I just finished the New Testament...

I just finished the New Testament. This is my view: Christianity is basically Hinduism for brainlets who are afraid of ego death and have to anthropomorphize a concept in order to understand it. Do you agree?

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This is an awful interpretation and understanding of Christianity.

Go reread and start with the Greeks.

Say what you will about Christianity; but angels are cool as fuck.

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>afraid of ego death
>anthropomorphizing concepts
all ancient religions do this, it's a vestige of oral religion. abstract concepts don't work unless there's a developed written language

>Go reread and start with the Greeks.
But I've already read the Greeks, and Plato is essentially Eastern mysticism blended with pre-Socratic philosophy. Nothing to be gained there, friend.

I suggest you read some Eastern philosophy. You know that Heidegger said that The Upanishads alone can replace the entire Western canon ?

You know you are one badass motherfucker when you have to tell people to chill out when they see you.

The early platonists, and Plato himself, said that it is good to describe god to dumb people in this way, but if a person has half a brain, not only should you not explain God in this way (as an incarnate being) but it is blasphemy to do so, and the person with half a brain will intuit this without you really having to go into it. So, not all early religions

You didn't read it, did you?

>I just finished the New Testament. This is my view: Christianity is basically Hinduism for brainlets who are afraid of ego death and have to anthropomorphize a concept in order to understand it. Do you agree?

No. Hinduism and Christianity ask completely different questions.

For example. Hindus ask, how do I escape suffering? Christians and Jews ask, what does suffering mean?

Modern hinduism is somewhat influenced by Christianity. Not so much the way around.

I didn't know you could actually reach this level of pleb.

if anything it's neoplatonic. holy shit you are a brainlet and should be embarrassed by this thread

>the East
>producing anything of intellectual value

Christianity is only the bhakti part of Hinduism, and they focus on it to new heights in an almost perverse manner.

This is an edgy post.

>Hinduism: mhhm like I did shrooms/meditated and now I'm convinced there is no ego and we all are one (literally brainlet stoner religion) now how I make my feefees feel as good as possible

>Christianity: Life is hard, and you should man up and take your cross, be the greatest you can be instead of dying in sin, here is new life, oh and btw the entire western civilization

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uh bro you can't call actual philosophy "for brainlets" you are just projecting your own shitty interpretation onto the rest of humanity read some books then read the NT again and try harder next time ya goof

I'm an antitheist and I think I'm right in being afraid of complete ego death (while still seeing how ego "trimming" can be a good thing (basically talking about neutralising ego inflation here)).
I would say new testament is irrational and based on a scapegoat mentality (for something that never actually happened...).
Also "that slave morality"...

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Christianity is probably the least masculine religion there is. It espouses meekness and tells you to suffer like a bitch without retaliation. It is built for slaves and cucks like yourself.

Define meekness. The real meaning of the word is "to control your passions; to know how to wield a sword while keeping it sheathed." Take a look at the commentary here for more info. biblehub.com/matthew/5-5.htm
Sounds like pretty good advice to me.

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you sound like you started college and yoga at the same time.

If you haven't read both esoteric Hindu and Christian works you need to go back to /pol/.

>The real meaning of the word is "to control your passions; to know how to wield a sword while keeping it sheathed."

Thats not what the commentary says. its also not how Chistcucks themselves see it.

>new testament is irrational and based on a scapegoat mentality
uh bro you do realize that is intentional and god is irrational/capable of contradicting itself. the problem of evil is a false dilemma, dopey.