Anyone ever feel the need to completely reboot their style? Feeling the urge to completely start over

Anyone ever feel the need to completely reboot their style? Feeling the urge to completely start over

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ya i feel like listing half my stuff on grailed since most of it doesn't mesh well with my style anymore
but idk at the same time i feel so bad about it and can't let them go

what was your style before? what did it change into?

used to be into that sufu / techwearish style, but it doesn't excite me much anymore, leaning more towards something in the vain of this video
they're not completely mutually exclusive, but things like my techrunners, although i love them, just hold no place in my ideal wardrobe

more power to you user, it's a good look, but I don't see this whole normcore/slacker/1995/dad caps and oversized thrift tees thing to have a very long shelf life. I predict as we move into winter and the following spring, we'll see more 96/97 alternative looks coming through. as the tide shifts, be prepared to be unhappy again.

yeah, currently feeling this

my wardrobe is filled with a lot of prep and the rest is safe clothing that will likely never be in or out of style

I'm doing this right now, thankfully I never really bought any expensive articles so rebooting wont be expensive at all.

I'm feeling this a lot, about most things I own.

I've had hoarder-tendencies my entire life, never wanting to throw anything away because "I can still use/sell it". When I was a kid and my parents told me I had to throw away things I didn't use, I would literally give them an old battery and two sheets of paper. In later life it's turned into me being nostalgic about clothing, and things in general. Even though I try to get rid of this if I don't check myself things accumulate and I end up having tons of stuff that I never use and get no happiness from. I've at times wished that my apartment would burn to the ground so that I could get a fresh start and only have things that I actually needed and not just a bunch of bullshit.

Recently I got home from working abroad and went through my clothes drawers and shit, and ended up getting a large garbage bag full of stuff from just the first round, aka things that I didn't like or that just didn't fit me. The funny thing is that I don't remember at all what's in that bag, because it meant so little to me. Later this week (visiting parents right now) I'm going to do a much larger purge and get rid of a bunch of stuff that I haven't used in six months or more. Going to be hard but I think I'm ready, it's been a long time coming.

Bonus: I cleared out my medicine cabinet and found tablets against being carsick that expired 2011. I moved into my apartment in 2014, and somehow I brought medicine that had expired three years past.

Nah I'm on working on my first style ever.

I'm like an Veeky Forums virgin.

Can you restart your personality too ?

I have kind of started to but I'm poor as fuck so I can't get anything nice looking. So I just wear sweat pants still


good luck user

yeah I just went through one.
I'd been growing out my hair for the past year and a half and I finally managed to get it to the point where I could put it up and bun it. After a few months of having my "goals hair" and creating a whole load of fits around it I grew sick of it and had it chopped off yesterday and I have no regrets whatsoever

not for a fucking second

I slowly kind of melted into outdoorsycore over the years and people have been saying that I look pretty rugged nowadays, so I'm gonna stick with what works

More like I want to reboot my life! lmao :/

pics of before and after cut?

I would dress in techwear but I can't afford it, so no.

I've done it twice
It doesn't make you feel totally better
But it helps a lot

I need to lose weight before I do that. Clothes just look shiity and sloppy no matter what I wear pants look shit because my legs aren't toned or skinny. Shit sucks

Whats the best way to sell all my previous possessions I don't want?

if you need to reboot your whole style than you need to reboot your whole life