Do looks even matter for guys?

Do looks even matter for guys?

I look like this guy and rarely get laid btw

As long as your not /fedora/core chicks will not care

Rising up the corporate ladder? Yes, suit fits/shoes will matter

When will you subhuman neo-capitalists learn?
It's all fucking relative holy fuck, every single individual person is different and will be attracted to different things.

looks matter but clothes don't

Google for tinder and model and see what you find.

it probably doesn't matter for the girls
but it matters a lot for me
i always think that the way i look is the way i will be remembered in people's heads
do i want to be remembered ugly looking? no, i don't
i avoid all relationships until my acne is at least halfway cured

money and status is all that matters. she can always fuck the good luck bartender behind your back

How to be considered attractive:
1. Be over 6'2"
2. Don't be too thin or too fat
3. Be rich
4. Just b urself
How to be creepy:
1. Don't fit criteria 1-3 above
4. Just b. urself


>tinder and model
i am truly repulsed by how girls answer to those obnoxious messages
how flawed must a girl be if they answer to such barbarian pleb texts


I'd actually like to run the experiment myself. But from what I've read they have a near 100% success rate in matching even before the abominable messages.
Assuming tinder has a good cross section of society, it's a pretty damning indictment.


everyone is too ignorant to see this tho and just wants a "looks don't really matter" answer to make them feel better

And they ignore you until you invest spending time with them

i've done it.
3 girls I matched with who were giving me the run around. were ready to send nudes to my model profile on snapchat

HEIGHT,FRAME,GENETICS is key to shitty girls

but girls that really like you for your personality don't care.


No you don't

That guy looks like shit to women. he looks androgynous and he's also blond which is a major turn off.

Here's a pic of someone more attractive to women, there's no way to not get laid looking like this.

looking like your pic conveys a wrong message about my personality

>it's all relative

Finish highschool, then come back



Girl here "manly men" are fucking cringe worthy. I prefer androgynous beautiful guys x124125512222 lightyears more.

thats like your opinion tho

Sorry lad I'm guessing you haven't met those girls.
I have. and they still care only about looks and will never commit to you.
I am still very very bitter about it and have turned a bit r9k

>prefer lightyears

Let's get past the fact that you're mentally challenged, who cares about your personal anecdote? Due to circumstance almost 100% of the people I come into contact with are women and the vast majority prefer men with masculine characteristics.
That's also the sort of person that sells movies or anything else women send their money on.

Females are easily prone to forming archetypes that don't actually hold true to any experiences.
>>tattoos are bad ass and rebellious
>>men with beards are manly
>>has a dog must be caring
If you have any individuality you're in trouble. Worse still if you're categorised negatively.

>triggered ugly men.

This is true but in my experience most women don't care about "beautiful" men unless they're bisexual. They feel bad about they're own looks, think about how girls always give their really gorgeous friends less slack, they feel threatened because they know they're just average