What -core is this? also please keep the thread Veeky Forums related

what -core is this? also please keep the thread Veeky Forums related


Doesn't look good

alt righter queen core

faggot uncle tom tier

this is spot on
you can tell by the combination of the balding, the low cut top, and the bad posture with the loud outfit and accessories

this alt-righter (probably checking breitbart on his phone) is simultaneously dealing with insecurities and gross delusions about his own attractiveness

he could do better though because he has a really attractive face. faggots tend to be insecure, and idk what to be insecure about of him

He should have just stuck with the WASP look. He pulled it off pretty well.

He basically went full wannabe popstar overnight. Kinda young for a midlife crisis but whatever.

>pretending you don't know who he is

milo's style is shit

he's probably not even gay

i'm saying this as a person who hates sjws and I use the word cuck unironically




Is bleaching you hair a cool thing?
I have darkish blond hair and a hair complexion but ive always thought this dude was fa

also milo a shit

omg milo is so effay

w2c shirt?

Probably party-queen core

Milo can dress however the fuck he wants as long he keeps BTFO leftards.

Can't tell if ironic or just retarded

Kill it with fire core

Who is he?
Milo what?

Milo Yiannopullous

>cant tell if ironic
I think you're the retard, retard.

>Yeezy / Yeezy-esque top
>Louis bag
>Saint Laurent jeans

basic [[[fashion]]] bitch core except on a gay dude

>he's probably not even gay

Of all the things you can doubt about his true character he is indisputably gay

>i'm saying this as a person who hates sjws and I use the word cuck unironically
so like everyone else on Veeky Forums?


why? because he talks about loving black dicks all the time? have you ever seen him suck one? he's just a provocateur using homosexuality as a get out of jail free card. he would pretend to be a fat black crippled muslim tranny if he could get away with it.

Angry Numale alert.

>he's just a provocateur using homosexuality as a get out of jail free card

If it's stupid but works it isn't stupid

I bet he's checking Twitter on that phone. OH WAIT

>applying typical liberal traits to conservatives
also, he's employed by Breitbart so I don't know why you think it's a criticism that he'd read it

This. He was anti Twitter cyber bullying in about 2012 and hopped on the anti-PC bandwagon and managed to get banned for cyber bullying. I suspect the gay thing is a played out act for attention, which he now has as the "face of the alt right". He's probably bi-curious like most fit-izens but his behavior is that of a person cosplaying as a homosexual.

mixed w/ a bit of grunge

I don't get it, drumpf isn't even funny

w2c top tho

>Only one "decent" looking guy in that photo
So this... is the power of Shillary?

Rich jewish homo-core
