Why do postpubertal nihilist do this?

Why do postpubertal nihilist do this?
Why are collegefags stuck in highschool herd mentality?

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says the guy who wears target t shirts and jeans

Can't even wear fucking black coats anymore without some sperg going on the internet and posting about how much of a retard he thinks you are.

This. Its literally just a wool peacoat. Op has autism

You're not a fucking sailor in Victorian London, wear clothes like a normal person

you're not a farmer or laborer stop wearing jeans

I don't wear jeans, I only wear cargo shorts and joggers

and i bet you don´t even jog faggot

Y-you can't prove that

and why is it even called a peacoat
it's not made of peas
it's not even green ffs

Ikr? Brits are fucking dumb

What the hell is going on in this thread?? What is this all about??

Just wear a coat, idiot

Welcome to the literature bored, kiddo.

I have no idea but peacoats look fucking stupid on young people.

you're not a faggot stop we- oh wait

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i have never heard a british person call this a peacoat. i assumed it was an americanism

i dunno user
it's a stupid thread but it's no more stupid than the endless threads about jordan fucking peterson or other random pop-thinkers

Peacoats look fucking stupid on ugly people *

I've been meaning to quit Veeky Forums for months now, and I think this is the thread that has finally done it. This thread unveils the entire essence of discussion Veeky Forums: it is irrelevant, banal and idiotic. I want to thank you for posting this and giving me the last little push I needed to get off this godforsaken website.

Mmmm. Careful now.

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k user
see you tomorrow

People here are so concerned with what other people do with their lives.

ive never seen anyone who looks like this wear that coat seriously

>comfy wool peacoat that makes me impervious to the cold
>shitty nylon coat that leaves me shivering *and* looking ugly
How to choose???

To try and keep this thread actually related to Veeky Forums, here are some books that I remember reading in a sociology of fashion course back in college:

The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life - Erving Goffman
Subculture: The Meaning of Style - Dick Hebdige
Georg Simmel's works in general, probably better to find a secondary source here
Distinction - Pierre Bourdieu

Most of these should be short and available online for free if you search for the pdf. Interesting reads on how fashion works as social symbolism to outwardly display our values and interests. Just like an user said in another thread on philosophy, even choosing not to play the game is a choice in and of itself.

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Pea coats are warm and comfy

And they stay dry pretty well when it’s raining or snowing.

I've been meaning to quit Veeky Forums for months now, and I think this is the thread that has finally done it. This thread unveils the entire essence of discussion Veeky Forums: it is irrelevant, banal and idiotic. I want to thank you for posting this and giving me the last little push I needed to get off this godforsaken website.

I googled it so you lazy negroes don’t have to bother. It’s from a Dutch word pii that refers to the coarse wool fabric the coats are made of.

You can't quit Veeky Forums; you just become bored of it and stop feeling compelled to visit. I've been on Veeky Forums about two times in the past month because it's so fucking dull. Same topics. Over and over again.

I'd rather smoke weed than have yet another conversation about Jordan Peterson, politics or DFW.

OP, you win the award for the most obnoxious fag i have seen on this board in a year.
and the rest of you idiots defending his bs, keep it going, you might win next year

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not literature

>not dressing like an autist makes you a faggot
what did he mean by this?

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>Its literally just a wool peacoat.

Cat is out of the bag on this one, I know the implicit noir faggotry behind it.

Wool peacoat is an Ed Hardy shirt for nihilistic literature students.
Please dont tell me you smoke and make brooding poet expressions on your facebook photos because I know philosophy students who literally do that.

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this is how you look to people who arent brainded snobs



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why dont you stop with this poseur faggotry and save your soul by believing on Jesus Christ, our Lord and saviour?

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Take your pills, you’re manic.

Im healthy, I dont LARP as a writer from the bookcover.

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Kerouac BTFO


King faggot! it wouldnt surprised me if he was the real aids patient 0.

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No need for AIDS when you have the bottle
>I'm not a phony!
>*Drinks self to death*

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Obviously choose the one that "normal" people wear ;^)

>it looks cool on a supermodel so it must look cool on me too
let me guess you literally unironically genuinely wore a fedora until fedora memes became popular on the internet