What is the purpose of your life? What gives it meaning? How do you relate to your fellow human beings?

What is the purpose of your life? What gives it meaning? How do you relate to your fellow human beings?

My purpose is to enrich others, help them develop freedom, and a critical capacity to effectively choose the best path in their own lives. This pursuit gives me meaning, as well as developing my virtues like compassion, knowledge, patience, love, and wisdom.

My relations with other human beings is the foundation of meaning in my life. It is what guides my thoughts and activities, and good relations with others is like a flower getting sunshine and water. Minds positively conjoined enrich one another.

To move closer and be a part of building a world with less suffering, and more actualization is the meaning of my humanism.

I just wanna have some fun, ya feel?

What is fun? Is that sufficient for a meaningful life? What is the purpose of it?

I know the truth of my own existence, I have contemplated it and I have had it revealed through religious and philosophic revelation and through the simplistic teaching and arguments of my parents throughout my life.

Simply put, my specific purpose is naught but to reproduce. This is what my life's purpose is and that is all it shall ever be. I shall never leave a mark in history and after I am dead I shall only live on through the genes of my children.

This is the only meaning that my life holds.

I do not relate to my other fellow humans, they are all far too vain. None of them dedicated to pure utilitarianism enough.

I can only relate in that my failures as a man are reflected in the failures of others.

I detest the vanity of man, the pursuits of man, the work of man's hands and the selfishness and short-sightedness of his goals.

I detest the non-intellectual hedonists and I detest the socialists, for the first tries to maximize happiness through meaningless opiates being forced into his system.

The latter however I detest because they see man as an animal that lives within a vacuum, who must be drugged on opiates and has no further purpose nor any genetic value.

All in this world is vanity, myself included.

For this, I hate this world and long for death. I suspect highly that in death I shall either embrace the glorified and luminous heavens or the sublime and incompressible embrace of pure nothingness devouring my very existence, rendering my experience to pure and beautiful 0

Birth and Death, my purpose in life and my hope in life.

Neither have one, not need one.

Meaning and purpose are self-delusions people use to help them make sense of events.

Spookiest post I've ever seen.

To pursue my leisure activities


The way I judge they want to be related to

Blind utilitarianism and I use "blind" as a good thing.

Seems contradictory. You see how shallow others are, and yet your own purpose is to create more people? Or you just await death because others don't live up to your expectations, but you thereby also fail to live up to them.

Sounds boring honestly. I like narratives and grandeur.

What do you do with your life?

Cool story bro, except Stirner is the only real spook, to divide us from the eternal real. Level up padre.

What makes you leisure activities meaningful? Sounds selfish to simply live for the self. Is that the highest meaning your life can achieve?

>What makes you leisure activities meaningful
My desire to continue to do them.

>Sounds selfish to simply live for the self

>Is that the highest meaning your life can achieve?
Meaning to society? Probably not, but I'm not interested in doing anything more.

Do not be trapped by the need to achieve anything. This way, you achieve everything.

>Seems contradictory. You see how shallow others are, and yet your own purpose is to create more people?

I see how shallow man is, but it is this very shallowness that propels me to the proposition that there is no value in me specifically than to reproduce. For this is ultimately the sum of my value. My genes.

And this shall be the sum of their value, this seemingly meaningless existence is nothing new.

This is the way it has always been, and always shall be. Life under the Sun goes on, man is ever detestable in his foolishness. Myself included.

>Or you just await death because others don't live up to your expectations,

Rather Life itself does not live up to the foolish romanticism and idealism that so many have came up with to make life seem less hollow.

>but you thereby also fail to live up to them.

Yes, yes I am truly a hypocrite of this i am certain.

Throughout all of my life people have told me, you just need to try this pleasure or experience that and life shall seem different and your perspective shall change.

However be it through that falsehood which we claim to call "love" (which is not truly what the idea of love even is) or through friendship or through drink or through monetarily gained extravagance or through any form of escapism or through the very conceptions of determinism and Free Will-ism I have found nothing to change my view, nothing to change my perspective or my detest of this world and its men. Again myself included.

