How's this style called?

how's this style called?

Chinese Faggot

cucked by the internet AKA reddit dronewear

redditor experimenting for the first time

this outfit is literally what the majority of Veeky Forums wants to wear but is too poor to afford kek

minimal meme wear / i spend thousands to look average.

redditcore / cuckwave

hahaha oh man this board is so insanely heavily triggered by normies it's hilarious


Reimagined Basics
Post-goth ninja

How is that Slakercore?
Post-goth ninja? kek
Rickowenscore? wtf
hahaha :)

international student

That's all Ricky

>Veeky Forums hops on rick's dick a couple years ago
>now that reddit is getting on the wagon Veeky Forums doesn't like rick anymore
develop a style you like and roll with it, you fucking sheep

What Veeky Forums was into last year so they're coming down extra hard on it.

Redditor nu-male trying to be effay

See You should probably reevaluate your life.

>reevaluate your life
just say 'you should kill yourself' like a real man you pussy

Pussy is somewhat the same as numale/cuck so Reevaluate life.

The Thom Yorke

the cool look for fa circa early 2015


90score cucks fear the truth

God bless his soul.

he's too short to wear rick

damn I literally wore this exact outfit today minus the ramones.

so literally the poorfag version of it congratulations dude

congrats on wearing 2011 Veeky Forums-core lmfao

I was wearing a d&c polo with it though, I felt good...


My normie casual style