Who here has starved to lose weight? I'm going to try and I was just wondering what kind of success you had...

Who here has starved to lose weight? I'm going to try and I was just wondering what kind of success you had. The hunger pains don't bother me and I'm only going to lose 30 or 40 pounds. Any tips?

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You're probably just going to gain it back again (or die, whichever comes first). Lose weight in a non-retarded way and learn what kind of foods to eat while counting calories.

Can't bear to keep looking at myself. I'm 170 pounds but dear Lord is it ever disgusting

im doing it right now, trying to achieve shia labeouf's body, (im kinda similar but i need the abs), and counting calories doesnt work at all. i see my abs, but there is fat on it and it doesnt burn even tho i run and i eat properly :(

I was able to lose weight easily by skipping lunch, but trying removing sugar or bad bad food from your meals. If you can gain any muscle, you can eat more and gain less.

You might just have loose skin. A lot of formerly fat people can't be skinny and have well-defined abs at the same time regardless of how much weight they lose.

you'll lose the fat pads in your face and age yourself incredibly rapidly. it's not reversible and you can never gain them back once they're gone.

starving yourself won't help you get abs either wtf are u retarded?

It's better to lose it over a few months and eat healthy than not eat very much at all and have shit nutrition. It took you time to get fat, no one gets fat overnight. It will take time to lose weight as well. Eat healthy, low cal foods, drink lots of water and coffee, count calories and exercise. Don't go anorexic or starve yourself or take up smoking, that's how retarded teenage girls lose weight.

Ive only had 200 calories in the past 2 days,

Hope this works..

If you're not eating enough calories, at the very least get the right vitamins and minerals. That way you'll be mostly alright.
The hit to your digestive system and metabolism is easy to recover from with time, but you have to try to recover your appetite when you're done, which is hard as it becomes such a negligible thing

What do you mean by "starving"? The actual starvation or a radical cal intake cut? If first, you will damage your internal organs badly and die. The second option is known as "crash diet". It's pretty effective if you have enough willpower. I've lost 15 kilos in 1,5 months with it eating literaly 500 cal per day (tuna, seaweed, vegetables, chicken) and running 3-4 kilometers at 8-9 kmph.
Myfitnesspal is useless in that case, don't rely on it, you will not lose anything with it's "program". Also don't visit "thinspo" thread, they're nothing but whining faggots who can't complete anything in their lives.


i was trying to lose 10 pounds and only got down to losing 3 because i ust get hungry and eat again
now i eat one meal a day (a big breakfast)
eat lots of apple so you can shit frequently

I'm currently doing this, and failing and doing it again. Once I get the 1500 cal max a day down ( getting closer every day ) and completely cut out soft drinks/fast food I'll be good to go.

I usually go a whole day without eating almost anything then probably one more. After that my chubby cheeks go away, which is my goal. Then the plan is to eat only 1500 cals a day so it stays that way.

I've succeeded and failed at this numerous times already but I'm getting closer! ( I look really cute without my chubby cheeks.. I look like a GRILL )

ive always been skinny desu so it doesnt make sense, i dont get it

I eat a 100 cal brekfast, 100 cal lunch, and 1000 dinner everyday pmsl

Any bug chasers on here?

Have you seen how much weight ppl with HIV lose?? what a dream!

Why coffee?

Some people find it useful as an appetite suppressant.

0 cals

I'm assuming just straight up black coffee?

Don't be a fucking retard. Lift, do cardio, and stop eating like shit.

Yeah, obviously adding sugar or cream would defeat the purpose.

Cream is usually only around 20-40 calories. Don't know how people stand sugar in their coffee though.

This. I'm 128lbs right now and I eat 3400 calories a day minimum. These fools will be in here chasing my look trying to starve themselves and they'll never get it.
Ps if you start developing anorexia you're going to have a meth skeleton face in a year or so, and it never goes away without facial injections that make you look like a fucking clown retard.

how long do you spend per day working out, user?

Looking for all black backpacks with that thing to hold the board?
Should I cop pic related ot simply get all black and carry the board when I cant ride it?

ups, i fucked up, ignore it

When I first started to seriously reduce my calorie intake and skip meals everybody kept telling me "omg ur going to go into starvation mode, lose all your muscle and stay fat".

My rock hard abs kind of laid that myth to rest.

lol, rip

There are safer, healthier, and more natural ways to stay thin. Don't be stupid.

Dont fucking starve yourself, you'll just rebound back to being a fatass in a couple months.
Eat at a 500cal deficit until you reach your goal weight. Doing it slowly teaches you how to control your diet on top of NOT injuring yourself.

If you didn't start starving yourself at 14 you're going to gain it back in a blink.

