Who else

>despises the monetization of fashion and creativity due to the capitalist machine

but also

>needs fashion to fill the void

how do you cope?

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Buy fakes where quality isn't excessively compromised. You help our poorer Chinese people

thrift nigga

buying expensive shoes :(

I'm fine with it. I don't much like most of the people I've met who are into finance, but it's more that I find them annoying and not fun to hang out with, rather than bad people. People who design clothes deserve to eat. Most people in fashion do not get fabulously wealthy. Fashion does not constitute a brain drain pulling the best and brightest away from useful professions into a morally abhorrent industry.

Then again I live in a city ruled by high finance. Compared to high finance scum, people like drug dealers and prostitutes seem as necessary to society as doctors and farmers. Fashion is pretty much as benign as it gets.

>I don't much like most of the people I've met who are into fashion
Fixed that, I despise most of the finance people I've met

I try to shop at boutiques only and don't buy anything made in China, Vietnam, India etc.

Shopping at smaller places is a lot more personal as well. The guy at my favourite store knows my name and my occupation so we can always have a chat. Feels much better to support a small community business rather than shopping at Zara or even most high couture stores

Fucking lifestylist.

liberals get OUT

I don't give a fuck

Whoever makes clothing that I like gets my money

That being said, most of my wardrobe is made in Japan, US and Italy

>the monetization of fashion and creativity due to the capitalist machine
uh, what exactly is wrong with this? i don't see the problem.


Lol, do you know how many PhDs join high finance because much BS academia has?

not bad Veeky Forums

>communalism and left-communism on Veeky Forums

mite b cool

>stop being a fag
>make your own clothes
>thrift stores
>stop being a fag

>fashion filling the void
this is a meme and a pretty toxic one also

Don't deny

>despises the monetization of fashion and creativity due to the capitalist machine

Stop there
Stop being a parasit to the world and get a job u dirty commie piece of shit

>how do you fill the void
haute couture

bougies like you will be first in line in the firing squad

Kek Commnie scum doesn't know socialism is capitalist in definition

Exactly, buy fakes or cheap copies of dumb over hyped designer shit (read yeezys). This shit goes out of fashion quick.

Only invest in local handmade high quality shit. If you look, most people have a high quality leather shop that makes custom coats within 100 miles of them. Other than that, I only spend money on expensive shit that I'll have for a long time.

> the capitalist machine
lol how's the gulag comrade?

> implying you or any commie will do something about it apart from hating from internet and crying
First shower yourself smelly bastard
God damn i hate internet commies so much

> capitalists know their system is terrible so they have to resort to personal attacks

>socialism is capitalist in definition
this is the most liberal thing I've ever read, go pick up a book scum.

learn how to sew your own clothes

>the people ITT trying to justify the fact that they whore themselves out for aestheticism and to ego.
>the people ITT who unironically consider themself an intellectual

Veeky Forums is truly the worst board

Communists know that the only reason they desire for their ideology to be implemented is because of their own innate inferiority as humans, and the lack of skill that would allow them to actually acquire capital in any meaningful amount in the first place.

They also know that despite the feigned nobility of their cause, they can't claim moral high ground due to the fact that taking other people's money to be redistributed for whatever purpose is stealing - blatant theft is completely immoral.

Thankfully because of the aforementioned inferiority that would allow someone to be mentally weak enough to desire a Communist society, they will never succeed in it's implementation.

Damn it feels good to be a capitalist!

I only buy clothes from small boutiques, local artisans and young brands in their first or second season

>Communism is state capitalism

ITT: Veeky Forums somehow reveals itself full of anarchists/ultra-leftists

Everybody should read Society of the Spectacle its about fashion lol

You tried.

But the free market is the only thing that truly fuels and rewards creativity. Have you been to any eastern bloc countries? Every city has some copy pasted Soviet era apartment buildings and generic Soviet era monument #4552.

Inb4 "b-but that's not real communism"

Get fucked, commie.

Not only was the USSR not "true communism", there wasnt even a hint of socialism. Comrade Chomsky will enlighten you


>being this much of a classcuck


Fucking tell em homie

is that a neo nazi


no its a black guy

Easy. I just buy from (usually smaller) companies that I know are ethical in practice (fair wages, good ecological practices, etc.)