Is a small tattoo of pluto a bad idea

is a small tattoo of pluto a bad idea

depends where

all tattoos are bad ideas

oh on my forearm, forgot to mention

what kind of style? placement? size? not enough info dude

i mean it's pluto, it's literally going to be a little blue dot on your arm

Like the planet or the doggy that young lean has on his neck beck

Planet but in doggystyle.


i think its a pretty good plan, OP

thanks doge

thanks doge

beat me to it senpai

thanks doge

how will anyone know it's pluto and not the moon?

thanks doge

Only insofar as it is a tattoo and you should always wait a while before getting one. But i think it represents something beautiful and also a lot to think about.

wolf gang, nigga

thanks doge

thanks doge

anything that gives you street cred is not a bad idea. live more get scared less

thanks doge

Thanks doge

It will look the exact same as mercury, the moon, or sedna or any round barren rock

Save money for a noose instead of tattoo

thanks doge

Its not even a planet lol you lose OP

so like what, a grey circle?

brilliant idea, genuis...

*genius lmao

Thanks doge

thanks doge

thanks doge

thanks doge