Will Eastern Europe become the philosopher's center in the near future?

Prague, Warsaw, Budapest, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Belgrade

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All of those cities are shitholes. Slavs are subhumans.

sticky when

t. Pajeet

these cities (mainly Budapest, Warsaw and Prague) are likely to become intellectual capitals if Islam begins to rule the west, which isn't really on the horizon right now

maybe in 50 years, when the western demographics totally crumble and replacing native Westerners becomes easier

t. andrej kowalski

Literally why would they? >muh haven of Christianity?

All of those countries are slowing inching towards authoritarianism and ethno-nationalism, with a bit of reactionary religiosity thrown in for good measure. These climates don't usually make for intellectual hotbeds, unless lame, pro-violence reactionary philosophy is what gets your rocks off.

t. Alejandro Negro Favela Grande

t. stanislaw stasiuk

literally the greatest writers were spawned in ethno-nationalist countries that experienced hard times

you haven't been to these countries, have you?

good 40% of kids aged 18 to 30 are anti-nationalist hippies full of love for the neoliberal part of western intellectual tradition

it's obvious that it's them who fuel the art scene, travel, devour foreign art and aspire to influence the academia and so on

the nationalist kids only read Evola, go on marches and spray "fuck mudslimes" on the walls

Philosophy is what replaces theology for degenerate and dying societies.

So, to answer: probably not, that corner of the world isn't so far gone yet to need 'philosophy'.

>degenerate and dying
you mean modern and enlightened

There used to be no distinction between philosophy and religion desu

It's a shame that this distinction was invented

Yes, because death is the wages of modernity and enlightenment. As is expected from their father, the "Lightbringer".

>This is what christfags actually believe

>There used to be no distinction between philosophy and religion desu

This may be one of the most retarded posts I've ever read on this website

.. seriously?

I can't speak for the others, but you should take Belgrade off that list.
Come here, and you'll see why.

Ignore them and they will go away. Degenerates will degenerate. Eventually they will degenerate into eternal nothingness.

P.S. Still, the original poster is wrong. Philosophy is religion as interpreted by muddle-headed people with no memory of the truth or the world about them. Philosophy and religion have "no distinction" only in the same way that bread and mold have no distinction.

Fuck off LARPer you can't even distinguish between sophia and philo-sophia
Theology is a meme invented by christians

>Fuck off LARPer you can't even distinguish between sophia and philo-sophia
There's no such thing as a "sophia", my mongoloid friend. A "philo-sophia" is a simulacrum of a simulacrum, like fapping to an aimu rendition of a pornography scene instead of actually getting a woman.

> Theology is a meme invented by christians
In that you're right, only Christians know true theology. Other religions make do with garbled second-hand broken-telephone renditions.

P.S. Protestants aren't Christians.

>unironically defending christian theology this hard

wew lad

slavshits are dumber and more intellectually dishonest right now than they've ever been.

>There's no such thing as a "sophia", my mongoloid friend. A "philo-sophia" is a simulacrum of a simulacrum, like fapping to an aimu rendition of a pornography scene instead of actually getting a woman.
>what is the embodied dialectical logos of the greek presocratics
find a cliff and jump off christfaggot

Failposters will fail.

P.S. Son, I'll give you a second attempt at posting a better retort. I'm magnanimous like that. Go.

Worse than Zagreb?

how about Novi Sad then, we need at least one south slav city

philosophy was joined to religion by christfags
before that pagan religion and philosophy had long been separated. the earliest greek philosophers were natural philosophers or mystics who came up with their own spirituality distinct from the conventional religion of their times. the neoplatonist and the christian element were conjoined together to fill the voids that had been left in both philosophical inquiry and state religion.

fuck it, if need be sofia will do i suppose.

I wasn't even that guy but w/e, Christian theology, in it's exo-teric, literal interpretation, is complete nonsense and only managed to survive through it's marriage to secular authority

Yeah, and western PC-censorship university culture is fertile ground, right?

>>what is the embodied dialectical logos of the greek presocratics
A bunch of spooky mumbo-jumbo baloney invented by a primitive people that couldn't into proper cosmology and soteriology. Next stupid question, please.

>find a cliff and jump off christfaggot
Or what?

Christian theology has no "literal interpretation", being a set of axioms and syllogisms, my mongoloid friend.

P.S. Protestants aren't Christian, and have no theology as such.

You know, calling non-Christian ideas "spooky mumbo jumbo" doesn't actually make them spooky mumbo jumbo

t. DaRonde Shaqun

Fine, if you want to be semantic then

>Christian dogma is nonsense


> You know, calling non-Christian ideas "spooky mumbo jumbo" doesn't actually make them spooky mumbo jumbo
Yes, you're right. It's their retarded and self-serving content that makes them baloney.

>>It's their retarded and self-serving content that makes them baloney.
>says the Christcuck, without a hint of irony

> confuses 'dogma' and 'theology', while not even knowing what either is
> pretends an air of intellectual superiority
Whew, lad. Back on topic, though. Did you finish your homework yet? Daddy won't be happy if you get another D.

