Is depersonalization/derealization fa?

Is depersonalization/derealization fa?

do you have it? what is it like?

You feel like your an observer, sort of like playing a video game. You feel like memory's arent yours and completely detached from your surroundings, like you know youre not REALLY there, you are just watching it on a screen

ive been worrying i have this for a while, sounds exactly like me

what causes this?

It's pretty Veeky Forums but only if you look good.

Same as everything else, actually.

Early childhood trauma, anxiety disorders, chemical imbalance

Plus lsd. Stay off the drugs mate.

how do you deal with it?

You just get used to it as long as you realise you're the one who have the main control of your body, this takes years of mind perfectionism and knowledge acquired
I have already reaching my best top level and I'm able to have a 360* view of my rounding even without looking back

mental illness isnt effay

You don't.

You keep zoning out in social instances until it becomes so common that normal functioning becomes impossible on most days. Then when you've lost your job, friends and hobbies guess what, you no more have anything else but observing yourself left in life. That or ending it.

No. It can make your life a living hell if left untreated or if you happen to be under the care of a professional who doesn't take it seriously.

A lot of it also has to do with how you take care of yourself if you happen to be dealing with it.

Confide in people, don't isolate or alienated yourself from other people.

fuck off cunt

Man I had completely forgotten this, but now I remember very clearly that I used to feel like this all the time for a very long time. I don't know when it stopped

I had it a couple of years ago when I was in my early teens, it sucked so badly. Everything sucked back then, I was very bullied and ugly and with this on top of that I didn't care about living anymore. Everytime I took the train I had thought about walking in front of it because I just didn't want to live, living was okay but pointless, but I didn't want to disappoint my friends and family and make them sad.

So did your life take a turn for the better or did you just stop zoning out?

Used to get this a lot when I was younger
Very rarely these days

used to experience it periodically when I was younger. Also for a while after I damaged my eyesight staring at a solar eclipse.

i think meditation and practicing being fully present helps

Controversial stuff aside, I am mostly happy. Popular, very attractive and well dressed too.

lol pedo

Nigga wut?!

anyone wanna know just ask, just remember ya gonna all reet pet x


What are you afraid of that you keep typing like that?

I'm not completely sure to what extent Veeky Forums allows this kind of discussion, or if it's watched over by agencies, so I guess I don't want it in plain text where keywords get picked up by some algorithm. Less connection to me too, I was just uploading a picture of someone else's text could be said I guess if I get tracked down or whatever

I think I had a very mild spell of depersonalization earlier this year brought about having absolutely no idea what I wanted to do after I graduated. It sort of went away by itself but for about a month I felt like I was just cruising through life, it was very odd.

How do I speed it up

Have had a few spells that lasted a few months or so when my anxiety got really bad. My doctor said it's a sort of coping mechanism- your brain is "removing" you from the situation. Would happen to me very severely during panic attacks- to the point where I was desperately, repeatedly trying to remind myself that it was real life. The sensation would then decrease, but not fully subside for some time.
It doesn't last forever, but while it's happening, take care of yourself and try to enjoy things anyway. Do your best to ignore it. It's not dangerous and it will go away.

i had a reaaaaaaaaaaaaaally weird experience with that last monday. i was at a coffee shop and this woman had a dog and i felt like i could predict (though it wasn't like being psychic, it was as if ive seen the same action a hundred times) that this kid would walk, turn around, look at the dog, kneel down. i mean its rudimentary stuff but i just felt it. it didn't even feel like i was there like i was some kind of ghost.
i had an especially realistic dream hours prior, that was pretty much in real time that fucked me up (i went to bed from 8a-9a and my dream was 720p-820p...i knew the exact times and it was not fun)
it has been on and off like that for the last week and a half

Deja vu.

Sometimes it can screw a little with your memories, making you think that you may have seen the things before in a dream or something.

