Why was leftism repressed in the US more successful than in Europe?

Why was leftism repressed in the US more successful than in Europe?

The instability of the post-WWII period needed strong government.

>Why was leftism more successfully repressed in the United States than in Europe?

Fixed that for you.

What's leftism by the way?

where did the bernie supporters come from?

Post-WW1 repressions were more violent and severe

Can we have a single day without 5 Marx threads?

Cold War. Just like when Hitler was on okay terms with Russia, then he changed the story to WWII being a war of ideologies. Same with America, okay during WWII, then when facing off in the Cold War, war of ideologies.

>were more violent and severe
Than white terror in the Soviet Union, Finland, Poland, Hungary, Germany, Japan, China?

Do you read before you open your gob?

Bernie is super moderate by European standards.

Where Germans might have some political philosophy like say for example, Real politik.
Americans have what we would call, Chaos politik.
That is to say none at all.

Sorry Hans but considering your recent record taking political advice from you seems like a bad plan


Because the United States has a hostile business class fighting a one-sided class war against labor.

>Leftism in USA meme

"Leftists" in America are center-right at most

European standards are insane. you dont have any right wing except for some fringe nationalists

>European standards are insane. you dont have any right wing except for some fringe nationalists
This is some batshit shit.

I'm Polish (^:
Scuze me while I clean this toilet with a dirty muzzies beard while Jamal fucks your wife.

>Because the United States has a hostile business class fighting a one-sided class war against labor.
All you've done is blame the proletariat, by the way, the KoL, AFL, IWW and CIO fought back.

Bernie is more right-wing than about half of Veeky Forums

the powers that be sat their balls on america and england, so those countries thrieved economically... so there wasn't a big field for the left wing to gain momentum.

I thought you were talking about the US and the post-ww2 red scare

>le yurop is more left than america meme
Completely retarded. Yurops right is basically full blown nazi roleplaying. Yurops left is in full suicide mode.

Meanwhile America's right is liberal, and our left is authoritarian.

>so there wasn't a big field for the left wing to gain momentum.
Remind me again of how many presidential votes for socialist candidates at the turn of the century?

There were two major red scares. Both at the ends of world wars.

your socialist candidates are hardly lefties
usually they're just less conservatives than the conservatives but they're still conservatives but usually there's a huge difference between both because the right wing tends to offer the worst hillbilly candidates they can find

>yuropoors commenting on american politics

The turn of the century, not 16 years ago you historically illiterate fucktard.

>yuropeons commenting on anything American
For a bunch of people who love to call us ignorant, they sure aren't doing themselves any favors.

Anglos vs Continentals
Anglos always win nigger: a better system of law, economy, finance and politics.
Continentals always have weak forms of government and society plus their rabid philosophers are always coming up with inventive ways to justify killing large amounts of people

Because during the Great Depression, leftism found a voice in some Democratic governors, the so called "New Deal" Democrats. Couple that with a strong economy and lack of war damage, militant socialism never had a chance to really breed and spread following the early Red Scares, which were more afraid of Anarchists than actual gommies.

The same reason fascism was.

This guy gets it. Yurocucks are naturally submissive to central authority because of being domesticated by monarchy for over a thousand years.

OP just don't make threads that are even vaguely political, they are always shit

It was not repressed, it never took hold because Americans are (were?) far too individualistic and attached to freedom to fall for the snake oil which is leftism.

No, the post-WWII devestation in Europe was worse, hence the European people's reaction to the chaos of war was more severe. Their extreme liberalism was a reaction to the ideologies that had led to war in the first place.

why werent brits and swedes fascist then they there the most cucked by monarchy?

But there was a strong fascist movement in Britain before the gnatzees made being a fash uncool.

No. It did take hold but came up against two fatal enemies: the cold war and the civil rights movement. Racism split the proletariat, just like it did in South Africa, and the result was that the white proletariat saw themselves as having more to gain by siding with the white business class than with the black proletariat. Having successfully divided the proletariat and divorced the white portion's economic self interest from their political views, the business class was free to use the white proletariat's mandate to restructure the economic climate to suit themselves and sell the lie of >muh individualism and >muh liberty to the white proletariat alongside cans of carbonated sugar water.

The lie of individual autonomy is a useful one for advertisers to appeal, which I why we now have wankers walking around festooned in brands like some weird mobile advertising hoarding. People will actually pay money to advertise other peoples brands.

>liberty is a meme
t. aussie/yurotrash fucknut who's never experienced true freedom.

>he drank the kool aid so hard he shills it to others

You truly are a faithful tool of your masters. Like the abbatoir goat.

>No. It did take hold
No it didn't. There has never been a single credible socialist party in America during the first half of the 20th century (so before the cold war and the civil rights movement). Compare that to Europe where during the same period socialist parties were in power almost everywhere.

>some shitty marxist interpretation of racial tension in America

I can't argue with people who believe in Marxism. It's like arguing with people who believe in scientology.

