I'm like 30 lbs overweight. How can I stay motivated and effay as I lose the weight...

I'm like 30 lbs overweight. How can I stay motivated and effay as I lose the weight? Thinking about how I look now just makes me sad and want to eat.

cut sweets fatty snacks and unhealthy fast foods/soft drinks out of your diet

try and eat 1500 calories a day and drink only water/organic green tea

to prepare you for your diet try eating healthy already prepared foods and don't eat fast food at all and then slowly progress by making your food thats lean and fit

1. Go vegetarian. It's okay to cheat if your friends want to get a burger at the pub, but stop bringing home meat. This will force you to eat veggies and other healthy shit. Just fry a little onion, put in tomatos, mushrooms, beans and some other vegetable you like, then eat it with brown rice and creme fraiche.
2. Get a 10-time clip card at the local swimming house. Don't go for a month or year card, just do the 10 times and then do it again. Once you have a stable rhythm, go for a month card.


I was around 30 lbs overweight last winter, now i'm down to only 6 lbs overweight, almost there. These are really not the most impressive numbers but i'm still proud of them and am starting to feel okay with my body.
I ate less and only drank water (sometimes milk) I also tried my best at not eating too much junk and sometimes went out for a run or a bike ride. My only motivation was to not be a skinny-fat degenerate being that calls himself a human anymore.

diets are for faggots and literally never ever work. exercise or die, loser

start running fatty

do not go vegetarian. you'll likely crave high calorie breads and carby comfort food from not eating animal products. just look up vitamin b12 deficiency and how it affects moods. if you want to lose weight, eat small, filling meals and a high protein diet with lots of nuts, turkey, chicken, beef and stuff like that. just avoid bread really because sugar and carbs are addictive and make you want to eat more.
that and exercise and you'll be set.

I know nothing about nutrition the post

retardation: the post

diet is a misnomer for what OP needs. dude needs a comprehensive lifestyle change which includes diet and exercise
I lost a bunch of weight in the last year and thinspo threads were a great source of shame/motivation

I've lot a ton of weight In my life from diet alone. Glad to see how uninformed you are
T. Former land whale

This. Also learn to count calories well. Most people don't realize how much food they are actually eating.

you are a fucking retard, i cut way down on my eating habits and i have lost 10.5kg so far in two and a half months.

Morons like you think people need to go on diets. You need to change your diet. You don't wear nice clothes for a month and expect to look good for the rest of the year.

It's ok user. Calculate your TDEE and eat 500-1,000 calories below that a day. I use MyFitnessPal and it definitely helps. A lot of people don't even realize how many calories they're putting in their body.
Pretty simple just calories in < calories out.
There's lots of info out there. Just look up CICO.
Motivation is for chumps, what you need is discipline.

Get yourself a prescription for Vyvanse

That shit kills your appetite like nothing else.

Hang out in /thinspo/, baby! Also keep a journal in which you log calories, meals, weight, exercise, inspiring shit you read, notes to yourself about whatever, etc. I recently began doing all that, after struggling for years, and it's wonderful. Keeps me accountable and inspired. Good luck friend.

Also, if you drink a lot, cut back. That's a big danger. Drinking a lot and then eating way too much while drunk packs in a disgusting number of calories.

Just think about it.

You could go a month without dieting and look the same

Or you could go a month with dieting and look better.

It's not fucking hard.

you can exercise all you want, but it won't make a difference if you're not eating properly.
>diets are for faggots
>muh fragile masculinity

Gotta suck it up. I lost 55 lbs since the start of this year, and if I can do it, you can too. Whenever I wanted to eat something bad, I just reminded myself that I would never reach my goal if I continued my habit. The body does not want to be fat, and once you adjust your diet, the first few pounds will slide right off.

I recommend cycling calories. Eat about 1200 calories one day, and 1600 the next (with healthy foods). This will confuse your metabolism so you will not experience a plateau. You can lose the weight with diet alone, but I recommend a half hour walk through the park at a decent pace at least 3 times a week.

I wore nothing but sweatsuits when I bulked and was fat for a while.

I just smoked a joint a day to make myself eat more then lost 25lbs when I stopped smoking weed.

u r retarded