Books to help me cope with the fact that I am a subhuman incel?

Books to help me cope with the fact that I am a subhuman incel?

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become a superhuman volcel

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Maps of Meaning might be a good place to start.

thanks I'll check it out.
I was hoping for some fiction or poetry though.

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Jordan Peterson has become the internet dad for pasty losers who's real fathers gave up on them. I think he loves it though.

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Makes it perfect for OP.

i like this pic :3

start with shit tier or low tier, everything else might be too far up in the shelf for you

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just finished Clifford, it should be higher up

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>Pepe Clasico

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tkamb is not a bad book at all

Just get shredded like Zyzz did

>mfw user implies that Atlas shrugged is somehow superior to The Trial, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Hamlet and Brave new world

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It's hard to be mad at Peterson for this.

Miguel de Unamuno's The Tragic Sense of Life

did they fuck?

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He talks a lot about a new, simply defined - and therefore easily attained - concept of masculinity. Of course young men who don't really fit in flock to him.

JP railed that pepeboy's ass out

Having read the book out of curiosity (my bedroom is, and has been impeccably clean for the past ten years), it is at once winded and toned down for the sake of accessibility and its' form is more like that of a middling tourism blogger finding vulgar analogues to express their experience to as large an audience as possible

Literally nothing in god-tier requires serious pre-reading for someone whose first language is English or the endemic languages of the books

>He talks a lot about a new, simply defined - and therefore easily attained - concept of masculinity. Of course young men who don't really fit in flock to him.

Is that bad? Even if it only for a point of discovery to live better?

Hopefully I'm not misunderstanding your question:
I'm not sure if I'd classify it as "bad" on it's own. Maybe there is a need for young atomized men to find identity in the modern world, but I don't think that identity should be focused around a singular, monolithic concept of masculinity. While I'm sure getting guys to clean their room with the promise of finding the man within will lead some on a path to finding out who they are outside that, I think it speaks to a larger issue that finding ones "masculinity" is even the goal there.

Read Icycalm, if you're anything like me he'll exacerbate your anxiety and depression to such extreme levels that they will circle back around from a curse to a boon.

satire right?

Miguel Serrano - Nos
Carl Jung - Man and his Symbols and Memories, Dreams, Reflections
KJV Bible + Apocrypha
Fyodor Dostoevsky - Crime and Punishment, Notes from Underground, and White Nights
Ted Kaczynski - Industrial Society and Its Future
Complete Works of H. P. Lovecraft
Complete Fiction of Jose Luis Borges
Corneliu Zelea Codreanu - For My Legionaries
Any of Yukio Mishima's works
Deleuze and Guattari - The Thousand Plateaus
Plutarch's Lives
The Golden Legend
J. R. R. Tolkien - The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion
Gene Wolfe - Book of the New Sun
The poetry of Friedrich Holderlin
The poetry of Novalis
Frank Herbert - The Dune Series
The Gnostic Bible
The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
Aleister Crowley - The Book of Lies and 777

If you cannot get the succ, you might as well achieve HYPERBOREAN AUTISM.

No shortcuts.

shittiest list i've ever read, never post again

Do not under any circumstances read Maps of Meaning, this user is trolling you

Bible is good slave morality cope

Did a 15 years old alt-rightredditor make this list? Checkmate?
Won't even comment on the rest.
Ignore almost any list that's posted here, excluding this one.
Tiger, Tiger. (Sci-fi count of montecristo)
A confederacy of dunces
The tin drum (it's not an easy read but it's one of the best books ever written. I'm not sure how good the english translation might be)
Cronopios and famas (read it in spanish if possible)
The dice man (not that good of a literary piece, but not bad either. It's interesting.)

You'll have enough for a month or two with these, i'd advise reading some of them at least twice.
Avoid self-help, the best way to learn how to live is through other peoples lives (be them fictional or not). Just try to be influenced be the right kind.
Also, avoid existentialist literature, sartre and camus are better philosophers than novel writters.
The best way to cope with misery is to develop an ironic attitude towards yourself. These books will help.

Read The Magic Mountain. Time's a trap, loser.
>Günther Grass

No, I was serious. It’s inspiring stuff.

Gender trouble.

May i know why do you dislike Günther Grass?
I've actually read three novels from him and i loved each and every word written in them. I read them in spanish, the translator is exceptional.

St. John of the Cross Dark Night of the Soul
