Is 20 years old too old to start college? How much knowledge is required to be competitive in the job market?

Is 20 years old too old to start college? How much knowledge is required to be competitive in the job market?

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who does care


Spend those years broadening your network instead. Will be a lot more helpful in everything, including getting a job.

What do you mean by network?

No. But if you're doing it for money go as soon as possible.

easiest way to broaden your network is to go to school

Man... Tbh 18 is too young in most cases. I've said multiple times I wish I started college at 25. Work, save up, experience life... Go later when you have a clear plan and you won't ruin it by drinking daily

I feel like it's too late for me, I'd have to bring up my GPA and get a high sat score to even be relevant.


you sound like a fucking brainlet. your early 20s aren't gonna be shit, and the quality of network/references you gather are going to be shit as well. live your life as one long hustle if you want, but don't encourage others to your base commercial ways.

No it’s not too old. Lots of successful people do a trade or join the military for a few years before college

Do STEM though.

>I need to go to college so I have the knowledge to compete in the job market

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It's literally never too late. My sister was a housewife for a few years, and after she divorced her husband she went to college and now has a pretty good paying job. She was in her mid-30s when she started her degree

Go to trade school instead. White collar work is unsatisfying.

don't do stem if ur not a legit nerd, you're not gonna make it, so sad to see people just grinding through a what should be a fun degree in an attempt to make money, u either got the tism or u don't, if u just want money don't waste your time on stem, just do accounting and get a cpa, that is the true uninspired knuckledragger's choice, if ur a normie you'll never be a great technologist

this. You go to college to earn a degree which will allow you to compete in the job market.

the weird thing about the tism is u dont need to go to college to get high paying gigs, but it makes going to college fun so u do it anyways just for lol

i feel bad for people that have to be forced by greed to learn, but at least they're learning so god bless capitalism i guess

What is tism

Short for autism

How do you even get accepted to a good college if you fucked up high school? is it even possible to turn your shit around?

I just got into UC Berkeley and I finished high school with a 1.8, barely graduated, and I never took the SAT. I skipped so many classes that I almost didn't graduate because of truancy. Basically was a friendless bookworm because I moved to 3 different states so when I got to highschool and made friends my social life took over.

Fast forward almost a decade-- just moved back into my parents house last year and started going to the best community college in CA. Fast forward 3 18 credit semesters and a summer semester-- have a 3.8 and now I'm going to UC Berkeley in the fall. Never too late to go back to school. I'm ganna be a teacher, maybe a professor if I go to grad school, it's the only thing I can see myself do until I die.

That's actually nice

>going to berkeley to teach high school

nigga r u retarded, do cs and get that silicon valley money, don't waste your fucking life doing pleb shit

t. intellectually castrated turbopleb

>Is 20 years old too old to start college?
didn't brian may get hid phd at 60 or some shit

>How much knowledge is required to be competitive in the job market?
depends on what youre trying to do

I'm 27. Most of my life has been spent reading. My skillset and interests and most of my happiness revolve around books. There's actually nothing else I can imagine myself doing for the rest of my life other than teaching English and literature. I don't know how old you are, but at some point you realize exactly how you want to live and how to go about feeling fulfilled on death. I've been homeless, I know what it's like to have a true hunge, to be starving and to want money. I don't need much to be satisfied.

20 is not too old. Not at all.
I am 23 in my Junior year. Probably will graduate at 25. I'll do grad school then. Just happens these ways sometimes.

I'm 20 years old and just started college. My family is poor as shit with more kids than they can pay for, so I'm going to a community college to save money and beef up my GPA. It's definitely not too late. I've come across several people significantly older than me who changed their mind about their careers and want to start over. It's also helped with networking and socializing even though I work a full-time job.

Planning on 25, no regrets, meanwhile getting job experience and money and shit. But it's only because what I want to learn has zero application or monetization potential(history/psychology/"""political science""")