Is this the most Veeky Forums man to ever live? I'm not talking about just his outfits...

Is this the most Veeky Forums man to ever live? I'm not talking about just his outfits, but also his genetics and mannerisms.


Fatty pls go


You'll get your supplies soon peasant.

What do you think it's like to have a life like that? To be rich, famous, good-looking, hailed as a hero and loved and looked up to and mourned for around the world when you're dead. It's just bizarre to me sometimes, that someone like that could exist

Why don't you try to achieve something like that user?

Coolest man to ever walk the earth

David Bowie for king of Veeky Forums

He's also the founder of /mu/

Can he be both?

And he's dead

He even has a signifigant presence on /co

Man's the fucking king of the internet

(Sailor is Bowie btw)

>even in his final days he was more Veeky Forums than you'll ever be
How can anyone compete?

I was less talking about achievement, more about how people are born with such aesthetics and personal charm. I'm sure he had hard work on his side, but an overwhelming amount of what he had was up to pure luck.

I was born very ugly, my head is huge as are my features. There is no plastic surgery that can fix this, I've looked into it. My hairline is rapidly receding, even on finasteride and minox. My hips are very wide, meaning that my silhouette will always be ugly and non-masculine (unless I built up my upper body to a massive degree, meaning that I could never have a slender, youthful aesthetic). My ribcage looks fucked because of scoliosis; again, surgery is impossible. I have severe acne scars which, while in theory fixable, would probably take years or expensive surgery. I'm nearing my mid-20s, having missed out on all of the fulfilling relationships that people had at my age. Also, I'm non-white.

And even if surgery were possible for all these things in the future, I would never be able to afford it. And also, I'd probably be quite old and long past what are supposed to be the best years of my life.

Anyway, I didn't mean to whine about myself. We all have to make due with what we have. I just meant to say how crazy it is that some people could live on totally opposite spectrums of life and coexist on this planet.

If you become someone cool by creating something others admire and having confidence in that, your ugliness will make you 'unique' and become something endearing.

I've heard this argument before, but I'm not even ugly in an interesting or iconic way like Nomi. My features are very round and bland. It's the kind of ugly that makes people ignore you or pretend you don't exist, rather than pointing and laughing.

Then become interesting, user. Whining about it is not a good start.

I forgot who said this but there's a quote that reads "either do something worth writing about, or write something worth reading." I believe that if you do neither, you basically have no grounds for any sort of attention or pity. Literally no matter what you think, if you don't fulfil anything in this quote, you might as well be dead, your life doesnt matter

I wasn't asking for anyone's pity, that wasn't the point of my original post. I was merely drawing contrast between a mediocre life and a fantastic one, how it's incredible that some people are born with such luck.

>I believe that if you do neither, you basically have no grounds for any sort of attention or pity

I believe that we should pity people with like, inoperable debilitating brain cancers and similar misfortunes. It's simple-minded to believe that anything can be achieved by anyone, that the difference between the status of people is merely due to hard-work.

Man if I was a cop doing the papers after that shot, I'd feel intimidated. Some kind of "you can't fuck with me, mortals" attitude going on right there.

I don't know desu. He looks like a members of 90s boyband in this.

He's inspired a fuck load of artists in just about every form of art. Plus he had cheekbones that could cut through marble. I'd say he's pretty fucking effay

Very few people are just born with that 'luck'. Bowie was born to a middle class family and pursued his talents relentlessly. Tenacity and creativity and the ability to be open to new things, to learn and adapt fearlessly, are what made Bowie a rising star. Early on he wasn't even especially good looking. He made himself a sex symbol, it wasn't handed to him.

Talented people who get somewhere in life get there by working at it. Talent is only a starting point, wha you call talent or luck is actually skill sets that people build up over time with effort.

>I believe that we should pity people with like, inoperable debilitating brain cancers and similar misfortunes. It's simple-minded to believe that anything can be achieved by anyone, that the difference between the status of people is merely due to hard-work.

Pitying people does them no favors, user, and I agree that there are truly unlucky people born into endless misfortune... people born into poor countries during times of famine and war, people unlucky enough to die in an accident before ever developing their skills. But stop pretending people like Bowie come about by luck. No one learns anything from the greatness of their idols by believing it was a 'god given gift', and frankly it's an insult to the person you admire, because you aren't giving them credit for the work they put into what they became.

he's just a dick. And that whatever girlfriend comment was lame af

If that was even him... how do we know?

What boyband's have you been listening to?

>a full hour of Brian flipping through index cards
experimental minimalist classic t b h

>What do you think it's like to have a life like that?
Weirdly enough it's not that different. Once you can fuck a new fifteen year old every hour it loses its shine, your groundbreaking work just becomes drudgery (check the screencap ), your adoring fans become a background drone and a nuisance, like mosquitoes. You adapt to luxuries almost at once.

The human mind has an equilibrium, changing it long term though external achievement isn't possible. Having a life like that isn't *substantively* different from having a life like yours.

And that's why Bowie lived off heroin and yoghurt for five years, basically.

It was milk and cocaine. He was never into Heroin (Berlin was the Heroin capital of Europe so he thankful when he moved there that he wasn't in to it)