Again, I await death because either it shall grant me that most holy and true death which is the utter and complete experience of Nothingness or it shall be as if a supernal perfection of which I am truly undeserving.

No matter, the sum of my life is ultimately about birth and death.

what a n00b question. Brother do you even read philosophy?

So mere desire is sufficient for something to be meaningful?

You find selfishness good? Why?

Why aren't you interested in doing more?

I intend to become god, this way I will become everything anyways. Set your sights higher and you might at least become who you really are.

Why are your genes the sum of your value?

If it's meaningless, why are your genes meaningful?

If man is detestable, why make more? Are there no good people?

So get a better ideology or change the world. Maybe you view everything from a biased lens?

What makes you so certain there is nothing good here to do? You admit to hypocrisy, so why not change it?

Probably more than you ever will, do you have a response little kiddo?

Inb4 will to power, smash your enemies, pleasure.

>So mere desire is sufficient for something to be meaningful?

>meaningful- having a serious, important, or useful quality or purpose
As the most important thing in my life (my happiness), yes, it's meaningful.

>You find selfishness good? Why?
I don't find selfishness good. I just don't care whether or not it's good as far as my own selfishness affects me.

>Why aren't you interested in doing more?
More of what? Things i'm not interested in doing? Well, it's because I don't want to do them.

smoking cigarettes

humanity doesn't have a win or a losse state

so how can my life have another meaning besides the absurd

yet in the light of this i can't help but fell that my interaction with my fellow humans make they life less empty and for extension my life as well

so by that logic my purpose is to just carry on the life cycle, no for a great purpose only for my human instinct

to bad i kill the english language in this post

>Why are your genes the sum of your value?

For they are the sum of my material In the world of actions, my genes are my very own self.

What should be more important to a purpose than his own self? In terms of the religious and philosophical, the inmost self is even identical to God and Nature, my genes are the most physical and most concrete and therefore most evidently meaningful aspect of my existence.

>If it's meaningless, why are your genes meaningful?

They have the most meaning when compared and contrasted, broadly speaking this also is meaningless.

>If man is detestable, why make more? Are there no good people?

Why create more? For that is continuation of the one pure ideal that has always manifested purely throughout the sum of humanity. The proliferation of the self through others, the multiplication and manifestation of one into more than one or from two into a different and more refined one.

In the broadest sense this is also meaningless, but in contrast it is most meaningful.

As for there being any good people, who can say that they are truly a good person if they actually sit down and contemplate? a truly good person is a person who lived up to their own ideals no?

No ideal supermen truly exist in this world, everyone has failed.

How many bad acts does it take to make someone a bad person? A vain and inefficient person? I say just one.


>So get a better ideology or change the world. Maybe you view everything from a biased lens?

I've tried, all else is smashed by this train of logic and reason. by this seemingly evident truth as soon as you examine the world. And change the world? For what? To what? what would be the meaning and worth of this but a waste of energy and resources? The world has never changed, it has just re-adjusted itself.

And of course I view everything from a biased lens, everything I see is colored in by my own biased perspective, as is everyone's experience.

>What makes you so certain there is nothing good here to do? You admit to hypocrisy, so why not change it?

Who or what can we claim as purely good and purely efficient and truly just and proper and free of emptiness?

To change myself into one who is not a hypocrite would be to make myself perfect, I have no such power.

So your happiness gives your life meaning, does this mean other people's happiness is also important?

And you think that your desires and thoughts are correct simply because you have them? You have no desire to help others, therefore you wont? Imagine a world in which everyone acts this way, it's actually not even in your best interests.

Maybe you're drowning, and watchers by simply say, we'll I don't want to help him, so I want. It seem to almost contradict your own idea of happiness, what happiness can exist in a world in which this is the way we relate to others? It appears devoid or any truth and connection, a being unto itself that has lost its truth, as we are social animals.

The fact that you even think and use language is a testament that others put their selfishness on hold to help you become a person, and now you reject it all. Why?

Self destruction or pleasure? Pleasure is all that is meaningful?

