How can I look taller? Or at least my own height?

How can I look taller? Or at least my own height?
I'm 5'10 but people usually assume I'm a lot shorter than I am until I stand next to them. I literally had a 5'5 girl think we were the same height until I stood right next to her

How did a 5'5 mistake you for her height lmfao

high waisted pants

To be fair she's pretty fucking dumb. But even other people like 5'7 think we're the same. It's not a huge difference but I should be confused for 5'7

lower body fat percentage
better posture

posture. i have a friend thats 6'0, but i thought he was 5'7 until he actually straightened his back. it makes a world of a difference

I'm already around 10-12% with only a 28" waist and am very conscious of my posture because I know that I already look shorter than I am. I would assume my proportions but my legs and torso seem fairly normal.

Limb lengthening

Feel you. My friends think I'm the same height as them even if I'm actually 5-6 cm taller.

Feels weird every time there's some talk about height - I haven't even dared to correct them when they say we're about the same height. I'm muscular with some fat so maybe that's the thing.

shorter shorts and shirts, im 5'10 but people think im taller than i am, i do have pretty long limbs and a short torso, but i started wearing fitted shorts and it makes me look an inch or two taller (so ive heard)


Body proportions play a role. I'm 5'6 but people always tell me that I look average height from a distance.

Kind of like how wearing baggy clothing makes you look shorter. Wear better fitting clothes.

no way you are a 28'' wast

Wear boots

I definitely am. I wish it was an inch or 2 bigger because I can rarely find pants that fit

what's your diet/ workout routine

Nothing specific. I just try to eat relatively clean (80% vegetarian with fish about twice a week), walk about 3-5km around uni/to shops 3 days a week and then do weights 2-3/week usually chest/tris, shoulders/back and legs/whatever I feel like

your body is my goal family

maybe what youre wearing makes you look shorter? what do you usually dress like?

Thanks, it honestly isn't hard to achieve just lift some weights and eat well for a year or so.
Usually just wear slim black low waisted (but my shirt still covers them) jeans with a plain fairly small t shirt. Either that or 1-2" above the knee shorts that are fairly tight. I feel like it might be my slightly larger than proportional legs

now post same pic without pants


post fit so we can see why stupid

Was in bed when I posted that... Usually something like this