Eastern Europe Books

Looking for the most important books out of Slavic, hungarian, caucus mountains and Byzantium regions.
What should I read?

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Is this really the most important slavic author?
Is there nothing more ancient to draw upon?
Are slavs this sad?

László Krasznahorkai

god i wish that were me

The Melancholy of Resistance
Auto Da Fe
Auto da Fe

which one.

Not him but if he uses the meme correctly he wants to be the bottom one

>'Important' is whatever for me. But it could be idk.
>Best Slav stuff is after 18c.
>Slavs are that sad and more. Add cynicism also. I'm one btw.

All the great Russians. - Andreyev my pick.
Danilo Kis
Witold Gombrowicz
Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz
George Bacovia
Bruno Schulz (ok Jewish but whatever)
Conrad and Nabokov (lol)
Géza Csáth

Russians ofcourse but let me recommend some of the Balkans' goats:
Meša Selimović - Death and the dervish
Ivo Andrić - The bridge on the Drina

bother with this if you want to waste your time

Pls elaborate

>George Bacovia
Nah. Replace with Max Blecher or Gellu Naum.

I'm from exyu and I can tell you those books suck. Only if you are interested in history of that region.

Why do you post shit like this gif Veeky Forums?
Now i have a boner...
Only Apollonian posts please.

I don't know why every name that comes to my mind in this department starts with "K" and ends with "i"

József Attila
Arany János


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being 1/32 jewish and having little interest in that part of your lineage doesn't quite seem like enough to be considered "jewish"

>no chekhov

Turgenyev - Hero of out time

Fuck, I meant Lermontov

A Sportsman’s Sketches by Turgenev was one of the best books I read last year. Comfy as fuck. I should have been born an aristocratic Russian sportsman.

The first comes to a conclusion that no sane person would adopt and is quoted by angsty teenagers. The second was actually one of the things (even though maybe in a minor part) nationalists used to justify their actions.

All books by Him are heavily influenced by Jewish mysticism; they are also semi-autobiographical and by that - they are, as a Jewish family, totally distinct from mainly Slavic population.

Reason why I always underline Schulz as a Jew is because I feel that to place him under 'Slavic' is one way of appropriation and a factual mistake. Same would hold for Kis for example.

Utter nonsense

Good, people have started talking about this master jew. I don’t see how someone can think that this guy isn’t a jew considering his jewish parents owning a jewish shop in a jewish neighborhood and him being a writer with jewish appearance and jewish skill.

>no Miłosz

I was only listing Hungarian authors

No, that would be Pushkin.

Gombrowicz was a murderer

Check out Koco Racin and the Miladinov brothers from Macedonia

Danilo Kiš - Tomb for Boris Davidovič (it's like Borges met Solzhenitzyn)

I want to fuck her so bad

It is in America.

dostoevky tolstoy chekhov pushkin, obviously.
balkans have good poetry but if you don't know the language don't bother, there is no prose worth reading from that region.

t. slav

"caucus" mountains aren't Eastern Europe you dumb burger.

not op but here you go

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I love Panaït Istrati very much

Plebs spotted.
The first is one of the most atmospheric and most beautifully written books I've ever read, and although I have mixed feelings about the ending, the themes that it explores are timeless.
The second one is a bit more historical but it contains so many different stories and vibes so if you don't like some you're gonna like some others etc.
The fact that they're supposedly used by angsty teens or nationalists is not of my concern, the books are great and that's all I care about