So just to exist so that we may exist together and enjoy our existence? Are our lives and their potentials in anyway better or worse than others? Are all lives equally as worth existing? Meaning, if we may as well exist, can we exist well?

Jesus christ did you just finish your first philosophy lesson or something?

Not an argument kiddo, try again.

You are not your genes. In fact your genes are also on your couch and that isn't you. You are a lot more than just genes. A person can't be reduced to genetic material, it's just silly.

I didn't say perfect, just good. Many ways to define a good person, but it's obvious many people live compassionately, helpful, and kind lives that enrich themselves and enlighten others.

The world and you change every day, and we can choose to change it more. No, that's bad logic, you can stop being a hypocrite and still not be perfect.

Don't get bogged down in the morass of perfection, a good life might simply to a path TOWARDS perfection. Whether it's achievable or not doesn't matter, what matters is going towards your potential with perseverance and conviction, compassion, patience, and integrity.

My purpose is to pass on my genes in the best possible way and to continue the legacy that has brought me here.

who said it was an argument, i'm merely pointing out that you sound like a pretentious babby who just finished phil 101. Such a shit tier thread that we've had a million times before
>m-muh meaning of life!!!11!!
get over yourself, nothing you do in life matters
>To move closer and be a part of building a world with less suffering
Yet here you are shitposting on Veeky Forums, actively filling my life with more suffering due to reading through your abortion of a thread.

You donate sperm?


Music has stopped me from killing myself and is pretty much the only thing that allows me to feel as I've grown older I've become increasingly detached from myself. The act of listening to it, playing music with new and different people, improvisation ect, writing it is an exploration in a world where there is less and less left to explore every day. If am able to touch at least one person as I have been touched by music with my own music, I can die knowing my life wasn't entirely without its merits.

Sadly, with such an attitude you are unlikely to actually be that good at reproducing.

To laugh, smile, dance and sing?

>So your happiness gives your life meaning, does this mean other people's happiness is also important?
To them, sure.

They're probably correct for me, not for society. Even if they were "wrong" it still wouldn't concern me.
Good thing everyone isn't me. We probably wouldn't have made it very far as a species if we were.

>Maybe you're drowning...
I wouldn't put myself in that situation in the first place, but if I were drowning and no one attempted to help, I wouldn't be around to care for very long. My world view doesn't preclude me from helping anyone else like you seem to think it does mind you.

>what happiness can exist in a world in which this is the way we relate to others
Self-improvement and setting new personal bests. I don't need other people to know i've gotten a bit better at an instrument, that I cut my mile by a few seconds, or that I've beaten a difficult game to feel happy about it.

>social animals...truth
I've got your truth right here *points to crotch*

>that others put their selfishness on hold to help you become a person
Never asked to be born, but mommy and daddy have my appreciation. That doesn't come with me doing putting aside my desires to do the same. I've rejected nothing.

>You are not your genes. In fact your genes are also on your couch and that isn't you. You are a lot more than just genes. A person can't be reduced to genetic material, it's just silly.

Why not? Can you give a reason why my genetic/bio materials cannot be considered the most valuable aspect of myself? yes they are ever changing and in a state of renewal but this does not change the fact that these are mine and they are what ultimately happens when the genetic material of my parents mix together in a certain combination.

Besides basics such as emotion and the like, can you tell me from a reasonable view why I am not just the sum of my genes reacting to my environment and my own thoughts?

>I didn't say perfect, just good. Many ways to define a good person, but it's obvious many people live compassionately, helpful, and kind lives that enrich themselves and enlighten others.

Again, I don't see any of that as truly meaningful enough and again how many bad acts does it take to label you a bad person?

What value is there in compassion when life is nothing but vanity between birth and death?

What value is there in helpfulness? In enriching the life of others through vanity and through enlightening others? Why does any of this matter?

>The world and you change every day, and we can choose to change it more. No, that's bad logic, you can stop being a hypocrite and still not be perfect.

The world doesn't really change, it's most basic characteristics and aspects always remain the same, the material is always the same. Just certain arrangements and patterns and the like show prominence in certain times then they lose prominence.

