So a video game called Battlefield 1 was recently announced...

So a video game called Battlefield 1 was recently announced. It's set in World War 1 and its main visual depicts a black man.

I admit I don't know, but were black people fighting in any meaningful capacities in WW1?

Also, isn't this racist, making a black man to be the face of a war that white people caused?


we just had this thread

Great, I was looking for this in the archive. Thought the thread hit bump.

Read the thread then go back to /v/ with your new knowledge.

>Thought the thread hit bump.
It did hit the bump limit, the board is just so slow that it hasn't reached page 11 yet.

Let me clarify. The thread was moving so fast and close to the bump limit, that if it kept pace, by the time I'd returned, seen this thread, and looked for (and failed to find) the thread, I'd assumed it would be in the archive instead.
So I looked there, failing to find it, and gave up in favor of answering OP so he'd move along myself.

My mistake was missing that it was on the 7th page.

Just type "black" in the catalog next time, user.

So bad. Looks like a WW1 trailer directed by Michael Bay

I wonder if theyll depict germans as the "baddies" again, and not the true villain being the perfidious anglo?

>GamesBeat: The character you have on the front of the promotional stuff you were showing, the guy in the cape with the club and stuff, why that particular character?

>Berlin: We thought it was a cool image for the cover. When we set out on this game, we wanted to depict not just the common view of what the war was like. We wanted to challenge some preconceptions. We want to delve into some of the unknowns of World War One. Maybe people don’t know that this person fought or that person fought, that this army was involved. We’re stretching out and bringing all those stories into the game. But I can’t go into any specific details as far as which armies or characters we’re depicting at this point.

>GamesBeat: You’re talking about revealing sides of the war that people don’t necessarily know about. A lot of people have made note of the fact that your cover character is black, even though obviously black people fought in World War One. For you guys, was that a conscious decision, an opportunity to show that there was more breadth to this war than people know about?

>Berlin: That’s the thing. People don’t know that this was the case. We want to show diversity in the game. That’s been a key goal. You can see in the trailer that there’s a Bedouin woman warrior on a horse. She’s a playable character in the single-player campaign.

>Women and Blacks prominently featured on the battlefield
Stay BTFO'd, /pol/.

So i knew about the black soldiers because of the frenchmen extensive use of their colonial troops.

But is there any basis for the Bedouin Warrior Woman?
Like, i don't really have a problem with it, but it feels like a heavy stretch here.

Admitedlly i don't know a whole lot about the Great War and the Arab Revolt


All nations were guilty are being nationalistic scum.

That the Germans were quicker to do what they were all doing is not mark against them. Russia mobilized first anyway.

I bet you think pearl harbour makes the japanese the bad guys too

>Islam allowed women to fight in wars 100 years old
>the secular west still decries the practice
Leling at all westerners who criticize Islam as "backwards."

>>Islam allowed women to fight in wars 100 years old


There were a few female turkish snipers caught or killed during the gallopoli campaign

Did they confirm what nations you can play as in the multiplayer game?
Or will it just be US and Germany?

You can't read the fucking thread?

>Bedouin Warrior Women
>Turkish snipers

If you cant play as britain or france then literally why bother setting it in WW1?

it is not just us and Germany

kek if there's anything worse than WEWUZKANGZ is white cucks responding "yes you were"

> We want to show diversity in the game. That’s been a key goal. You can see in the trailer that there’s a Bedouin woman warrior on a horse. She’s a playable character in the single-player campaign

In the previous thread some retard was saying there is no SJW agenda behind this shit. Guess he was wrong.

It's your standard Hollywood dramatization of historical events in video game form. That's really all there is to it.


I just want to be a Belgian soldier, outfits were cash. Anyone ever see the young indiana jones series ?

Of course they will.

They'll use the Germans as a platform to criticism "evil" European traditionalism and nationalism, quite likely while equating them with the Nazis to make them more ebil villains.

Again, why are they doing this? Because they think that they can sell this to a larger "diverse" audience if they do. That is literally a thing that movies do to get more money.

>equating Kaiserreich with the Nazis

Yup. We both know it will be like that.

I hope they won't fuck up the weapons.
Recent shooter games have this weird hardon about adding gimmicky attachments and sikk paint jobs to everything, and I'm just betting there'll be a Lebel with some gross digicamo as a preorder DLC thing.

The blacks are a small minority in both America and Europe which are the biggest videogame markets, along with Japan. From a financial perspective this makes no sense.

This user is right. It's a result of jewish influence. This is white genocide and we should be fighting it instead of ignoring it.

It's not supposed to appeal to blacks it's supposed to appeal to people who want equality in literally everything.

Maybe, just maybe

they want to showcase a military unit rarely known about in mainstream culture.

it is easy viral marketing look how many threads there are about it

The thing you have to understand is that all of this has very little to do with minorities. It has everything to do with self-righteous, self-congratulatory whites who have taken it upon themselves to represent what they perceive as those groups' best interests.