Life as a skeleton isn't fun, embrace yourself and enjoy living as you are

I lost 30 lbs back in my first year of high school. It's a lot easier when you're still in your teen years, but I cut down my calorie intake to 1000-1500 per day (for reference I was 5'2" at the time) and jogged 3-4 times a week. Reached my goal in about 4-5 months I think.

I'm also losing weight right now on a similar plan, but I don't do cardio as frequently (about twice a week). I hope to lose at least 10 pounds and get down to around 115-119 pounds. I've lost about 4 pounds so far over the span of a month.

Dropping weight too fast will only bite you in the ass later, and can fuck up your body for the long term. Don't be part of that statistic where those who lost weight just gained it all back and then some.

me and i got down to BMI 13.5 and almost died
do not recommend

I find that exercise offers far better results with far less suffering.

Don't fucking starve yourself. You'll end up just as fat afterwards. Just eat a high carb and high fiber diet and try to avoid meat, fatty foods and sugary foods. Basically just have a healthy diet and do lots of sport

Yeah, coffee and smokes.
How do you think models are so fucking slim, also with a small side order of will power.

>high carb diet
>avoid meat
Spotted the fatty

I want to do it, but desu starving is a teenager's game. How the fuck do you skip lunch if you have a job? You fucking can't

>High carb.

huh. okay m80

an hour a day 4-5 days a week, with the occasional run thrown in for good measure, give or take? my hobbies tend to be pretty physically intensive though, i do a lot of hiking and backpacking type stuff on the weekends.

I was anorexic years ago and I deeply regret it. I still look very young for my age (I'm almost 30 and most people peg me at 18) but the sunken cheeks and smile lines I picked up from not eating enough will never go away without collagen/botox/etc which aren't a perfect solution for obvious reasons.

don't do it op

you want to set up healthy habits so you can be thin without being unhealthy - hat way you can look like a beautiful skeletor the rest of your life while also being healthy and having the benefits of good skin and looks due to good diet.

This doesn't work.

1. Loosing weight is a marathon, not a sprint.
2.1 Go here freedieting.com/tools/calorie_calculator.htm
2.2 Take number between extreme and fat loss
3. Design two healthy meals; lunch/dinner that you love and are easy to make and stick to it. Must be within 2.2
4. If you run do not eat 3 hours after
5. empty your house for food and buy a ksafe for your 2 meals
6. Buy real, not supermarket shit, green tea and real coffee brew, for example. piston
7. If shit hits the fence buy Ricola or Sugarfree bubblegum and tear that shit up
8. Profit

>4. If you run do not eat 3 hours after

>only 220 calories of difference between fat loss and extreme fat loss


When you starve yourself fat is the last thing your body burns, it needs nutrients and if you dont feed it, it will literally break your body down.

bc you will burn more fat plus people have a tendency to eat too much after.. it takes an hour to burn x kcal while running, takes you what... 5 min to eat triple that

go on a high carb low fat low protein diet

But that's incorrect. Muscle is the last thing your body will metabolize during starvation.

seems kind of terrible to starve yourself in terms of nutrition, vitamins, etc

>high carb

reported for irresponsible memeing

i've starved (in high school lost 50 lbs that way) and lost weight the normal way (10-15 lbs)

I can tell you that starving is effective but will fuck up your entire mindset and life in many ways

I suggest you do fairly intense cardio (like put in WORK sweaty cardio) for 45min-1 hour a day (running or biking) and eat as much healthy food as you please and believe me you will lose weight!! and you won't end up with fucked up starvation thoughts for the rest of your life like I did

Disregard everything everyone has said itt and just listen to me,i'm a starvation expert

I've lost 10kg in one and a half month by starving myself

I was literally eating 400kcal per day for a month and had a whole pizza and a pita gyros on saturdays but still managed to lose all that weight

I'm currently 177cm and 60kg and my goal is 52 kg and i started starving again

Now i'm going on a two week starvation,going to do my highscore

you lose 1kg of pure body fat per 3 days starving yourself but keep in mind that you also lose water weight,some muscle weight and some bone weight so you're losing more than 1kg if you starve yourself for 3 days

Also when you're not eating anything your body burns
>First water
>Second fat
>Third muscle
>Fourth bone
>Fifth organs

You can easily go as much as you want starving yourself as long as you still have fat on you,you're safe but don't do intense workout


I had blood test and everything is okay with me,i'm healthy as fuck

Food is overrated and a huge misconception

Also,there is no such thing as "starvation mode" bullshit where someone tells you that your body burns less calories if you're starving

Just do intermittent fasting, m8

If you're trying to get fast results do the 24 hour method and drink lots of fucking water.


