Is psychogical determinism + phisical determinism the ultimate combo for apathy and anhedonia?

Is psychogical determinism + phisical determinism the ultimate combo for apathy and anhedonia?

How the fuck do i forget that and start enjoying Life again, i feel like an spectator of a movie who can only enjoy passively pleasure or pain.

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>obsessing over irrelevant philosophical notions that have no bearing on reality to the extent that you cant live your life
I don't know what to say user. Are you fucking retarded? Stop treating a meaningless representation as absolute dictating gospel. Philosophical notions are merely ways of thinking, usually in relation to other philosophical notions, they're irrelevant to reality and your subjective peace/joy Just shut the fuck up and live, you dumb cunt.

determinism is a meme, it makes no sense until AFTER things happen. Truly worthless way of thinking.

Just because there is a set destination doesn't mean you can't have fun on the way to discover it :)

>72 [Reply]▶
>Is psychogical determinism + phisical determinism t
is you really believed what you're saying you wouldn't ask us to help you, because you'd know no one can do anything other than what they're doing to do. David Lynch is a rapist

Lynchian post

Quantum physics somewhat can debunk physical determinism, but psychogical determinism is a different thing.

OP's pretty dumb, but this is absolutely the most retarded post I've ever seen on this board and I hate this fucking sentiment:

>>obsessing over irrelevant philosophical notions that have no bearing on reality to the extent that you cant live your life

The way the world is is not a "meaningless representation". It's the way the world is. Whether or not you find philosophical speculation useful, there IS a way the world is. Either determinism is true, or it isn't.

I know that feel OP. I don't even know if I will binge on junk food tomorrow.

determinism is true there is no way out of it
i don't think that a quantum physicist would agree with this, the one's i've bothered on Veeky Forums seem adamant that physical determinism is true and there is a small camp of physicists who think QM is retarded and has no validity

>Quantum physics somewhat can debunk physical determinism
Yeah, if you misinterpret Walter White's idunnolol principle.

So What should i do, think that from my point of view there is nothing i can do and live With the illusion that i have free will?

Source on Lynch being a rapist? Kinda hot if u ask me..

>he thinks categories of true and false are real


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>he thinks they arent

Hop off the heraclitoris and try some parmenides kid, or better yet some fucking Aristotle. Are you really trying to argue that there is no fact of the matter as to whether the world is deterministic?

He's probably referring to false claims made by the midget in Twin Peaks after he didn't get re-cast.

Yes. Thinking in terms of truth and untruth is just our limited way of understanding the world.

Play some dice or some other game of chance. It my bring you back.
And find out why you believe that try to challenge that what made you believe.

Oh god I didn't wanna kill a thread for my bitch and moan but I hope I don't kill this thread for you OP.
Wanted to share a little Veeky Forums flavoured date I had, first date I've ever been on.
To clarify at the start, I'm a massive Psued, I only read /prog/ related literature and summaries of metaphysics texts, the rest of my knowledge is from perusing this hole daily.
So anyway,
>finna landed a Tinder date with a massive qt3.14
>grab a beer with her at a pub
>talking goes alright, get invited back to hers >see a massive bookcase full of Veeky Forums memes
>Žižek, Infinite Jest, Nietzsche, Pynchon >proceed to try and sound cultured by regurgitating every Veeky Forums meme related to those texts I can
>Pynchon, haha that guy sure is hard to read haha, I hear V. Is a big one haha
>she looks very disinterested, lack of knowledge must've been clear as day
>talk a little bit more
>she invites a friend over
>eventually walks out of room, makes a phone call, walks back in and announces
>I've got a booty call that's gonna be here in 10 you might wanna leave

Attached: theidiotfyodordostoevskybookcover.jpg (510x680, 72K)

Is that a fact?


Good meme

where is the electron and what is his speed ?

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Lol human mating is weird

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Does it have to be?

what a whore you did not miss much

Freudian slip

This isn't even remotely fucking related, why would you post this here.

I don't care if she sleeps around a lot I finally found someone who reads and will talk to me

I'm gonna try message her tomorrow

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It literally doesn't matter. Your agony in the face of being governed by forces you do not oversee and the fact that you still have to make decisions regardless of your ignorance are free will enough.

be careful, user

don't become cucky (in the literal sense, not the gay /pol/ way). and definitely do not

I would imagine, seeing as how you're asserting it as if it were truth. The relativist will always fail because he can't worm his way out of the circularity of his beliefs

>you can know the universe is determined you must live as of its not
It's a blessing in disguise my guy

Take it from this guy. I tried for two fucking years to adapt it into real life. Even compatibilism can't actually exist inside the mind. It's literally impossible.

Living as a determinist is totally useless because you'll be nothing but an insane outsider to your non-philosophical friends, which I would encourage if it's following your inner instinct and willingly becoming eccentric or something along the Rimbaud lines, but adapting a theory that has literally no benefit whatsoever, on any level, is existential suicide. It doesn't give you any special powers, doesn't REALLY make you more forgiving, it just makes you a strange outlier. Even if freedom of the will is an illusion (don't call it too early), It's taken me innumerable hours of thinking so hard I'm close to vomiting to conclude that living as if you have it is the natural way to live. Anyone who argues otherwise is deluding themselves even harder than the people who are being deluded by this so called 'illusion of control'.

also, fuck determinism; its a philosophical hankering of god-envious scientists and philosophers who value simplicity of explanation and rationality. Even derk pereboom openly admits no theory of causation is understood or 'proven', everything is way more up in the air than you think

You are not distinct from the forces that you claim determine your actions. You are the forces themselves.Therefore you determine yourself.

>Living as a determinist...
what does that even mean? How does a determinist live like?

But you didn't choose the forces that control you, that's the whole point.

You are not controlled by forces, you are the forces. Your personal identity is indistinct from actions of the universe. You are the thing that shapes reality. Saying that forces choose what you do is nonsensical because it is like saying you are being forced to do something by yourself. You are not separate from the thing that forces, therefore you are not being compelled by anything external therefore you are not determined by anything other than yourself.

>you are not determined by anything other than yourself

yes i'm not disagreeing with that but were does „yourself“ come from? genetics, god given soul, doesn't even matter, you certainly didn't create yourself

so i guess we just have different views of what determining yourself means

no Quantum Physics is still probabilistically deterministic

those forces don’t have a self

You are still governed by the forces and rules of the universe on an atomic level, and if you deny that, all your thoughts are determined by experiences and past thoughts and current physical needs. on both physical and spiritual levels, you dont really have any control over your actions