>The lie of individual autonomy is a useful one for advertisers to appeal
Yeah, I'm sure the founding fathers were just trying to sell their products when they chose to make liberty one of the cornerstones of American society.

Dunno, leftism seems pretty popular in USA too these days.

Common law and civic nationalism, both of which associated the political system as something which was existed within society and not above it.

The adeptness with which the American political system has delivered legitimate political power to those with the resources to pursue it.

Dollar hegemony causing the dollar to be overvalued relative to private international trade, making it more efficient to offshore production. Especially considering the US is one of few developed nations with shores on the Atlantic and Pacific.

Political leftism has barely caught up with the servicization of the economy.

That is not what he said at all dumbass

If you can't argue then why bother posting?

European here, fuck no. His position about healthcare might be but he's an utter cuckold by every standard.

Being on the left side of whatever arbitrary political dimension i choose :^)

>he doesnt know about liberal parties

> cuckold

keep your shit memery where it belongs,

You know only a cuckold would get mad about the word cuckold.

The liberals assholes never understood the needs and wants of the blue collar american workers and always name drop them as racist or xenophobic or whatever only because they vote for the people that tell them will going to give them jobs or lower their taxes.

No wonder America is so divided when you have the liberals assholes saying they want the best for everyone but can't possible put themselves in the shoes of a low-middle class blue collar worker that has to work his ass off to maintain his family, no wonder liberals and liberals candidates always lose elections, They lack empathy with the common man.

>said the moronic communist
Communists have filled a pool with koolaid, and swim in the shit every day.

But a fascist is now running for president, user


Traditionally racism has been enforced by the poor, not the rich. Capitalism is race-blind, but poor white "frontier" culture encourages the oppression of people of color.

Here we go with the oppression olympics

that's pretty much the academic definition. Really depends on the state at the time and what they find as "traditional"

Europe's economic conservationism was Feudalism and later nationalism, both cases are essentially the state taking care of it's people, so it fits well with socialism

America's conservativism is laissez-faire capitalism so it's pretty much at odds with it.

Europe has always been authoritarian. Even when they had their rebellious power to the people phase it ultimately left a small elite having tons of power until around the time if the French Republic, which fell trap to the mob mentality and it's horrible bloody revolution. That's vastly oversimplifying it, but at any rate France soon had an Emperor again with Napoopan. A quite benevolent one at that, but his power was quite absolute.

The US was founded by people specifically trying to avoid this kind of thing. It was founded by men who did not want a king, did not want a small elite aristocracy controlling everything. As it turns out we ended up getting them anyways but the liberty roots and traditions have delayed the shift towards a strong state significantly more than in Europe.

nowadays both follow chaos politik.

Look where it got us

What the fuck are you all talking about? Have any of you heard of the Cold War? When the US and Soviet Union emerged as "superpowers" and started competing in world dominance and geopolitics, Communism became a universal boogie-monster to scare the citizens into submission in the US, and Capitalism was the same in the Soviet Union. It is, of course, interesting how 25 years after the Cold War ended, communism, "leftism" and other spooks are still feared in the US.

This. It has little to do with Europe, other than Europe serving as a battleground (albeit a central one) in the Cold War.

Plus the power of the American business/corporate class, determined not to have their authority over the American working classes checked.

The HUAC and continuous Commie witch hunts were the primary means of keeping the labor at bay. And... propaganda, here 'n' there.

Because Americans are the genetic trash of Europe.

leftism is a mental disease. Every person who believes in leftism ideas is terminaly mentaly ill and as such an enemy of mankind.

>leftism is a mental disease

How? Supporting artificial hierarchy is completely unethical

>Not hierarchical

So were Canadians and Australians but they all turned out relatively fine.

Socialist sentiment was never very high in the US even pre Cold war though, which is what I think OP wanted to understand.

please prove that

ethics is completely a human construct and how can be that hierarchy artificial if it appeared completely naturaly?

Americans are sheep and do whatever their government tells them to do.

>Anyone who doesn't believe in my ideology is sheep

Socialism was needed in war torn Europe. To build industry and use it effectively you needed to save the citizenry, keep them literate educated and well fed.

The united states was already the most powerfully industrialized nation, however it was pretty damn near socialism during Roosevelt's time.

In the 70's lobbying in the United States picked up and a huge campaign of suppression and ideological subversion began with Nixon and peaked with Reagan, Thatcher was part of this crowd but I'm not sure what sparked her in the UK. What ended up happening is that money began controlling politics in an exaggerated way and of course Keynesianism although much more scientifically sound began being overturned with the advent of Milton and his stooges.

Radical leftism dies out with the welfare state, and left tendencies in general are just over swarmed with ideologically slanted media.

cont: cold war and mccarthyism factor in

The cold war actually had the effect in real terms of making the US take care of its citizenry since no matter how much you suppress ideas you can't suppress a persons consciousness about their living experience. So to denounce the alternative and keep people happy full employment and welfare were needed as goals.

