You're a king in the late Middle Ages, how do you beat Swiss pike formations...

You're a king in the late Middle Ages, how do you beat Swiss pike formations? I'm pissed off mountainniggers with long spears were practically unbeatable. Should've been nerfed desu.

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Pay them off

>late middle ages
>cannons finally in use
Spam cannons

I revive the Gladius


They lost plenty of times

Only beat old timey pikes because the Macedonian leaders were retarded as fuck

Dismount most of the cavalry, harry their forces with ranged weapons, try to lure them it is their position, attack their flanks with the dismounted infantry. If they break, fuck them up with what's left of the cavalry. If they don't, keep up the pressure

>You're a king in the late Middle Ages, how do you beat Swiss pike formations?
Artillery or pike&shot.

>I'm pissed off mountainniggers with long spears were practically unbeatable.
They were beaten plenty of times user.

A really strong fucking magnet to pull the spears from their hands and fuck up their stab precision.

Do what the swiss are famous for
Pay them off

Stand just out of range and fire crossbows at them

>fire crossbows at them

But that doesn't make sense. You fire guns, not bullets.

Where to learn about these Swiss Pikemen.. literature recommendations?

Cantabrian circles with light cavalry and line infantry accurate at long range.

Wait until Landsknechte BTFO the mountain jews

With more gold than their current employer.

you don't fire bows. "fire" is a term related to firearms, you know gunpowder weapons, because you activate them with fire. you don't activate a bow with fire. a more fitting term for shooting a bow would probably be "lose", because you let go of the string.

A ditch or hill, camp out, slaughter.

If you're austrian and undermanned, you die


With lots of spear chuckers

I've found this channel and I've found it pretty entertaining
It's some Brit who seems mildly autistic and he has short vids about weapons, armour and other historical stuff

One he made about pikes

Newfag or just baiting?

I'm kind of new to Veeky Forums

Because it's fucking L I N D Y and you're all like "I've found this guy".

And he is NOT autistic.

>And he is NOT autistic.
Until he produces documentation, I will keep suspecting him of being mildly autismal.

Well I don't browse this board that often to know its memes and popular people

I found him on my own not through being Veeky Forums or anything that's why I said I found it

And the way he gets triggered by the mildest inaccuracies in movies and his humor which I enjoy sometimes but comes across as autistic

>like everyone, he used a term every single one of us understands but I'm going to sperg out anyway.

get some big ass logs and roll them into the enemy formation.
Fill a wagon with tar and pitch, roll it into their formation alight.
stock up on arrows and just rain hell down on them.
Starve them out.
outflank them.
pay them off.
launch pots of tar at them then shoot them with fire arrows.
hit them with catapults.

Most lack armor so lay into them with crossbows and the like. If I have gun powder then gg.

By having good infantry.

Swiss relied on steamrolling shit infantry before they could be stopped and subjected to shooting for extended periods, or have their formation broken.

Get a good, professional infantry corp with 1/2 plate, arm them with pikes and crossbows, dismount most of your cavalry (and ensure they're trained to fight cohesively on foot), and ensure the rest are fully armored with armored horses. Bring lighter cavalry with ccrossbows.

Harry them with mounted crossbows,

Stop the Swiss advance with your pikes, start shooting them to pieces, and have your heavy cavalry begin assaulting the flanks and especially corners.

Mounted skirmishers should shoot them in to aid them in breaking up the swiss.

Dismounts either assault the swiss when they see a break in the formation, or follows charge in and MAKE one which the cavalry then exploit.

Or, do what worked in the real world-pin them with pikes, blast them to with cannon, and send fully armored cavalry to fuck their flanks.

>he thinks unsupportedshot will work
You do realize swiss were known for attacking at a run, right?

Unsupported shot of any type would be rapidly overrun.

He's full of shit.

i shoot them until they die

Hurr dur
Hex guys, i discovered a small channel called skallagrim, he makes weaponvideos hurr durr

Infiltrate their camp and send hundreds of whores and drunkards to spread merry chaos. Then during the height of hangover hours we rush in and slaughter them all.

spamballista and catapults,blow them to kingdom fucking come with my siege weapons

introduce a Montante like weapon to my infantry to disrupt pike formations, spam crossbowmen and train every man under my command to use one effectively, only use cavarly to lure pikemen into a rain of death made of crossbow bolts, also train cavalrymen in the use of ranged weapons like throwing spears

if cannons are game, then spam cannons

This, cannons BTFO tighly packed formations, especially when people started getting inventive with what they were firing out of them.

Alternatively, if cannons aren't you thing, something along the lines of, just treat them like you would any other sub-human barbarous heathens.

Shoot them with bows and then beat them up with dismounted knights.

The reason the swiss were strong was that they were a republic and thus could field the general population as soldiers.

>how do you beat Swiss mercenaries

Hire the Black Army of Hungary.

pretty much every siege weapon with throwable projectiles rekt tightly packed formations, from Ballista (although this one to a lesser degree) to cannons, hell a Trebuchet will work wonders on a tight pike men formations

Real life trebuchets are nothing like age of empires you know that?

guns paired with heavy cavalry turned the swiss neutral forever since

pic related

>guns paired with heavy cavalry turned the swiss neutral forever since

>be Swiss
>get BTFO'd so hard by your French masters that you'd vow eternal neutrality
>literally neutered nation

The historical term is "shoot".

>And he is NOT autistic.
whatever you say bud