>Don't get bogged down in the morass of perfection, a good life might simply to a path TOWARDS perfection. Whether it's achievable or not doesn't matter, what matters is going towards your potential with perseverance and conviction, compassion, patience, and integrity.


Again what value exists in this? Why shall I labour and work towards an unattainable goal?

The world never truly changes, but let's say it does and we continue on your train of thought. The world is ever changing, then therefore any change I can possibly create is subject to change by millions of autonomous impossible to control entities, influences and forces and by the time of death and after my life and it's work and toil shall have ultimately meant nothing.

All that exists between Birth and Death is vanity.

Already have one born (I have tested it is in fact mine) and I am working on having many more.

>Can you give a reason why my genetic/bio materials cannot be considered the most valuable aspect of myself? yes they are ever changing and in a state of renewal
You are mixing a few things... your genes aren't "ever changing" - that's how you get cancer, mang.

Your genes will ultimately be gone from the gene pool or your descendants will be so distantly related to you are to some fish that lived before history not to be remembered ever.

And you are still going to vanish together with all your descendants. Even if you could postpone the end forever (think heat death), then you have eternity up against your team. That's infinity opportunities of total annihilation. And it only has to happen once.

I'd look for meaning elsewhere.

Also, you sound sixteen.

>your descendants will be so distantly related to you are to some fish that lived before history not to be remembered ever
*your descendants will be so distantly related to you as you are to some fish that lived before history not to be remembered ever

Again, I have stated in the broadest sense this is also meaningless and fruitless.

It is simply the most meaningful when compared in contrast to the rest of life.

I take you saying that I sound 16 as a compliment, the idea of youthful vigor is a very nice thing.

>So just to exist so that we may exist together and enjoy our existence?
yes, i can't undo damage or make everyone happy just by intention, but the
pursuit of this ambiguous desire is what at last give some sence of purpose in my particular conclusion

> Are our lives and their potentials in anyway better or worse than others?
i can't say yes or no,
is really more meaningfull the life of a rich man that the poor one , and a feral anima?
in a sense yes, the rich man have high chances of be remenber and leave something that will be exist even after he die, but this is what meaning is all about?

> Are all lives equally as worth existing?
as someone how is using a live/existing right now can i answer this question without beigh biased?

>can we exist well?
can we exist bad? and how?

t. Lao Tzu

I have decided that there is only one good person in the world (me) and everyone and every system around me is wholly corrupt and wicked.

Ergo, the only way good exists is for me to do and say things, and every thing I do and say is good.

Those who argue against this do with the intent of cruel deception.


Lol actually you are just projecting. Come back when you've actually read some philosophy books.

So it is meaningful to experience art, and to inspire others with it. Why?

Pleasure is the only meaning then?

To them, to you, what's the difference? If people's happiness matters, why pretend only yours does. Selfish.

And at the end of your life, you will have pleased yourself, lived for yourself, and that will be enough? Most wise people think his is folly. Good luck!

They aren't you. You are a person, a self aware being, mind/brain system w.e you wanna call it, but it most certainly isn't the same as genes. Like I said already, your genes are on your coach, in the restaurant you just ate at, in the toilet. Genetic material alone is like the genetic material that fell off a leaf, it isn't a person.

Yes, environment is also at play, other people are, and your mind reacting, but to pretend like genetic information is the only salient factor is too reductionist. Your beliefs, ideas,actions are much more who you are. Passing on genes doesn't mean you passed yourself on, just information that isn't you. That can produce a very different person.

Maybe vanity for you, but for others?

Because suffering is terrible, you would know if you felt it, and you would want to help reduce it. And achieving potential is beautiful and interesting.

When I was younger I had this Alyosha Karamazov wannabe period; of course I didn't know what that entails but if I try to sum it up I believed my role was just to listen and love people and to make them feel at peace with themselves. Now at 27 I'm just struggling to survive as a free-lance translator and have no higher purpose than to have enough money to purchase decent food and books. My relations to other people are almost non-existent since I have unintentionally distanced myself from everyone. Also, I am depressed af.

