What made this man different from the thousand savage warmongering leaders in Africa...

What made this man different from the thousand savage warmongering leaders in Africa. No other african "freedom fighter" has had such a huge campaign to be killed.

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He was an internet meme on top of being African warlord.

oh fuck we forgot to stop kony

oh fuck i forgot to stop kony

like this post to stop kony


give me money to stop kony

why didn't you help stop kony

Because he was doing the right thing.

He was probably the first on a google found list of commanders of child battalions.

oh fuck we forgot to stop stalin

desu it's pretty hard to remember the chilluns when they're invisible

Nothing. Some greedy and very clever fucks just came up with a great marketing campaign and tricked thousands of idiots into giving them money.
Btw the guy who ran that organization was later arrested for drunkenly masturbating in public.


So... Would you say that he blew out his invisible children?


>Invisible Children co-founder and director of the "Kony 2012? viral video Jason Russell, 33, is receiving medical care after witnesses reported he was seen naked, masturbating and disrupting traffic in San Diego's Pacific Beach neighborhood on Thursday, according to reports.

The Stop Kony founder having a drug-fuelled mental breakdown and jacking off in public and running around naked is still one of the funniest things I've ever seen on the internet to this day.

Kony did nothing wrong

I heard Kony was suspected dead 6 years before this stupid shit started.

invisible children, visible dick

That was the beauty of it. They started this bullshit campaign to "stop" a guy who had fled into the jungle and was presumed dead or hiding out in another country. Charity is big business.

I have a Kony 2012 shirt that I bought at a thrift store. I wear it to be hipster cool.

Completely forgot about this shit. What I was hoping is that as the layers of ridiculousness behind the campaign were peeled back the general, facebook-going public would be more critical of slacktivism in the future.


this was clearly a neo MK ULTRA affair. an investigation into the power of cultural transmissions via the internet. what does it take (A) to produce (B) and observe the aftereffects (C). i doubt it's success was modeled on whether or not "justice" was done.

the whole getting involved in SJW affairs leads to jackin' it in San Diego that was a joke on south park but based in reality seems pretty fascinating. i wonder if mind breaking the director was part of the experiment.
