What was the most interesting disaster to take place in human history?

What was the most interesting disaster to take place in human history?

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Suicide. Every minute of every day someone somewhere reasons that somehow removing themselves from existence will solve their problems. It's interesting because it also weeds the mentally deficient from the gene pool. Let's be honest- if you think killing yourself is a good idea under any likely circumstances, you're a plain idiot.

How does removing ones self from the living world not solve your problems? Not a great way to solve them, but a way nonetheless.

And not everybody who killed themselves was in mental distress. Did every samurai who committed seppuku have depression?

It replaces all their problems with a permanent existential one with no conceivable resolution- you can't say the same about any mortal problem I can think of. Now I doubt everyone who committed seppuku was depressed, but I reckon most of them had trouble thinking things through.

The Deepwater Horizon spill was pretty interesting since they destroyed like, half the ocean to save less than $300,000 and a day of work.

AIDS. It really says a lot about homosexuals when they're unable to stop themselves from fucking literal monkeys. Amazing what can happen when you give rights to degenerates.

>permanent existential one with no conceivable resolution

If I can't experience it is it real?

I don't know. Why don't you kill yourself and tell me what it's like?

You sure convinced me.


You are fucking idiot. Aids has hellula long incubation period and it got spread long before it was known. By chance it creeped into the gay community but it could have been student colleges as well.

Semitic religions*

The GOP in 2016


Abrahamic religion. And Socratic philosophy.

They both created the disasterous fantasy known as teleology

The fall of the bronze age is kind of cool considering how little we know about it. It has a lot of mystique among historians.

>a disease transmittable by blood, originating on a continent where people are known for eating ape meat
ha ha dey fugged monkies :DDD

something something not holy, roman, etc.

>By chance it creeped into the gay community but it could have been student colleges as well.
The other AIDs hotbed that no one talks about is the Miami Haitian communities. Haitian refugees with no job opportunities would be whores and catch the disease, and then bring it back to their communities where it would spread among them.


HIV existed since the time of Australopithecus you ignorant fuck its literally a genetic disease for humans.



No its only been catchable by humans for about 40 years

Pretty sure it was the largest single explosion ever up to the atomic bomb tests, and remains the fourth largest conventional artificial explosion.

Humans have always had HIV, the pathogen has sticked to us before we were human however the humans in Africa has the highest concentrations of the strains which is why the virus was originally found in Africa.

No, HIV evolved from SIV, a virus that targets monkeys, and jumped over to humans somewhere in the early 20th century, likely because some Africans like to eat bushmeat.

They think that it's a combination of two diseases which normally infect monkeys, then hits an ape that ate the monkeys and mutated through horizontal gene transfer, and then got a guy who killed and ate the ape. We even know patient zero, he's a flight steward who would have sex with a different man at every landing.

Terminal cancer

If I had terminal cancer, I'd just let doctors experiment on me

What's your opinion on this Hisachi Ouchi?

Hilarious name btw.

that pic

Horrid death, but slapstick-tier level of safety negligence. He literally poured radioactive liquid into a bucket and then into a reactor, reportedly pouring some of it on himself in the process.

I'm not talking about his stupidity. I'm talking about the fact that he was dying and doctors kept him alive as long as possible to better know the effect of radiation while he stayed in pain for all that ordeal even though he knew he was dying.

>Let's be honest- if you think killing yourself is a good idea under any likely circumstances, you're a plain idiot.

Tbqh, there are several good reasons. Being a loser for example.

Normal neurotypical and well-adjusted people rarely can empathize and understand how it is to live in a world were you cannot connect to people and gaining happiness in life, when connecting to people and attaining happiness is a social norm.

I bet his last thought was
>I'm so baka desu

His nerve system probably bleeded as well, so he probably didn't feel anything due to lack of feelers. Not to mention his being passed-out all the time.

Japs are still soulless.