Be honest withme, why do women have no sense of fashion?

Be honest withme, why do women have no sense of fashion?

I don't know. It seems to be that while they have more variety in fashion they are not daring to try or experiment with fashion...

Most girls "into fashion" get stuck in normcore forever.. and it aint bad but come on, dont be afraid to try new styles...

They have a sense of fashion, fashion being what will follow going trends. What they lack is a sense of aesthetics.

why dont men?

almost all designers are men

because killy

The problem with women is that they can't seem to think for themselves. This seems to be the case with almost anything with women. Political opinions, opinions about celebrities, etc. For some reason all women end up in middle class homes with a numale husband, while men can end up as CEOs or homeless/factory worker. Just to point out that in my country over 80% of the homeless are male.

Women are just hardwired to act with the flock and not for themselves. It's why women are rarely alpha leaders. Following the trends and the pack is the beta thing to do, and that's all the general public of women will ever be.

cucked virgin is cucked

some designers think designing for men is boring

women take more care of their appearance than men, and that includes dressing up

>women take more care of their appearance than men
So smearing tons of chemicals on their face all day everyday means they care about their appearance right ?

because they get stuck in the idea they have to follow 1 trend and never back down from it. Some feminist bullshit made it through in their fashion sense and now every single time someone says their ugly they go on tumblr and rant about 'no men has a opinion on them'. Plus straight men will fuck about anything that will accept them so they don't have to put effort

It's because clothing is also a form of courtship. For every animal that has a courtship ritual its the male that has to do the complicated dance, build the intricate nest, wear the elaborate colors or sing a ballad to get a female's attention. Humans are no exception so it makes sense that men would lead in what they want to see women in, what makes them look attractive enough to do all this bullshit to sleep with them. Not saying women don't have good eyes for creating clothing or lingerie it just seems like they usually only pick up on it after men make the initial steps into that style.

What kinda of basic bitches do you guys surround yourself with?

>"Women are just hardwired"

>"says their ugly"
>including words like feminism and tumblr to get a reaction

>confusing people with birds

what the fuck is this shit

You guys are all fucking delusional
The fashion industry has always been dominated by women
It is considered normal for a woman to take an interest in fashion, but not for men
You guys need to get out of your shitty flyover states

The people of Veeky Forums are by no means fashionable. You all wear the same uniform and buy the same shit then have the gall to think you're all that.

This board is particularly uninspired, it's all just the same "fits" ad nauseam.

There are very few people I would consider to have a personal style, and it's not limited to men.

your post makes you look like an angry virgin singling out women like that

PEOPLE have no sense in fashion
look at your average 22 y/o DUDE and you'll see he is as lost as his female counterpart

the reason the public doesn't have any fashion sense is becasue they care more about acceptance among peers than looking good.

so if they buy a shirt from a brand that is acceptable among their friends, say billabong, then this purchase will be validated by their friends

then there's us... let's focus on the people that are, for the most part social outasts as it is a simpler case. these people don't have IRL peers to seek acceptance from, so they look elsewhere, namely online. on the web, people won;t care if you have a quiksilver shirt, but they will if you have tricky rick. so in order to get the same validation they must work much harder.

obviously this is all a gross simplification but i believe it adds some persepctive to the question

Not surprised that some Conye loving faggot would've made this thread.

Women have a far better fashion sense than men. It's not even debatable.

Stay delusional while you're in your garbage little Yeezys, hilariously poor ripped jeans and oversized hoodie.

oh shit it's the diction police
