Is the United States of America the only nation stare explicitly founded upon leftist values?

Is the United States of America the only nation stare explicitly founded upon leftist values?

>United States of America
>nation state
top kek
>why am I even posting in a bait thread

Next question.

>leftist values

How about no, you dumb fucking nutter.

>implying liberalism is leftist

But Hamilton, Jefferson, Madison, and even Adams were far left radicals by the standards of the time

Enshrining both democratic representation and complete free expression was revolutionary and, I believe, unprecedented

The left/right dichotomy didn't even exist until the French revolution, you cuck.

>Classical liberalism is leftist

The left/right dichotomy might not have been in application, but that doesn't change the fact that America was founded upon liberalism which was radically left and anti-monarchist/anti-feudal which was traditionalist. Hence, liberalism is left of feudalism and so on. Just because it wasn't in use doesn't make it not applicable. Of course, French Revolution happened literally right after American war for independence.

> United States of America
> A nation state
There's so much wrong with this statement I don't know where to begin. The fact there was no American nation and still are no American nation outside the ones put in Casinos? The fact that it's made out of several states?

>Injuns are Americans


The founders were classical liberals who would never accept marxist ideology such as communism. You don't need to be a communist to believe in the will of the people (which is not the same as collective control of production).

I don't think you know the origin of that term. The American War of Independence was a mercantile and national revolution. The colonists never sat down in Parliament, and never had the opportunity to split along the left/right divide in person, unlike the French revolutionaries, who explicitly did so to express their allegiance to or opposition against the so-called "revolution."

>would never accept Marxist ideology

You're probably right, but I have problems with imposing ideological rigidities on people who are clearly limited by historical conditions.

You're a pseud. The American revolutionaries saw themselves as "positive liberals" in contrast to the "negative liberalism" of the British crown.

For its time it absolutely was. Consider what classical liberalism existed in opposition to!

I'm a what?

I'm not sure if Madison and Hamilton would reject Marxism. Their discussion of "history as a conflict between haves and have-nots" is essentially identical to dialectical materialism.

The american school and /or system of which those men adhere to are capitalist ideas. Marx's dialectics wouldn't sway them to his economic policies.

What the fuck am I reading?


Though true, the definition of leftist varies from state and time period.

neither the Hamilton model nor Jefferson model was anywhere near Marxist