Can plastic surgery save me? Plastic surgery general I guess

Can plastic surgery save me? Plastic surgery general I guess.

get better glasses, and a haircut, and losing some of that chin fat and you'll be solid

Save you from what?

You look fat or at least chubby ; work out to lower bf. Cut your soccer dad haircut. Shave the mutton chops, sherlock holmes. Glasses could be more Veeky Forums

Nose job, chin implants, jawline enhancement and you'd be 7/10. Negating the widow's peak (and the hair overall) and bf

How the fuck did you get your hair like that?

Are you implying his hair looks bad? Or are you implying it looks good and you genuinely want to know how he got it like that?

Lose weight, get a haircut and make sure you cut your hair at least every 3-4 weeks tops.

This alone will do more for your appearance than any surgery

Also jaw surgery, you know chin implant and jaw enlargement

I like the way it looks, and want to grow/style my hair like this

I want it 2
you're not bad op.

Rhinoplasty + chin augmentation.

It's super common that these two are performed together.

That should improve the overall look, especially from the side. It would be best to lower your body fat % before any of this though, just to see what your jawline is like. If it comes through decent, then you could realistically just settle for the chin augmentation + rhinoplasty, which would compliment everything and mask any perceived weaknesses elsewhere, like an average jawline.

Although I guess if you want to super max out, then go for a procedure that enhances the jawline as well.

Perhaps ask on for advice from real surgeons, or if you want advice from people on the internet who will tell it like it is, try Shitty Advice section. (I don't think you need an account to post) Some oddballs on there but a lot of them know their stuff when it comes to surgical procedures.

start working out lose the weight dont look for an eazy way

lol you look like a cartoon character

Im not him, and am far skinnier. How risky are these two?

Rhino is literally the hardest plastic surgery to perform in terms of getting a good, natural looking result and easiest to fuck up. Do your research and get it done by a top surgeon if you must. I wouldn't recommend it unless your nose completely fucked up, crooked and affects your breathing.

Also many people who think they have a large nose and weak chin and then get a rhino and a chin implant actually need jaw surgery.

Hair lookin like a 1980s news anchor

you look fine.

and I like your hair

Rhinoplasty has fuck all to do with breathing.

You really shouldn't pay attention to anyone in this board.

Confidence doesn't require surgery. Watch more 90s movies where people dont have perfect faces, they are the legends people try to be

you could end up looking like duke nukem but you have to make it happen