Please rate my facial fair. Is there anything i can do to improve it?

please rate my facial fair. Is there anything i can do to improve it?

yes, you could go to /r/beards or /r/wicked_edge

you're way older than average here.

looks great 9/10

Um how old do i look? i was worried about the gap in the moustache not being professional

Bumping foc more critisim

id still card you at the bar, sorry
honestly, though, as long as you keep it clean and well groomed, there's nothing unprofessional about facial hair

that said, FUCKING SHAVE

Zlatan, go home

how long it took to grow

Mixed messages. U mean i should shawe it off bc it looks bad?

3 months. I have low test

BUMp for more input


lose weight... then get it trimmed

What do u mean trimmed? its already trimmed??


Guys who can't grow beards should not grow beards

Thx u. How bad is my facial hair on a 1-10 scale




BUMMMP for more input

sup stachelet?

Hoping for some more input