He killed himself in 2008, right when the internet became normie-tier

DId he realize that the internet was a superior platform for schizophrenic ideations than his pathetic novels would ever be?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Jason Segal didn't do a very good job playing him.

Nah, his psychiatrist fucked up.

dont fall for the ssri jew

I believe it was a combination of things. lack of inspiration which led to cynicism. general marital trouble, an extortion incident, unwanted pregnancy/abortion incident as well. drug-abuse and withdrawal.
the tornado continues...

Was he even sincere?

expand on these please

antidepressants are the worst way to treat depression

He knew he'd be stuck posting here 24/7 so he killed himself before falling into that misery

>extortion abortion and drug abuse
Wew lad what was this guy doing?

Myspace was already popular in 2006, and you got shit like gaia, runescape, habbo hotel. He probably realizing there was no turning back. He was born in the wrong generation, would have been respected in the Middle Ages and swimming in medieval pussy senpai.

>didn't kill himself by drowning

So disappointed in Dave tbqh

>Normie tier

This faggot wasn't born before 1990. I forgot how young some of your simpletons are. The internet became normie tier around around 2003-2004.

For the first time now that I think about it, the Family Guy episode where Meg enters a poetry contest would have made more sense with the winner meeting DFW than Obama. The following scene would have actually been funny with DFW in Obama's place.


The internet was mainstream in 2003

Here is an internet chatroom interview he did the year Infinite Jest came out


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It was Dave's idea to try to wean himself off of the medication. There were side effects to being on it because it was a relatively primitive antidepressant, but it's enormously risky to stop taking something like that when you've been suicidal before.

Yeah thats definately him

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>Talking about Harold Bloom

He really is hour guy

>A carbuncle's fucking HUGE, esse.
God, he sounds like someone from a shitpost thread in 2010.

>habbo hotel.
>causing authors to an hero

>dfw: In my very first seminar in college, I pronounced facade "fakade." The memory's still fresh and raw.

This image fills me with all sorts of anxiety.

wtf, it's not pronounced that way?

it's fasade

fuck that fag shit. considering how infrequently it's pronounced out loud, why can't I just say it however the fuck I'd like to?

>Marisa: Lotta clapping with one hand out there in Iowa? I'll bet there is.

I agree, user... there's a lot of value the novel once had that has been rendered obsolete by the internet. It really fucks up the people who think the novel is a vehicle for the author's opinions, as you've said, as well as people who think the novel is for learning about far away places and odd people. Message boards and youtube. respectively, satisfy these purposes much more effectively.

I'm glad, because both those are really bad reasons to write a novel, imo.

You can, people will just laugh at you (which is fine)

dont get on the ssri jew in the first place

>not knowing about the 2007 facebook/wifi/youtube/iphone explosion

> 2007

Neger please. I remember in 6th grade (2006) kids talking about Youtube and that muffin meme video. Myspace was already the craze by then and it went into use even until 2010.

To be hones the only things that normies helped with the internet was getting rid of the cringy memes like numa numa, CaramelDansen, and Ask a Ninja.

>Jay: Do you think what Joseph McElroy was doing in "Women and Men" is similar to what you're doing?
>dfw: I thought that book sucked canal-water, Jay. There ARE some affinities with "Lookout Cartridge," though.

you're being obtuse

if you want to embarass yourself in class or any public settin, go ahead.

peanut butta jelly wit a baseball bat

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Nardil actually is not SSRI.

Dave came to the psych with his symptoms and the guy guessed they may be caused by his medication and suggested changing it to something more modern.

All the kids were online, but 2007/08 is when your mom and your grandma got both got Facebook pages. That's what's truly meant about the internet becoming normie-tier.

I love how it took less than a decade for them all to declare the internet "ruined," too.

don't get on any anti-(something ill defined and to do with cognition and mood) meds to begin with, its a death sentence

It often takes several tries to find a good antidepressant, but it's a risk worth taking. If you've never had clinical depression, there's no way of conveying to you how it changes life at a fundamental level and can even make feeling positive emotions physically impossible. For such people, MAOIs or experimental medical procedures are a necessity because milder options simply don't affect them, and taking stuff like hallucinogens is a gamble. Increased risk of suicide is unfortunate, but these drugs have saved thousands of lives, and to dismiss them altogether would be naive.

You might say the gene pool is closed

>MD Shekelstein Approved

For what it's worth, I'd say meds are overprescribed as is since the concept of clinical depression as distinct from ennui or being 'in a funk' isn't widely understood in the U.S. and a lot of people are haphazardly tossed onto SSRIs despite the potential for even worse issues like emotional blunting and loss of libido. For the real thing, though, antidepressants are the best we've got, since the best alternatives like ECT still carry lots of risks.

op here, this

It was the minute memes became mainstream was where it was all going to shit.