Philosophy has been separated from religion and myth at least since Aristotle. Read a book before you post dumb shit.

>Hurr durr muh scholastics
If I tried to prove God's existence through science would that mean there is no disctinction between science and religion?

>A bunch of spooky mumbo-jumbo baloney invented by a primitive people that couldn't into proper cosmology and soteriology.
Argumentative logos embodied by a apollonian sage is the exact opposite of "spooky mumbo jumbo" that in turn describes pretty well christfaggot cosmology and soteriology (and theology) which are all fake disciplines for deluded retards. Off yourself.

I can only see NazBol philosophers coming from those cities


Please do enlighten me, oh great one, what is the proper word to refer to "the basic tenets of the Christian metaphysical worldview?"

>thinking physical location matters in the age of globalization and the internet

We aren't in the 20th century anymore Veeky Forums...

Don't understand the Veeky Forums obsession with muh literary capital

How else am I supposed to LARP?

> "Uncomfortable, hard-biting truths must be couched in a faux irony so that I can continue to ignore them without triggering self-doubt"
Whew lad, you keep hitting new lows here. Are you testing for bottom? Surely even you can't sink to such depths!

Veeky Forums still harbours fantasies of writing groundbreaking philosophical treatises and debating with pipe-smoking marxists in european cafes in order to give meaning to their empty lives

>Veeky Forums-flooding /leftypol/ still harbours fantasies of writing groundbreaking shitposts and debating with other pipe-smoking marxists in european cafes in order to give meaning to their empty lives

fixed that for you

>Please do enlighten me, oh great one, what is the proper word to refer to "the basic tenets of the Christian metaphysical worldview?"

> "Muh mumbo-jumbo can beat your mumbo-jumbo up, you fag".
Nice retort, kid.

Let me give you a hint: start from first principles. What are yours? "Maybe my soy dick can finally get wet if I pretend to wear a monocle hard enough"? "Start with le greeks (and my (((college professor))))."
Yeah, that's what I thought.

>implying Veeky Forums and /leftypol/ aren't synonymous
You're in Red territory, boyo

>Doesn't even know what dialectical logos means, thinks it's "mumbo jumbo"
>His mind is governed by cheap memes
Can you get anymore retarded than this?

maybe they'd be fully synonymous if it wasn't for my presence:^)

/leftypol/'s terrible memes and attitudes are not very present here, actually. most of the marxists behave.

Oh noes! Lord have mercy, how will I ever recover from not knowing about dialectical logos? Without dialectical logos my life will never get back on track! I will forever be stuck in Plato's cave, roasting marshmallows and marshmellowing roasties!

user, it's not okay to be monolingual.

Go look at the stars one night. Go far from cities and their light pollution, and you shall see. Try pretending after that.

I did not state that modernism and enlightenment are necessarily healthy. I just stated that user's theory about rising atheism being "a sign of degeneracy" is a blatant reduction.

>I just stated that user's theory about rising atheism being "a sign of degeneracy" is a blatant reduction.
Every truthful syllogism is a "blatant reduction", you stupid assfaggot.

>Ever an ethno-nationalist country

nice try

So now you're OK with "blatant reductionism", it's the Most Holy Hurt Feelz you're complaining about now? Make up your mind. (Try to ignore the incessant bee drone buzzing of Hurt Feelz for a moment.)

and so you're implying that on the basis of what, you little fallacy loving christcuck?

The worst thing Slavs did was obey jews. Hence why those cities are ugly, hence why they are shitholes.

And western europe full of sterile men, butch and ugly women, immigrants and no identity are far better, right???

the only thing those places can show us how far right, right wing can really go, the alt-right scene in the west is a joke compared to them

Most of those cities were built by Slavic architects and civil engineers, they chose to make ugly structures because they have ugly souls

Depends on what you mean by eastern Europe, geographically speaking Lithuania is central Europe, and the superior Lithuanians will be the greatest minds of our time and their philosophies will be followed for millennia.

Terrible post.


Philosophy died a long time ago

Philosopher's center in the world? Those places, minus Moscow and St Petersburg (I'm hearing there's mass immigration of Muslims to Russia from ex soviet countries) and add Tokyo and Vienna. Istanbul is a potential center for Islamic reform, and as the hub of a new type of Islam. I'm also predicting a backlash among the Islamic youth in Paris and the spread of a reformist Islam, with a civic nationalist philosophy being born.

>I'm hearing there's mass immigration of Muslims to Russia from ex soviet countries
It's a meme

>Novi Sad
>center of philosophy

Just no.

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no. the slav chest-beating is because of ww2 and cold war butthurt and being 2nd nation states. so they overcompensate.

Honestly, a nation should be defined by culture and ethnic, not one abandoning the other, though you get exceptions that can assimilate (the forefathers of Dumas, Pushkin, Dostoevsky's Tatar great great grandfather).

Somebody's gonna post the centrist meme, but seriously: the far left and far right are both retarded. It's either libertarian or monarchy for me.

libertarianism and monarchism are both more retarded than far right and far left (unless you already live in a monarchy).