starvation does work and if you are smart abt it you dont gain it back you have to be an idiot if you gain it back at all (I got deathly ill from a medication once and lost 30lbs in two weeks, at one point i didnt eat for 5 days, im completely healthy now though and so much happier)

Diet is your friend if you want to lose weight not starvation

Completely forgot about that "you'll take it all back" meme

How the fuck would that happen if you don't eat a lot?This does indeed happen but only if you do a 3 day fast or at the beggining of your fast because you lose a shit ton of water weight at that time

But after all,it's not even "real" weight

Eat small portions of food yeah that will probably get you results.
Or you can just skip breakfast do a 5 hour fast and then eat what you want after and go to the gym

ya man all the long term damage you did to your body didn't show up immediately on blood tests they probably weren't specifically screening symptoms on by ??? doctor in ??? country at ??? lab.

this guys a clown. jumping thru some real mental gymnastics to avoid eating a healthy diet and working out. i hope nobody on here is dim enough to take advice from this joker.
>what is fat burning exercises
>can access google.com, can't figure out basic nutrition

I had to cut weight to wrestle in high school.

You pussies don't know shit about it

dont worry guys my blood work was fine
>anorexia literally causes your brain to shrink and lowers your IQ
definitely taking medical advice from this user he's a "starvation expert" not a person with a legit mental disorder thats in the DSM-IV who probably also looks gross

cutting weight for sports competition is not the same thing as legit anorexia which is what's being displayed in this thread. also high school sports teams aren't exactly known for being very conscious of the health of their participants. ex: literally 19 year olds in america dying from degenerative brain disease wew american football

im 5' 3', 90 lbs and i can eat whatever i want without gaining any weight.

>without gaining any weight.

>she fell for the metabolism meme


5'3 90 is only slightly underweight
[select all images with ice cream]

i was blessed with good jeans
really? how do you even find that out? i wanna see what my bmi and all that stuff is

>mfw can't even watch porn now because constantly thinking about food

I don't wish this hell on you, OP


I used to be like you greaso, but sticking to old eating habits as you age will only eventually pack on the pounds.

It's like not using sunscreen daily, people think it's fine but then wonder where things went wrong 10-15 years later.

ive gone a couple weeks with nothing but coffee and a single sandwich.

ive also gone a couple weeks with 4 meals including entire pizzas and bags of chips.

been 6'1 150 (185cm 68kg) for the last 5 years.

weight gains and losses require consistent diets. Months of small deficients or increased exercise.

>4 meals a day*

im only 18 so i dont think i have to worry about my metabolism slowing down anytime soon


Just run. I'm training for a marathon right now and I eat like a vacuum cleaner and still stay skinny.

this is completely wrong what the fuck?

Of course you stay skinny.

You're basically burning off everything you eat

My ex-gf starv to lose weight, she want to model again.

Hey op! i have been diagnosed with anorexia nervosa,i've been struggling with this disease for 3 years,since the start ive lost 50 pounds and to this day i mantain a bmi of 16.7-ish, i said "ill just lose 10 pounds then it'll be enough"
its never fucking enough.
you get addicted to the control it gives you,the amazing high you get with fasting,the feeling of "being" superior to everyone else because they eat.
it fucking sucks.
yet i cant stop.
because i fucking love it.
so please, dont do this.

>because i fucking love it.

In the same boat, buddy

Life is hell but at least I'm not fat

crawling in my skiiinnnnn

>tfw bmi of 17-17.5ish
>tfw have none of the neurotic mental illness shit

feels good

just eat 1 meal per day and that should do it

You're going to look really awkward to other people if you use this method.

Its easily to tell when someone used to be fat but lot a lot of weight (quickly) by starving themselves. Their proportions look off, they look frail and they lose all of their muscle.

Don't be an idiot and starve yourself, just eat less and work out. Not that hard.


Greaso, you look like a boy

vacuum cleaners dont eat dont try to trick me

go on a high carb low fat vegan/plant based diet

end thread now

why don't you guys just go running or cycling or whatever


If you cut out carbs completely your body stops converting carbs into sugars and goes into ketosis
You lose more weight doing almost the exact opposite of what you said


A semi-vegan high carb low fat diet. You don't have to count calories or starve yourself.
With high carb I mean vegetables, brown rice, sweet potato, fruits etc.
You don't really need so much protein.

google "bmi chart" for a rough estimate, get a water displacement test for an accurate answer

anorexia nervosa is in the DSM-IV its a mental disorder

>>>Common sense

common sense, user, but you can ask basically any plastic surgeon in the world.
>fat loss is not targeted
>facial fat pads can only come back from extreme weight gain
>this is why old ladies inject shit into their faces. you don't want to be doing this at 30.

bro science =/= common sense

What does it has to do being 14 with reaching skeleton mode?