The weird thing about deja vu's is their ability to make you feel as if you could foretell events that are occurring in the present.

had this for years in my teenage years, it was until recently when I started to talk about what had happened (what probably caused my disassociative episodes) is when I actually started getting a lot better. I realized that I wasn't the one to blame, and that I shouldn't be in denial anymore about what had happened (I still struggle with the denial aspect, but I guess that's normal).
Every year it got better though, time really does help in cases like this. But sometimes something would cause me to remember things and I would be sent into another spiral of disassociation, although nothing was ever as bad as the year right after the event, I had the most extreme depersonalization episodes I've ever experienced when I think back on it, feeling like I was floating outside of my body, feeling like I couldn't control what I was saying, like words were just flowing out of me like a waterfall, it lasted for weeks and months at a time. I know that all of this is just how my brain coped with all of it (and how sometimes it still copes with it, although not as extreme), but when I was young it was terrifying, and now it's just irritating.
I still unconsciously block out a lot of things, and I don't want to try and dig up too many memories for the fear that it'll cause me to disassociate.
I'm glad to see people talk about it and their experiences, I feel like trauma based things like this don't get enough recognition, but maybe I just don't look too much into it anymore.

man the first time i rolled i had constant deja vu from memories i had in my dreams and it was really bad. it hasn't been as bad since but i have to lay off bc i'm already constantly paranoid and anxious and the comedown just gets worse and worse and worse

yeah bro, i love ketamine

More like dissos such as ketamine, mxe, dck.

Shit goes away if you keep yourself busy. I delt with derealization for a couple years. Once you stop giving a shit about anything existential and start living now it goes away.

I also recommend drinking.

I don't know if it's related but what do you call the feeling when you suddenly become "aware" of everything around you? like everything was new and alien, you almost feel like in a dream, like you've been inside your head for so long that your mind forgot what it's like out there?


phenibut gives me this in a very pleasant, minor way.


I haven't dissociated in a while, but I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

Feeling like you're watching a movie through your own eyes and your life isn't your own is hell, man.

>it feels like your watching a movie through own eyes
Yeah its fucking awesome and why people do dissos like ketamine.

after a panic attack while high i got this, sadly i'd never had anxiety before and didnt know how to deal with all this new anxiety symptoms, i let the anxiety build and build until it exploded with violent intrusive thoughts (probably the worst experience of my life) the depersonalization is gone and thankfully so are the intrusive thoughts) the key as smple as it sounds is to just stop caring, get yourself into a routine where you are going to be your least anxious ie, up early, bed early, regular exercise adn eating healthy and it will slowly go, remember to distract yourself by keeping busy. see a therapist for a few sessions for me they didnt help massively

Yooooo I fucking get this like once a day, yesterday I was just staring at my own body like it was so real it was fake. I live inside my head almost 24/7 but then there's always one moment where I look around and really take things in and it's fucking weird how surreal it is

Me too

dude ive pondered this for a little bit before and its really sad we've just automatically assimilated paedophilia with child molestation
child molestation is paedophilia but the opposite isnt necessarily true

tfw you realised this thinking about that guy whos sexually attracted to dinosaurs

I get like this when I smoke weed which is exactly why I stopped smoking. Sometimes my mind sort of slips into thinking like this every now and then though. Spooky shit.

I dated a girl for a year who was borderline and experienced derealisation/depersonalisation. i've experienced it in very mild ways but she would absolutely just break down. couldnt function at all. i saw the real horror of it but if you experience this, its important to remember that it might not be its own thing but rather symptomatic of a disorder - the way your brain handles anxiety caused by something else. I begged her to do DBT and she did for a while. not sure if she stayed in. she's in europe at the moment smashing drugs so i doubt it. be serious about your mental health my dudes

lsd is less likely to permanently fuck you up as opposed to wreck you for 12 hours and leave you to pick up the pieces in the following weeks

there's a lot of psychedelic circlejerking recently that fails to highlight how dangerous acid really can be in those with latent or even totally undiagnosed conditions

t. someone who almost accidentally killed themselves on 1 tab of tested

i know someone who did acid on and off for years and at 18 did a drop at a festival and bam, psychotic. thought disorder, hallucinations, everything.

yeah "ego death" is basically like euphoric depersonalization. I find it funny how people view ego death as enlightening but depersonalization as harmful.
(also as someone with an anxiety disorder and ptsd i can tell u it's really not that bad, you just gotta kind of accept that it's not gonna hurt u and it's just a feeling)


> and bam, psychotic. thought disorder, hallucinations, everything

Permanently? Or just for the duration of the trip?