Weak jawline here. Anyone know if jawline exercises actually help...

Weak jawline here. Anyone know if jawline exercises actually help? And if they do could anyone recommend me some that will help?

There's plenty that work! just like the exercises used to grow taller!!

jawline exercises from my experience only really pull back the skin underneath your jawline a little, and that's from doing them daily for years

look up dr.mike mew
and buy mastic gum and chew that shit
though i'd look up how to properly chew the gum

lol ur fucked sorry its 100% genetics

Clench your jaw m8. Look up masseteric hypertrophy (bruxism, basically clenching/grinding your teeth). Doing it for an extended period gives you a square jaw because your masseter muscles build up since you're working them out. Normally people get botox injections to relax the masseter muscles but it gives you dat square jaw tho so I dunno why you'd do that

pic related

Another dude

would just chewing a shitload of gum get the same result

Yeah. It's all just working out the masseter muscles. But you have to make sure you chew on both sides because you'll end up with one overly devolved side and one underdeveloped side like this.

where have i seen that before

Yeah, and if you watch his interviews he's always chewing gum. He's got one side aesthetic af because he's always chewing on that side, that's why his face looks lopsided

i think itd be better if his face stays that way

fuck thats good

Is that the dude from MDE?

Lmao charls?

...damn well could be

Find old hard stale chewing gum and do some lines so you won't stop chewing and you'll burn fat so you get some dope definition

Shut the fuck up, retard. I tried gums for literally two years, every fucking day for HOURS, and i still have a weak jawline, so stop your bullshit. That bullshit is literally a meme.

hard gum or "gums"?

just clench your jaw 24/7, even when you talk

his face is fucked up in a lot of ways

I tried to fix it

No, you don't know anything. Listen to his speeches and you'll understand. Also: hard food

Pretty sure he has a lob sided jaw like Natalie Dorman or w/e. My girlfriend has that too

I've only been doing Mike Mews shit for half a year and I've seen amazing results. I still sleep with my mouth open yet it's going great.

Not only do I have visible cheekbones now, I also have fixed some of my assymetric jaw thanks to based Falim gum.

Good shit.

How wide of a palate did you have when starting to mew? Because I have a quite narrow palate and holding my tongue on the palate constantly is difficult for me and thus i won't get such good results.