After the fall of the USSR all bets were off and class war came back in full force and it's only going to get worse since the lower classes have been prepped to vote against their interests.

USA was too ethnically and racially diverse to unite the poorly educated working class behind socialism. Capitalists were able to leverage all the state and private power against the unionists and such as result. USA was also inhabited by the greediest people from Europe so socialism would have seriously fucked their prospects of making it big.

One of the reasons was probably race. European countries didn't have the sort of clear ethnic division withing the working class, which obviously makes political organizing inherently easier.

This is a really important point

>the lower classes have been prepped to vote against their interests.
When will you retards realize that leftist intelligentsia DO NOT have the interests of the lower classes in mind?

A hundred thousand years of human evolution beg to differ.

That's because in America, liberalism = leftism I'm not even joking

This guy gets it. Yuroserfs have been domesticated to be submissive towards central authority for thousands of years. It was only in their nature to get cucked by fascism and socialism.

By the way, the only reason """"socialism"""" """"works"""" in yurop is because the USA protects them through NATO. It's worth mentioning that the nordic model is collapsing right now exactly as the freshwater economists had predicted decades ago. Such a cushy safety net will eventually attract too many unskilled migrants for the system to support.

And the history of leftism continues to be a history of monumental failure.

Explain yourself, /pol/

>capitalist society
Proles die from obesity
>communist society
Proles die from starvation

The intelligentsia want a larger state so they can get fatter paychecks.

The lower classes have never lived in such luxury as they do now.

Also the assumption that leftist parties have the poor's best interests in mind is simply deceitful propaganda. Let me take Bernie as an example. A $15 federal minimum wage would be a disaster. While appropriate for places like New York City and the Bay Area, it would cause massive unemployment in more rural areas where the cost of living is already very cheap. Everyone seems to think that these wages would just come out of the pockets of fat cat CEOs, and that's totally wrong. It's not the corporations that will suffer from this, but the independent small businesses, particularly the immigrant owned ones due to language barriers. Raising the minimum wage certainly won't do anybody any favors in Detroit either.

Reminder that the NAACP had to beg New York democrats to stop building section 8 housing in Yonkers during the late 80s because it was perpetuating poverty.

>Center right

>Such a cushy safety net will eventually attract too many unskilled migrants for the system to support.

leftism d.n.e. open border policies. even a cursory reading of leftist literature would alert you to this fact.

rather, the "nordic model"'s failure is its inability to prioritize its own people over strife abroad. it has relatively little to do with "leftism" and more to do with their culture, and its free-movement and welcoming attitude towards outsiders. left-wing politics has long been associated with extreme border control and open borders both. it's a mistake to conflate swedish charity with leftist border politics. it's a narrow-minded and poorly informed position to defend.

>leftism d.n.e. open border policies. even a cursory reading of leftist literature would alert you to this fact.
I'm aware, but immigration will happen whether it's legal or not, ESPECIALLY if you have a successful economy with lots of gibs. And good luck trying to send them back.

>muh small bussiness

If you haven't realized small business is being beaten out by the low costs big business is profiting from.

Small business is a relic at this point, fuck it.

When will you realize real wages have been stagnating since 70's at the same time neoliberalism started its assault on the minimum wage and corporations started lobbying like mad?

The idea that companies will simply stop hiring workers if they have to pay a little more is fucking ridiculous, the only reason people have jobs in the west is because high skill industry needs high skill labour.

Also if anything bad does happen you simply have the government subsidize or what have you, the idea that you should leave things bad because things might get worse if you try to fix the problem is pure cancerous thinking.

>corporations only started lobbying like mad in the 70s
You're wrong, and there's already so much money in politics that many regulations help corporations at the expense of smaller competitors.

Neoliberalism crippled the Soviet Union and made the USA the single world superpower.

Real wages have stagnated primarily because of the federal reserve's printing anyways.

You think things are bad because you're force-fed facebook memes about income inequality, but they are actually quite good. Having billionaires in your country is a good thing.

neoliberalism is a nonce word brought in to replace capitalism/imperialism in the light of the socialist-flavored populism of South America which used the term to try and pretend they were above Cold War dynamics.

Nah. Unlike y'all, leftists don't operate out of raw self interest.

Everyone works out of raw self interest

A lot of the failure of the socialist left has to do with racial animus that prevented a unified front against capital.

That pic shows that the economy began to take off after Pinochet left.

Everyone does. Convincing themselves otherwise just makes them shitty at it.

Communism never really took a hold because they wasn't real poverty like in Europe. Sure there was poor people in America but they were nearly as poor as many Europeans. Leftism had to come to America based on social issues not economic issues.


>What's leftism by the way?
The belief that more government is better

>That is to say none at all.
That's a funny way of saying we want freedom

Which is to say we desire very little government

Any political organization, or member thereof, which either wants to abolish or render unrecognizable the character of a society.

Ideological spectrum fags, pls go and stay go.