Has "democratic socialism" EVER worked?

Has "democratic socialism" EVER worked?

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It will this time.


What are you talking about? Democratic Socialism is the most effective form of government possible; provided you have a strong stable homogeneous nation with a rigorous border policy. It massively raises the average standard of living.

It has such a loose definition, that question can't be answered


That term has been around for quite a while, Marx and Engles explicitly proclaimed themselves to be against it. As for Bernie his policies are just plain common sense and could easily operate under Trump's program. /pol/ only hates him because because of a lack of anti-immigrant rhetoric.

How do we know if it has "worked"?
What is its end goal?

Tell that to Bernie since that is the label he uses

Socialism is all the same. Its just take money from the people who work hard or are smarter and give it to people who don't know how to provide for themselves or are lazy

no, that's capitalism user

Everybody benefits from good roads, accessible education, and healthcare.

Lol. He can't even beat hillary. Low energy democraps getting BTFO.

That's because open borders+welfare is so self-evidently fucking stupid. Choose one or the other.

Also he is drinking directly from the BLM koolaid: Which is nothing but a bunch of angry blacks projecting their racism, entitlement and sense of inferiority uniformly on all White people.

It works great in a small post-industrial country, but the United States needs to stop pretending to be a post-industrial country.

Only if you're doing it wrong. Of course subsidising idleness is stupid, but any intelligent form of socialism would avoid doing precisely that.

You know what? Capitalism even though in many instances is not perfect still provides people with an opportunity to work and become successful. Socialism takes away all the opportunities in the name of equality.

You don't need a corrupt union charging enormously large amounts for a product or service a company can prove for less then half the costs.

How about no socialism? Why not make things totally fair for everyone instead of giving some people a unfair advantage?

In capitalism material success relies completely on material poverty. The poor have no opportunities, they don't have land to work, or factories. We need those as much as we need air, and if you'd privatise the land you'd privatise the air if you could.


I'm pretty conservative myself friend, but you clearly have a middle schooler's understanding of socialism so you should probably stop trying to refute it.

Open borders is just another generic nationalist strawman that demonstrates their warped view of the world. Bernie has never advocated anything of the sort, but he's never supported mass deportations either, thus turning the right against him.

cont. and have a middle schooler's understanding of capitalism. Fucking hell, this board went to shit.

...he said for the 100th time, while he sees Venezuelans starving in his tv

No you don't. What your describing is a result of globalism and the expansion of free trade agreements. Ask anyone who's lived a socialist state and they will tell you why it sucks. They all come to capitalist countries where the pay is greater and where an opportunity exists for their children to one day become wealthy.

>get a (You)
>it's just somebody being rude and putting themselves on a pedestal

Most of Europe is socialist to a degree and they have the highest happiness rating as well as the highest standard of living and longer lives.

They don't sound like they're hating it. They're hating the Muslims though.

not when your country effectively turns your border control into a complete farse

a socialist state is just a big corporation, they call it state-capitalism for a reason

How about you stop with the Autism.

Yeah try telling that to the braindead commie hipsters.

I am a braindead commie hipster, communism is stateless.

Which isn't true. In fact, arrests and deportations are at a record high.

This board was always shit. Armchair philosophers and babbies first year at college try to rewrite everything into some gay communist narrative.

If you try to call them out you get, "go back to your echo chamber >>pol"

As a Trump supporter, Bernie's domestic policies are noble and I appreciate his dialogues on better infrastructure and to shake up the political establishment, but he ultimately has fallen to pandering to identity politics and is weak on immigration.

>I'm the rude one

Your whole post was just one big strawman about what a capitalist does or does not support. Privatization and capitalism are two separate concepts that can exist independently of the other and if anything the most privatized society would be one which is the least capitalist since each person would essentially own their own means of production as well as all the other things typically provided by a capitalist class.

>communism is stateless

In fantasy, sure.

You mean select countries like Scandinavia nations that have low populations and high incomes? Their happiness isn't tied to any social policy rather it's to their personal feeings of self worth and helping others.

there are different kinds of property, private property is one kind
where did any self described socialist country claim to have been communist? there aren't any communist states because it's an oxymoron that came from cold war propaganda and misunderstanding

Nice 14 year old political theory


Venezuela is not Democratic Socialism.

t. Leninfag

Actually no they aren't, this is Obongo's cooked statistics when they started including people turned away at the border as deportees.

Well to be fair, no democratic nation has ever tried communism soooo....

It would work here maybe. Right now we have a mixed economy, this includes socialism and capitalism. Right now, the socialist policies are only helping the rich and the capitalist policies are fucking over the poor. We need to swap policies to improve the economy.

>Why not make things totally fair for everyone instead of giving some people a unfair advantage?
That's literally what social democracy is

better the State than the private sector

WTF is Stalin there ?

No it isn't it's precisely a lie. Look there will always be disadvantaged and gifted persons but it's their own responsibility to fend for themselves. What socialism is a bunch of crybaby's asking for help in life becuase it's tough to get by. Democracy is a codeword for mob rule.

>but it's their own responsibility to fend for themselves

Because it's goes by the law of nature? Nobody owes anybody anything if they didn't earn it.

>Because it's goes by the law of nature
What are the laws of nature?

Empirical observations of animals in their natural habitat.

But we aren't mundane animals user.

Yes we have the spirit of God in ourselves.

As long as we're bringing God into things, isn't there a Christian argument against private property? And against control of our own bodies?

>The poor have no opportunities
Then why people from commie countries are so eager to risk their lifes to just land in a capitalist country? Do you know how much money did people like Zuckenberg needed to create facebook? You just drunk the dumb lefties kool aid.

No property ownership isn't addressed to my knowledge. Im not sure what your referring to in bodily control.

Europe is capitalist with a welfare state. The goverment doesnt control any means of production at all,except few very rare cases. Calling Europe socialist is as dumb as it gets. Btw,the most socialist countries are in the South,guess what happened there.

>Venezuela is not Democratic Socialism.
>Trust me socialism has never been tried, and capitalism doesnt work.
