How do I become a better reader? My attention span is that of an ant thanks to the internet...

How do I become a better reader? My attention span is that of an ant thanks to the internet. It's a struggle to read 10 pages in one sitting and I rarely stick with a book long enough to finish. Help.

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Find a book you like.

Start small and easy, and move up. Don't be afraid to start with shitty YA or children's books. Your attention span is like a muscle. It needs to be exercised.

don't blame the internet. blame yourself. you can turn off your fucking phone, unless you use it to read books, in which case turn off mobile data and wifi.

I can blame the years of instant gratification as the cause if my shit attention span.

Try children's books. I suggest A Series of Unfortunate Events. The font size on each page is like 16 or 20. It's really big. So there's like only a few words per page. It will make you feel really smart when you end up reading 100 pages in an hour or less.

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OP im 20 now but i've kinda always struggled with attention meme (years of constant gratification too, as a child and up to some years ago I used to spare all my free time in videogames or masturbating or eating shit food).

You fix that by identifying distractions, removing ALL of them, and getting something you really like to read. Else, you won't read shit. At least until you get into the habit of it

Don't be afraid of spending time on a single book, a single page, or a single sentence. Don't be afraid of re-reading the book multiple times either. You'll be surprised how much value you can get by reading slowly and carefully. Obviously, not every book can be read like this, especially with authors who write in beige, then on the other extreme is purple prose. One has little meaning to analyze close up, and is probably only written in context of the following events and sentences, where the other is overtly complicated wording which means nothing.
Pic unrelated.

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I think you should enrich your experience. I'm used to listening to classical music whenever I'm reading something. It's not exactly true that it improves your concentration, but it helps me feel more engrossed in the read. I have a 78 GB folder about classical composers, so I don't have to deal with stupid ads or radio stations. It doesn't have to be classical ofc.

read more

Try reading on Kindle. I was like you until I read on Kindle

start with short stories and grow from there

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Yes, but you are the one who chose to use the internet. Its not the internets fault

>My attention span is that of an ant
Ants have single-minded purpose.

These fucking threads. This equivalent of asking how to get better at listening music on \mu\, how to get better at watching movies and tv series on \tv\ and anime and manga on \a\, and hating niggers, sandniggers and thots on \pol\.

-stop browsing forums/comment sections/chat rooms
-stop watching porn
-be sober
-be in a quiet place or have headphones on playing white noise
-read stuff you like
-read short stories
-read slower. don't skim/speedread (unless you're previewing a book)

Read out loud as you pace around your living room.

I'm 28, so I've been able to see both sides of the "internet is everywhere" paradigm shift. Yes, our persistent use of the internet is training our minds to be incapable of keeping attention without click-bait videos, articles, and forums. The solution is that you must read outloud to yourself (unless you can convince your mother to tell you a story, which I don't actually recommend).

>Read poetry aloud
>Read short stories aloud
>Read novels aloud

After a chapter, write down what happened and what clues were given about the meaning/themes of the story. This all takes getting used to, so push through for a week or two, but it WILL make you a better reader, I promise.

Reading isn't as passive an activity though.

this is a great rec. ambient, though it seems too obvious, works really well too, and so does any non-aggressive electronic music

You may have to adopt an entirely new attitude toward how you do things.

A huge problem with the modern lifestyle is that people operate very transactionally. They don't do something unless it furthers some productive goal. For most people, they try to maximize addictive internet time (social media, games, porn, youtube rabbit holes) and everything else in their life is rushed, including social interaction and anything else that enriches us and makes us human.

Try to deliberately slow yourself down. When you're thirsty take your drink on the patio and enjoy the breeze (without your phone). Eat at the table rather than the computer. Have your router go offline automatically every night at a set time for an hour or so.

Of course I do none of this because I'm as addicted as any of us. But when I was able to do these things I found it really rewarding, like I'd been missing out on real life when I wasn't doing them. I think you have to escape this "stimulation maximizing" mindset so many of us are trapped in. Good luck

10 pages a day. Just get to 10. Eventually your attention span will increase. Little and often, then you'll get through a lot.