We are so oft so sure that how we feel at any moment is how the world really is: when we are confident and pleased we...

>We are so oft so sure that how we feel at any moment is how the world really is: when we are confident and pleased we are sure the world is good; when we have been cut down or live in such loneliness we feel we see the underlying face of life, the true nature of being that we so arrogantly believed we could avoid before; when we are disheartened in ourselves we say: 'of course I failed, who did I think I was... I'm no artist, just a vain fool'. And yet neither joy nor sorrow is the bedrock of existence, any more than this earth is the bedrock of the universe. Rather, our feelings are like the planets, moons, star systems: together in a shared space, they attract each other is subtle ways, yet are so displaced from one another that standing on the surface of a planet we are lucky to even glimpse a far-off star, let alone smell the scents of its planets and bathe in the atmospheres of their moons. And so even into the modern day art keeps its original purpose: to describe those distant lands, and all their forgotten splendours.

Can mathematicians write good prose?

Attached: conway.jpg (664x900, 59K)

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who wrote this?

take a guess

it was C. O. Rollary, little known number theorist

Definitely not.

this is fine like red wine

A common idea, Spinoza was complaining about this shit 350 years ago. His prose isn't that engaging, and a bit pretentious, I almost stopped reading at
>We are so oft so sure

But on the whole it is not without merit. This line is at least a somewhat original comparison
>And yet neither joy nor sorrow is the bedrock of existence, any more than this earth is the bedrock of the universe


one of the best proses mixing poetry and mathematics of all time.

Attached: 1514342590946.jpg (624x960, 172K)

with quotes such as referring to force-particles working the hyper-dimensional "nightshift"


rarely, but yes

Attached: decwizard.jpg (630x943, 202K)

Damn I wish I could rock a beard like this

what the fuck does this mean?

>Reality isn't how you're feeling
>Your feelings are like a galaxy???

t. brainlet

He's saying that our perception of reality is reliant upon our emotions. If you get a promotion at work and meet a beautiful woman later on the same day, you think "All is well, and this world is a place of love and beauty." However, if you got fired and later on in the same day came home to find your girlfriend had moved out of your apartment, you would think "Fuck this gay earth. This life only delivers suffering, even moreso to those who deserve it the least."

Then the solar system thing is just a metaphor, albeit not a great one. He's just saying that, for example, if you feel depressed because of the latter situation, then you could never imagine or recall how the former situation would feel, because your current state prevents it. Same goes for vice versa.

it's a dece metaphor, since feelings cluster together, and it's easier to go from distressed to depressed then distressed to euphoric, for example

why not?

Mathematical-Empirical writing always has an eerie tone. Not so much "robot-like" but zombie-like, small awkward things that hint at the writer not being fully conscious. Spooky.


yes, but never poetry

Borges refers to himself as a mathematician in his literature many later mathematicians refer to Borges in theirs, so yes.

The Fractal Nature of Geometry is a good example of how the literary and mathematical can mix beautifully.

It would be redundant for a mathematician to write poetry.

>It would be redundant for a mathematician to write poetry
explain yourself

It must've been a typo. I'm certain it was supposed to be "It would be redundant to write poetry"

Why do people who waste their lives allpwing other men to think for them and reading fictional stories like they were children, have such a chip on their shoulder about STEM?
Do you just struggle to accept your natural inferiority?

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because they post autistic memes like apu and write with unbelievable vulgarity. also STEM is completely amoral, if we didn't constantly nag at them they'd have gassed half the human race and detonated nukes for fun every 4th of July. We'd have rivers of arsenic, mercury and lead flowing across streets and there'd be a mutant race of sex slave eunach retards kept in pens at each lab.

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I'm actually laughing, thank you

Bad beard genetics I guess. My grand dad is from Iraq though so may be it will come later.

>doesnt consume lead and mercury on a daily basis thanks to stemfags
>bitches about stemfags

>The following story is true. There was a little boy, and his father said, “Do try to be like other people. Don’t frown.” And he tried and tried, but could not. So his father beat him with a strap; and then he was eaten up by lions.

>Reader, if young, take warning by his sad life and death. For though it may be an honor to be different from other people, if Carlyle’s dictum about the thirty million be still true, yet other people do not like it. So, if you are different, you had better hide it, and pretend to be solemn and wooden-headed. Until you make your fortune. For most wooden-headed people worship money; and, really, I do not see what else they can do. In particular, if you are going to write a book, remember the wooden-headed. So be rigorous; that will cover a multitude of sins. And do not frown.