It is attainable, and it matters precisely because it impacts others, makes their life less stressful, happier, more loving and they can thereby do the same. Once you realize the truth that other people feel as you do, fear, love, confusion, you realize that helping them is meaningful and it literally makes the world a better place.

Not trye, impacting othwrs positively is meaningful, even if sometime later in a different Spacetime others do bad. Your thinking is way too black and white.

So there's no difference between a life lived in pursuit of knowledge, love, patience, helping the self and others, maximising on your skills and making others happy than someone who says fuck it and becomes a burger flipper who just spits in people's food. No real difference? One isn't well lived and the other poorly?

You sound like you have serious mental issues or are just a teenager. Seek therapy.

That sucks user. I hope it gets better, sounds like life was unlucky and forced a kind of moral decline from a higher understanding.

>To them, to you, what's the difference? If people's happiness matters, why pretend only yours does.
I'm not pretending theirs doesn't. It matters.......to them. My happiness matters.....to me. Some people's happiness matters less than others happiness (parent child relationships)...to them. It all matters to somebody.


>and that will be enough
For who? Me? Yeah, probably.

>Most wise people think his is folly
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. The "wise people" are probably trying to construct a system of thought that's to the benefit of society. That's good and all, but my priorities are different.

Ok, at least you're aware you are selfish. I imagine one day you will realize your life was a wate, as our lives are intricately connected historically, socially, and by their very foundation as conscious systems. Other people are the lifeblood of any actualized person, to be ingrained in some social unit.

No man is an island and the day you realize that will be a terribly scary one, the sooner you wake up the better.


The purpose of life is to reproduce.
Your mind gives it meaning.

My meaning of life is to experience everything there is to offer from life, good and bad, and then document it for future peoples to look at.

What's the meaning of your life?

Lol I like this. By this logic modern humans are insanely good at life as opposed to the best because our technology enables us to record so much more of our lives.


What was your great-great grandfather's name?

Don't know? Don't know anything about him? But he produced you, eventually, yes?

Do you see how meaningless your worldview is yet?

>>So it is meaningful to experience art, and to inspire others with it. Why?
art is a simple thing you can do to improve another persons life for a brief moment. With music despite being based on mathematics there is a very human element to it. Improvising with another person is much like fucking them, it's intimate. Much is the relationship between writer and listener. It's a human connection based on mathematics and approximations of those mathematics, rather than chromosomes.

>I do not relate to my other fellow humans, they are all far too vain.
... is the kind of thing a vain edgelord would say.

>Other people are the lifeblood of any actualized person, to be ingrained in some social unit.
Putting my own wants and needs first, again, does not preclude me from friendships or relationships. I just don't require the constant interaction you think makes a life worthwhile.

Life is the story that everyone writes by themselves.

I can trace back the names of my lineage up to Russian Tzars, Alexander the Great and a certain roman politician.

As far as I can tell it's the meaning of life. Life reproduces, and the life that does not reproduce disappears.

I love this earth and the people on it, I love the whole game of survival, and if I want that love to carry on into the future, I have to make babies and teach them my ways, and show them the things that I have seen.

Does that give the people not named in your list meaning for their lives? They also spawned you.

There really isn't one, but I'm going to try to learn a lot and get jacked and maybe try to make someones life better.

Your meaning is approved by the all seeing one.

Kek, exactly.

And I'm Jesus Christ hisself, oh lawdy.

Sounds like my younger brother. Godspeed.

>What is the purpose of your life?
To work on myself both physically and psychically. I work on myself physically by working out and eating healthy food, and for psychical work I count reading, listening to quality music, watching movies, and stuff that is by some considered childish, like anime and video games, because they aren't childish to me, they have good experiences to offer and that's what my purpose in life is - to have good experiences from mediums. Also I want to learn about the world around me, so I enjoy checking out history, geography etc.
There's little to no room for social interactions in my purpose. Social interactions are to be used for discussing eachother's experiences (talking about literature etc).

How old are you?