No no no, you don't get it. It's okay for the previous games to be all have white people on the covers because they're superior but when there's suddenly a black man on the cover it's a big no no and it's white genocide. If you disagree with me you're a cuck. We must save the white race. Now if you excuse me I'm gonna go masturbate to some loli doujins.

They just want to try something out new?

Reminds me of how fucked up Hollywood is with TV shows having Black main characters or supporting cast because "too much" makes it a "Black" show even though fuckton of those shows targeted a general audience. Airing the Cosby show, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Maude and Everybody hates Chris somewhat near each other get your network on the same day or same time period but different days the "black" label despite if the rest of your shows are lily white as fuck or nearly lily-white

I actually have that game, is it finally out of Beta and working ?

Don't equate loli doujins to racism.
That's deeply offensive to me and my fellow lolicons.

Lol does it not? Or the brutality they treated their POWs maybe.

Still got a few bugs but its been out of beta for a while

It IS white genocide, intentional or not.

The end result of universal diversity is cultural homogenization, that's all there is to it.

>It IS white genocide

It's a Battlefield game. The base audience is going to buy it no matter what. I think you really overestimate how many people are going to drop it because you can now play as a bedouin woman. It's definitely part of their calculation that they'd attract more people who'd be interested because of these new premises then those who won't because they see a black guy on the cover.

>cultural homogenization
Surely that would be genocide of EVERYBODY

The people who care enough about race to shitpost about it on the internet aren't the type to buy videogames.

You didn't have to go full meme though.

Actually going to war in top hats, glorious

Those aren't top hats.

And? Whites are part of "everybody."

Why does /pol/ make it so fucking easy?

So why call it "white genocide" as if it only affects whites?

What would you call them?

Well I doubt that devs of games with white characters were all like "We need a white person here because whites are superior and awesome, fuck yeah Aryan dominance!" The characters just happened to be white.

However devs of Battlefield are EXPLICITLY stating they are putting this character because he's black and for the purpose of diversity. This is fundamentally different.

Notice how people didn't cunt about Lee in Walking Dead being black? The game is set in Georgia. Many blacks live in Georgia. However blacks were a really insignificant part of WW1 and including them just because they're black is a fucking travesty.

Western nations are currently the principal bastions of multiculturalism.

Regardless, it is Semantics, it IS white genocide, as it IS collective genocide of traditional ethnicity.

This too, is a white crime, they'll push everything to hell in order to over compensate for their former colonial endeavors. Whites truly are scum.

Nah your just a sad reactionary who cant deal with the modern world

You're neither accurate, insightful, or capable of producing an argument. What's new though?

Theres nothing to argue with though? You are just repeating "white genocide" as if your own personal insanity will somehow become true through repetition

>can't deal with the modern world

Hi John Oliver. I mean come on.

>including them just because they're black is a fucking travesty
I dont think including them is wrong, there should be at least one playable black dude representing a unit or whatever, but as the main cover character I will agree it makes no sense. It gives a false pretense that it was a black war or something when they had virtually no role other than a few scattered battalions.

>cant deal with the modern world
arent you the same kind of person that complains when a brown character is played by a white person? do you not see the irony in that?

Precisely. That's why /v/ can't shut up about this for one minute.

No I dont give a shit about race lifts or any of that idiocy. I'm not a liberal

It's more collective ethnic homogenization.

"White genocide" is just a symptom perceived on it's own by those whose perspective is limited, but it isn't fake regardless.

>It's more collective ethnic homogenization.
Pretty much. Erase all the old identities and bury them under a new meta-culture. This is a good thing

Many do not see it as one, myself included.

This new world sans any true diversity would not be a particularly interesting one. Humanity's efforts are eternally self-defeating.

THEY WERE THERE. They fought in Europe, they fought in Africa, they served all over the WORLD War. They account for a noticeable percentage of troops because all these countries were happy to use colonial soldiers whenever they needed. There were millions of colonial soldiers and they died by the hundreds of thousands. They accounted for almost 20% of French war causalities. That's not overwhelming, but how is that insignificant?

Are you going to forget that Europeans fought Europeans in this war because some black guy is on the cover of a video game?

Neutral nations don't deserve to exist.
Germany did nothing wrong.

>MFW during the Arab revolt you'll be playing as a "warrior woman" instead of TE Lawrence

fucking kill me lads

I'm fine with the whole pulp history thing, but this is pushing it a bit.

>In the previous thread some retard was saying there is no SJW agenda behind this shit. Guess he was wrong.

All we know at the previous thread is that there is a black videogame character in a WWI setting.

And this isn't wrong.

You fucking /v/ children best get back to your board.

the appearance of blacks doesnt pander to blacks but to modern liberals, wich i assure you are not a small minority.

It's jarring to me that this makes people mad, outside of some PCness there is definitely a good reason for this
You see in popular culture WW1 is seen as a war of European troops sitting in trenches and shooting at each other,
with a lot of horible things bothering them like disease and mustard gas, and every assault resulting in massive casualties with one side mindlessly storming across the field getting shot.

