I invented a word, where to do i go to make it official

I invented a word, where to do i go to make it official.
Or, put it up for consideration at least ?

It's really good, guys, i think it may make me rich

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Depends. Is it a coinage or fusion? Consider #metoo and how its origins were forgotten.

post it on here so we can meme it for you

I chuckled

I post it with definition

Fentícil: An idea singularly comprised whilst beyond all responcible reasoning for it, indefinite in all its constituent continuity.

Like in f.e. A sentence:
> Reality as interpreted, by one, a perpetual, prodigious, unpredictable one-whole fentilicity.

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Fenticility or fentilicity? Also I can't parse your definition.

>That's a lovely tnetennba

Jizzgobbler already exists.


It is..
A comprehension, you are perfectly capable of managing, but fail to understand in detail as you try to make rational sense of it

C'est more clear?

I understand. I'm surprised there's not a word for that already. If not, good work.

Yea i have it nearly pattented


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that’s what I thought too

The word does not really make sense when you think about it.

I think you should read some of the style in dictionaries when you start thinking of definitions. You are using way too many qualifiers. You don't need cushions.

What is managing a comprehension?
What is capability?
What is perfect capability?
What is understanding "in detail"?
What is "rational" sense?

Let us just cut all that worthless shit from it.

A comprehension that can not be understood.

see ineffable.


Fentilicity: idea that ultimately remains ineffable despite appearing graspable

Your definition is hard to understand, but the idea is good.
9/10 would use in a paper or on Veeky Forums to make myself look smarter

But it doesn't appear graspable.
It's an idea whose utility you can know/an idea you can only understand holistically—but can't explain any of its details/parts.

A good song is fenticilic, but you couldn't make one.
Or you know when something's wrong, but can't pinpoint why, the problem is fenticilic/you feel fenticility/fentilicity.
A bit like hindsight, except before something fails, but you lack the means of fixing the inevitable problem that you know is there (not fear/anxiety).

Except for ideas, and it doesn't have to be negative.
A sixth sense, but for logic instead of feeling.
>it's the thing you feel/have when you visualize a great scene in your head but can't but it into words to write it down.
Unless I misunderstood OP.

And with first sentence I meant that you can grasp it.
Here's va metaphor.
>You can grasp a handful of sand, but can't keep all the grains in your grasp.
A large portion will also quickly rapidly escape your grasp—for a moment you grasped it all.
People who do psychedelic drugs suffer fenticil.

No. It is pretty easy to remember the door even if some impression escapes for a time.

THat was not my def.
You read a simplification

No such thing as 'official'. If people use it and (as a result) dictionaries adopt it, then it's a word.

>No such thing as 'official'.
I totally agree with this. Ultimately, society as a whole decides what a word means. It is, however, pleb tier for idiots to invent a new word where other words already exist that define the subject at hand appropriately. I am not referencing OP - I have no opinion on that.

The word is 'form'.

and what are the root forms of this word

It needs to have indo-european roots.

Nah, plenty of English words have roots in IE languages far removed (Indian from the Raj, Persian through Greek and Latin), or non-IE languages. It just needs to have SOME etymology.

So its kind of like an intuition?

and those are shittier words
I'm not OP, but I would guess it's like when you know everything that isn't related to something, but you can't explain the main thing. uuhh
I just came up with a better analogy but it just weirdly faded from my mind.

The word seems to describe itself.
Nobody here seem to be able to explain what it means, but we all "understand" kind-of. Perhaps this was done intentionally by OP, how very ironic.

Congrats, you impressed the pseuds on Veeky Forums.

yeah i do fentanyl too


Always wondered if there was a word for what OP described.

It's the duty of Veeky Forums to abuse the shit out of this word on every medium from this point on.

If sophistry is with intend to deceive then it would only apply, potentially, from the subconscious/unconsxious mind translated to the conscious mind.
Evidently we, consciously speaking would have no way of knowing if any such thing would as a matter of fact be going on.