—Oliver Heaviside, Electromagnetic Theory

The people who truly uplift human wisdom are almost always well balanced in terms of passion, spiritedness, appreciation of beauty and cool analytical ability. I tend to ascribe less merit to a scientist or mathematician who is not a decent prosaist

Attached: heaviside.jpg (223x300, 30K)

after rereading the strength of this intro to a book doesn't jump out as amazing prose unless you recognize it in the context of Heaviside following it up with a revolutionary description of electromagnetism that created the modern world

>dumps chemicals into every body of water on Earth
>spreads selection theory into social sciences so tindr can happen
>commodifies human life
>tests diseases on people that had no prevalence in the population just for fun
>want to make sex slaves are not allowed because of moralizing humanities nerds
>write like fucking subhumans, only get castigated by humanities nerds
>fat, ugly, smelly, glasses, bad fashion sense, everything they make is ugly
>destroyed media and literature with sci-fi nonsense
>plastic is inside of the wildlife
>mental illness skyrocketing in all major technological nations
>homosex is now a legitimate life strategy
>BC is in the water supply and is causing premature aging and cancer
>cancers emerging in every taxa due to pollutants and horrible STEM diet
>dysgenic breeding due to STEM niggers letting everyone survive
>population decline in all major ecosystems
>pollution steadily climbing
>atmosphere becoming irreparably damaged
>climate change extinction event looming, will we all die from bone acidosis, from tidal waves or from oil wars? who knows? STEM fags don't care
you people are pure fucking evil, you should be kept subjugated beneath rulers and philosophers always, you and the capitalists have absolutely no place deciding what exists, what is correct, what is moral. You cannot be trusted, look what the Chinese are doing with biotech and industry. I want you to understand I really hope you feel guilty for what's happening to our world right now, every single ugly bug nerd is culpable for the decline of mankind and organic life.

>spreads selection theory into social sciences so tindr can happen
remind me, again, how these two are related?

you're a big guy, you got into a decent school why not just do the leg work amirite STEMnerd?

it was a serious question, I'm interested in knowing why you said that. My tone miscommunicated sarcasm, mostly because everyone on this board is always hostile with eachother. I don't have a humanities or STEM degree, I didn't even graduate college

also I'm not the guy you were talking to. Just wanted you to elaborate on how selection theory >> social science >> dating apps works

>blaming faggots on STEM
>blaming your (government and business) misuse of beneficial technologies on STEM
>nerd stereotype
Opinion discarded, subhuman.

I work as a skilled tradesman (construction) at CalTech, I have worked with the cream of American STEM daily for years, and I can say unequivocally that the majority of high-achieving, top-tier STEM students and graduates are singleminded bugmen whose worldview is heavily skewed toward twisting knobs and exerting leverage on biological/physical/social systems and the systems they're raised within promote/reward segmentation and atomization of the human soul. The highest achievers within a given department at CalTech have always spent more time in their life immersed in their subject at cost of all other intellectual pursuits. The more of these people you meet the more obvious it becomes

That's Bacon's fault

>"unequivocally that the majority of high-achieving, top-tier STEM students and graduates are singleminded bugmen whose worldview is heavily skewed toward twisting knobs and exerting leverage on biological/physical/social systems and the systems they're raised within promote/reward segmentation and atomization of the human soul. The highest achievers within a given department at CalTech have always spent more time in their life immersed in their subject at cost of all other intellectual pursuits. The more of these people you meet the more obvious it becomes"
>He grumbles to himself as he paints the finish on CalTech's new dorm room, discretely spitting in the dirt after some professor of distinction has passed

I’m not him but it’s true. And it’s not just a problem in the sciences. Modern academia promotes overspecialization to an unhealthy degree to the great detriment of valuable, vibrant thinking.

The ideally, truly cleaned-up Human, about whom all of the literary artists nowadays seemingly want to write, is a robot. Any Robot, let us note, can be rendered as brilliant, as shiny, as rationalized, and as streamlined, with “clean lines,” as is desired, as well as most perfectly elegant, according to the tastes of the day. The Robot is destined to become the centerpiece of the Palace of Discovery… It is he who is the end-all and be-all of so much civilizing “rationalistic” effort…admirably Naturalistic and objective (the Robot occasionally becomes intoxicated, however! the sole human trait of the Robot at this time)… Ever since the Renaissance there has been this tendency to work with everincreasing enthusiasm towards the advent of the Kingdom of the Sciences and the Social robot. The most reductionist…the most objective of languages is the journalistically perfect one to fill in as the objective language of the Robot… We are already there… It’s no longer necessary to maintain a soul in opposition to the reality of death, in order to express oneself humanistically… And how many volumes! how many aspects! how many facets! and what a lot of publicity! …any sort of robotic jabber whatever can be a triumph! We are already there…


In order to win-over the taste and the admiration of the most stultified crowds, of spectators, of the most muddle-headed electors, of the stupidest drinkers of twaddle, of the most frenetic slack-jawed dupes of Progress, the item to be introduced must be even stupider and more reprehensible than any up ’til then. This species of science-worshipping, materialistic, “Cozy Corner” cretin has proliferated, pullulated since the Renaissance… They would kill themselves for the Palace of Discovery.

Is this pasta?

Poetry isn't just about elegance. I have yet to see any theorems sporting the rock hard veiny dick of a Whitman.

Louis-Ferdinand Céline.

So it is pasta

imported French pasta