That isn't a very interesting setting for a battlefield game.
So what does DICE do? They highlight less known aspects of the war to show that it was more complex, and yes, diverser than people usually think, they want to break the popular view of the war to get more people interested in their game.
It's quite obvious

>Are you going to forget that Europeans fought Europeans in this war because some black guy is on the cover of a video game?
Because many know nothing about the war. My best friend's mother, who's a damn head nurse, thought it occurred before the Civil War.

not him, nor do i really care about the thing, but people like him are saying "blacks weren't a prominent demographic in WW1", not "literally no blacks at all fought in WW1"

Liberals should kindly fuck off from my videogames.

If you had asked me before today if any black American soldiers had fought in WW1, my answer would have been "probably yes", because it's just statistically apparent that there would be some. america needed lots of people and there's no reason blacks can't shoot a gun.

people are just annoyed probably because there's a million great, interesting regiment stories. the black unit in question wasn't exactly special except they were black. i guess it's kind of interesting that they're there, but the primary motivation behind putting them so prominent was due to currents in american culture to idolize the achievements of blacks

maybe if there was a little less precociousness about why the black regiment was there then people wouldn't have a problem, it's more that they kind of bury it under a lie of "it's to inform people of rare facts" when that's clearly not the motive.

that's because americans are fucking retarded

>but were black people fighting in any meaningful capacities in WW1?
Black Africans were a pretty large chunk of the French army.

And her knowing that there were blacks in this war is going to do what? Make them think a mostly European war is solely fought by black people? Jesus Christ.

Yes but it's not a French game. It's an American game and the motivations are about current American politics and American guilts and American race relations.

That's just what's annoying. Be honest about the motivations. The developers think this is a good tactic to end white racism in America. It's nothing AT ALL to do with the history.

There is definitely some PCness involved, I don't deny that
However the Hellfighters were truly an interesting unit and they deserve some recognition


it was made in Sweden

I'm glad we agree


>However blacks were a really insignificant part of WW1
That's horseshit m8. France and Britain pulled thousands from their colonies. And guess where France had a lot of colonies?

Sure, I agree, it is interesting and worth recognizing.

>American game
>made primarily for Americans
>main character is American
>in the American Army

This is 100% about American politics. It's not about the historicity or facts, it's about a very clear current political ideology and motivation.

tbqh the blacks fighting in the french army is a pretty big point. I mean, what is important to understand in that during the Great War, whites and blacks were totally equal in the frog trenches. They lived the same fight, lived in the same trenches, in the same units, and none were used as cannon fodder or anything. So if the black Battlefield guy is indeed some Senegalese serving in the french army, he totally belongs there.

Do you honestly think it couldn't happen?

Now that I think of it, it would likely be VERY easy to sell SJWs on the idea that whites forced blacks to fight all their wars and die for them.

M8 they're trying to represent underrepresented people. I don't see the problem here. Is it a cash grab? Maybe. They're operating under market forces. But it's not like this is revisionist history or anything. Black Africans were among the first to get gassed during Nivelle's offensive. They fought to the bloody end for France and the allies. Same with Indians, Gurkhas, Canadians, Injuns, and whoever.

Are you going to get ass-hurt if there was a WWII Battlefield where you play as a Navajo? If you get to gut a jap with a kukri would you be this bootyblistered?

>in the same units, and none were used as cannon fodder or anything

t. Mr Bullshit

>trying to represent underrepresented people.
This has no inherent value other then scoring points with the obnoxious PC dipshit brigade. So I see little reason why it should happen, or why I should actually buy the game in question as a WW1 title seems honestly uninteresting to me, the weapons aren't advanced enough for fast paced combat outside of the very end of the war.

Casualties suffered by french african units : 21.5%
Casualties sufered by french metropolitan units : 23%

A lot of people don't want to admit it, but if blacks were sub-citizens of the colonies, and more-or-less serviant of the french, in war, on the frontlines, they were equal with their white brother-in-arms.

it was made in Sweden
there is multiple protagonists
you play as multiple factions.
stop pulling shit out your ass

I'm not butthurt at all, chill yourself.

Yes, many blacks fought in French ranks. But the OP is a black man in the American army. This game is marketed primarily toward Americans. How many blacks were in the American army? Probably not many. It's still fine to talk about them, but read what I'm actually fucking talking about:

I'm primarily targeting the motivations people prescribe to it. The developers probably said, "were there any American blacks in the war that we can feature for the sake of featuring blacks"? And they found the Hellfighters, so they decided to put them on front.

The entire motivation from top to bottom was to make blacks more visible. There was no motivation of pure historical accuracy. The motivation is just American politics.

the company is headquartered in Sweden, that doesn't mean it's made in Sweden you dummy.

>American game
DICE is Swedish, although I'm sure you have "lol swedecuck" sentiments about that.
>made primarily for Americans
It's for international release.
>main character is American
The game has almost no details yet. How do you know?
>in the American Army
The nigger is carrying a Mauser and an MP18. If anything, he's an East African German colonial