St. Augustine is a 'black author' according to Jewish NYtimes columnist David Brooks

Can Veeky Forums recommend me any other black Roman-era Christian writers?

>Now we are at a place where it is commonly assumed that your perceptions are something that come to you through your group, through your demographic identity. How many times have we all heard somebody rise up in conversation and say, “Speaking as a Latina. …” or “Speaking as a queer person. …” or “Speaking as a Jew. …”? ….

>But other times, group identity seems irrelevant to many issues. How does being gay shape your view of U.S.-German relations or breaking up big tech? How does being Latina influence how you read a black writer like St. Augustine?


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Other urls found in this thread:

>liberals unironically think this guy is a conservative

Jew being a Jew fucking hold the presses!

these people will be completely forgotten by history

nothing but a brief footnote, 'before the fall of Western civilization the academic culture became quite strange'

But Africa dude

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>Can Veeky Forums recommend me any other black Roman-era Christian writers?
yeah, Africanus, Hannibal list goes on..

>all these comments from elderly white people expressing their white guilt
Is there anything more depressing than a stupid (not even pseud level) upper mid class white person of the kind who reads NYT? Just imagine being at deaths door, and still being a slobbering neo-lib materialist retard, walking towards what you think is a black void with nothing in your soul but your prius and your weekly spin class. Worse than NEET's by far, at least they fucked up spectacularly, these people just faded out into nothingness. just nausea tier disgusting

We must post this on every board to redpill the normies on white genocide

>Is there anything more depressing than a stupid (not even pseud level) upper mid class white person of the kind who reads NYT?
The existence of almost every single ressentiment-fueled 4channer

this thread is so retarded that you just know it will get 200+ replies

>It's another Jew shitting on Phoenicians episode

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I don't give a fuck about white genocide. White people as a race fucked up. More specifically, martin luther fucked us with his protestant retardation, which birthed calvanism, which birthed the sanctification of work ethic, which birthed the industrial revolution, etc. we're done and I hope we go out quickly to spare some dignity. It's just depressing af to see people like these NYC commenters reach such an old age and still be so fucking profoundly empty. Really reminds you of the current situation

>speaking as a White male

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OP here. I spent 4 hours trying to find a story with a Jew and some identity politics concerning blacks. Thought this would be brilliant to set all the frogmen off, so I can harvest the (You)s

I'm happy with were I am desu. I wasn't for a while, but now I'm unironically p confident of that assertion

I've read more books than you and posted on this board longer than you

>These moderately wealthy taxpayers are worse than me because they don’t even believe in a magical afterlife.

No, my NEET friend. You are the lowest of the low.

I'm not a NEET tho, I'm in stemfag grad school.

I've been here since 2008 and like this guy I'm perfectly happy with living a life of redpilling. It's nice to have a free speech place where white brothers can be white brothers in peace without being attacked as racist

Wtf i love africans now

try the redpill to see the truth of them


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Good luck with that, man. But try being less of a jackass.

brooks is such a pleb, he obviously just heard that augustine was african and never stop to think that he was berber which are "white" although most people would mistake them for arabs who are actually also "white" on the united states census (arabs have to be white or else jews wouldnt be white you see)

david brooks is a colossal pseud which is why he works as a conservative heel for the liberal nytimes, dudes a total dong

nah, I have to deal with these fags day in day out, holding back progress with their retard ideas and skepsis. I swear to god if I ever get a tenured position I'd purge anyone in my department who owns a prius

Arabs aren't white. Africans aren't white,. Jews aren't white. Fucking retard brainwashed

The entire article is a shitpost. Those magazines are like the /pol/ of normies.

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Make sure you hire only white nationalists so we can reclaim our honor and restore masculinity in face of postmodernism

The fuck kind of stemfag doesn’t believe in climate change? I’m smelling bullshit. I think you’re a NEET. And maybe people just like saving money on gas, you fuckwit. End yourself.

It's a jewish lie. See /pol/'s infographics

>mfw I'm white

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>disliking neolib boomers makes you a white nationalist Trump supporter, there is surely no other way a person could have these opinions

there are scientists who 'don't believe in climate change' ie. question certain things about it

before someone yells at me i literally don't give a shit about climate change or have an opinion but I recognize when dissenting voices are being drowned out by ideologues and this is clearly one of those cases

Say another mean thing about Tobey and you'll be sorry

>save money on gas with a petroleum tax
>help the environment and your wallet with a new nissan leaf!

It’s demonstrable, unlike evolution.

Also the Earth is demonstrably spherical, unlike evolution

natural selection is real but anthropogenic global warming is bullshit

Stop being dumb on purpose

he's right

>Also the Earth is demonstrably spherical

Demonstrate it to me right now

Artificial selection is real and can be observed, like a percentage of temperature change difference correlated to pollution.

Natural selection cannot

wtf is with Veeky Forums dorks and the dude i'm so ironic humor?

it call redpill, sweety

Said nothing of the sort and you know it. Your bait is weak. Have a pity (you).

The thread is literally full of facetious "lmao get redpilled" irony, the general thrust of these posts being essentially that anyone who makes fun of pathetic neolibs is some kind of /pol/tard

>we're both retarded

There is literally zero proof that the Earth is round. All you have is some pictures, but do you know for a fact that they're not manipulated in some way? The answer is no. All you have is a blind faith.

Maybe it's because Veeky Forums has always valued intelligent posts and threads over le screenshot of social media where someone says something that hurts white supremacist feelings? These threads belong on /pol/, /r9k/, and /tv/. This board is for the discussion of literature, not retarded race bait

that's not the point though. people buy a prius to talk about having a prius, not for environmental reasons. Those kind of petty ass people aren't cut out for science and shouldn't be in the department.


>Veeky Forums has always valued intelligent posts a
dont make me laugh

Look at the /pol/ and /tv/ catalog.
/pol/ for example is about 50% social media screenshots that people seek out to get an outrage thread going. Same as this one. No literature has been discussed in this thread, have you noticed that?

I couldn't give less of a shit about the OP article, but it's pretty laughable that people here value "intelligent" posts considering how many are actually made. As far as I'm aware the discourse has been taken over by retarded race bait no matter where you go anyway, but I wasn't talking about OP anyway. But the implication that everybody who isn't a status-quo neolib must be some kind of redneck who's obsessed with denying climate change is pretty ridiculous and reflects upon the state of the discourse just as negatively as the race baiters do.

But less have actual literature threads, okay? You can make your Kevin McDonald and Hitler threads for all I care, but please fuck off with the social media shit

It’s clear God has created all



you talk in a sick minded way, and brotherhood based in blood is herd mentality behavior on the same level as Kikes and Niggers getting excited when they see a fellow tribesman. You're the grossest kind of collectivist



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nice grook

Every. Single. Time.
It's not even funny anymore

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Why should I care about this?

Maybe read the entire post before responding next time.

Sorry I thought I was on /pol/. I'll see myself out.

I'm a Christian but providence = gnon

you can't be a Christian and believe in gnon

But that's how the term came about my dude

>there are immutable laws which govern the universe we inhabit
>there is a God
how are these at odds?

the connotation as he was using it has nothing to do with the Christian god
Christian God and gnon are not the same thing, are diametrically opposed.

How could St. Augustine be black, considering black identity was invented in early 20th Century America?