

>giving people jobs to do nothing while the actual bulk of the funding goes towards weapons and surveillance systems to fight secret wars for cathedral elites and blood drinking oligarchs is pretty fucking daft user
Lots of jobs are created by bombing hapless Arabs, unfortunately.

>whites are the biggest burden on the social security net
Black and Hispanic Americans are net takers and Whites net contributors to the welfare system on average.

>and then of course massive trade deficits with china who we cannot compete with anymore
Whose bright idea was this, I wonder? Hard to attribute this entirely to impersonal natural forces when other wealthy countries don't have huge trade deficits. It's almost as if the United States uses access to its domestic market in exchange for strategic alliances, which would again lend support to the idea that power center(s) are the drivers here, not impersonal forces.

>stop being illiterate
I mean, I'm not the one taking Nick Land and Zizek seriously.

> land and the lunatics like Zizek are being honest because they have no fucking vested interest
>He thinks ANY intellectual doesn't have a vested interest

>people like Adelson, Hunt, our Dear Leader, Bloomberg, Mercer, Murdoch re the fucking problem
Well, you have this part right, in that leadership in Western countries is in a rather dire state.

>Average person: Okay
You are out of your mind if you think that average people decided to have less children because of ecological reasons

>no, i like truth user you can keep the parasite papers. im not interested in ruling class ideology
There is no non-ruling-class ideology. Every revolution is caused by ruling class + proxies they agitate.

>but Marxism isn't a ruling class ideology!

Well, the main reason is that kids are expensive, require a lot of time to raise that people don't have, etc., but you'd be surprised how many people choose to limit the number of kids they have because they're worried about overpopulation. Maybe I just know too many rich white progressives...

There is no non-ruling-class ideology. Every revolution is caused by ruling class + proxies they agitate.
Well, to be precise, I should say "elites + proxies", since many revolutions were of the form "liberal bourgeoisie + intellectuals + some riled up proles" vs. "king + military+ other proles". Priesthood vs. military - many such cases!

little known fact, peterson was actually on the muppets, but he didn't play kermit

>authority figures: we need to have more children otherwise there will be too many elderly dependant on welfare and not enough young people in the work force to provide for them
Pick and choose what you hear dude, pick and choose

The lenghts at which some people go to defend the spectacle are truly disgusting. Look at the insane narratives you create instead of merely accepting capitalism might have to be AT LEAST rethought in the following decades (ideally though we should just break it all down and reach the zoe aionios and build the Kingdom in earth).