We know nothing of what awaits us

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I graduating high school in 2004. I had a computer when I turned 13 (1999.) I was ahead of the curve but the rest of the normies were on board by 2003-2004.

You bitch babies have no idea what you are talking about.

>Now knowing a time before cell phone existed.

Ya JR. I absolutely don't remember when facebook, youtube or iphone came out. I certainly don't remember what was before meme tier shit like facebook, youtube or iphone.

I remember a time when PDA's were as big as cell phones are now. You literally don't know what you're talking about.

I fucking hate children, they're so arrogant and pompous. Meme's have been in culture since before your grandpa was born. One of the most notorious old meme's was Kilroy was here. Now instead of being on a physical space it's on the internet. The first internet meme that became popular was the dancing baby which probably become popular around the same time you were in your diapers.

You aren't special and you certainly don't know a damn thing about the internet.

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>I know more than centuries of psychological and neurological studies and research
>hurr durr jews hehehe
>I am telling users on a mongolian card trading forum to not get the help they might need
>medicine is bad hurr durr

Please just do everyone a favour and stop posting. Your pathetic pol-tier ramblings and sad brainlet ways are simply obnoxious.

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damn it why are grown-ups so lame

I think it's safe to say that 50% of people prescribed anti-depressants are depressed for a reason and it's not because of brain chemistry.

lol for so long i had been pronouncing it the same way even though i've heard the word a bunch of times

>I know more than centuries of psychological and neurological studies and research
Centuries? What type of retard are you, most every anti-depressant being prescribed today doesn't predate fucking Seinfeld

>Waah I'm entitled to be happy independent of reality and happiness is all that matters

Unironically kill yourself

i dont think thats safe to say. conjecture that ought to be investigated, nothing more.

Hey fuck-tard you know it took centuries of studies and research to get to the point of being able to synthesize medicine that can influence serotonin intake?

Are you retarded? Do you not know how science works?

Its like saying smart phones are completely brand spanking new from only 5 years of development.

Fucking brainlet to the max.

Thats why most good doctors tell patients to first get therapy and try healthier alternatives begore getting on medication.

You know nothing about the process so shut the fuck up retard.

me at the bottom

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>You know nothing about the process

I'm sure you're far more qualified than I. Calling me a retard drives home how respectable you must be offline.

>Hey fuck-tard you know it took centuries of studies and research to get to the point of being able to synthesize medicine that can influence serotonin intake?

Guys he realizes Psychology is one of the newest of all sciences right? Like how it's barely 100 years old?.

He realizes psychiatry is even newer than that right?

He realizes that it's literally in its infancy compared to other sciences right?

Right guys? Right?

>Its like saying smart phones are completely brand spanking new from only 5 years of development.

Ok JR. You weren't even born before 1990. You literally don't know what you are talking about. I lived when Cell Phones as you know them were not a thing. Modern Cell Phones are extremely new tech.

I fucking hate how children think they know how the world works.

You don't understand. They're not happy pills to make you satisfied with a shitty life, but pills that restore your ability to feel happy or make it so that you no longer feel anxious or suicidal despite external conditions providing no reason to respond that way. Someone who is clinically depressed will feel these things regardless of circumstance, as it affects their brain like any other mental illness. You're conflating the mood of depression with the real disease when they are completely different things.

The problem is he was never able to formulate the great fenticil of existence. The drudgery of artistic production, without any resultant clarity drove him off the deep end. Ironically, the world he departed has been made over into an even greater fenticil! A fenticil that no body, no how, will ever be able to crack... except, perhaps, in a greentext!

I, too, had a computer before Y2K. I had a Windows 95 box. 2007/8 was on a whole nother level of internet-ruining. mobileposters and facebook played the largest role. You know what website started in '06, btw? Reddit.

listen, dumbass, Google purchased youtube at the end of FY2016. If you don't understand what a momentous event that was, you don't deserve to breathe oxygen.

the point is that there were robo-friendly zones prior to 2007. afterwards, everything became normalfag adspace. I don't care if your grandma had an email account in 2004.

>centuries of psychological and neurological studies and research
nice bait

>Psychology is one of the newest of all sciences right?
You think nobody was studying human behavior at all before last century and that psychologists just started from scratch like they were aliens?

dude, please stop defending anti-depressants on the internet and just kill yourself already.

The human mind entered the lab only in 1879, you worthless brainlet. And they did start from scratch as they had to come up with their own tests, instrumentation, research goals and methods, and training of subjects, everything was as experimental as advertised, in every sense of the word.

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>right guys? right?

kys redditor faggot

Every mental or emotional process you go through is because of brain chemistry, there are specific brodmann areas that activate woth depression. This is the reason why anti-depressants work in spite of the cause being of a social nature.

Unironically the worst post I've ever read on this board

>more than millenia of daily life and studies
>hurr durr sexist teehee
>don't beat your wife hurr durr

post your demon daves

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