ITT: we take this test, post your results and compare with other posters

ITT: we take this test, post your results and compare with other posters.

Where does Veeky Forums stand on this spectrum?

Is that your result? You're fucking dumb. I'd send you mine but I'm on mobile, and I'm lazy. Here's my approximate result.

its okay I guess

Although I dislike leftists


fuck off, this isn't fashion related

my guy this is trash lol

libertarian left is the only way to go

>its another pol thread
can you guys just fuck off already

as long as you're not on the right, it is the way to go

fight me cucks.

we don't have to fight you. you'll take advantage of and fight yourselves till you kill each other off and there is only one of you left at which point the borg will assimilate you

needs to be 3D, this 2D shit doesn't encompass it all.

Kill the fucking commies


daddy's money detected

Keep dreaming red scum

explain this?

rick owens raf simons julius undercover yohji SLP CDG acne dior and maison kitsune are my favorite designers.

12 year old detected

ive taken it so many times i dont feel like taking it again but this is where i always land within a few squares



I think I'd fall just a tad north of this user


I can't find the image - but I was here the last time I did the test

I remember taking this test in 9th grade social studies and scoring right below Hitler


This test is quite bad at actually finding your political leanings. I consider myself a left communist and there were hardly any questions that refered to a post capitalist society


Negative Negative master race

and you still managed to score all the way to the left

>what is your argument here?

I ended up in exactly the same square as I did exactly 4 months ago, albeit in the previous test I was in the lower left corner of this square compared to the top-right now (im talking about the small squares not the four large ones)

Also, I havent completely finished my education yet so it's my own opinions and thoughts that gave this result and not potential propaganda and influence in the classroom or through books the teachers might give us

if you're in the bottom left corner you're either dishonest or under 20 years old

hey hey hey u know what they say


I hope you're memeing


if you're anywhere on the right you're a fundamentally bad person



purple. anyone green should go starve in Venezuela. they'd immediately respond "b-but that's not real socialism".

it hurts bb

Don't you mean anyone red

Underrated post


untermensch get off my board

Fuck I though I was conservative


Surprised im not more anarchist. I hate the state more than anything. We are all slaves.

no, because the slippery slope isn't always a fallacy when talking in terms of socialism and communism

You did better than me and also dislike leftist.


I expected most of you to be retarded leftist here

I'm ready for all the hate

The founding Veeky Forumsthers are Veeky Forums



What did he mean...

you're a right leaning moderate?

More or less.

Nothing wrong with that


Pretty much

>"I play vidya gaemz and I HATE feminists!! xDD" starter pack

I just manipulated the url to put the dot in the top right corner lol

whats the name of that anarchist? I like his drawing.

true neutral liberal

I always get the purple part, about halfway down it and 1/4 to the right

it's Max Stirner, more of an egoist than anarchist really

The only place to be

>Poorfags on Veeky Forums
>Cuckolds on Veeky Forums
>Ugly people on Veeky Forums

Gross as HECK.

But it isn't real socialism in venezuela, just like how the ussr wasn't communist one bit kek




Idk what this means. Someone explain pls

Fairly close to the middle where I think I belong, but I think some of my egalitarian beliefs about LGBT and the like are pulling me to the left.

am I Veeky Forums?
