Are buzz cuts Veeky Forums?

are buzz cuts Veeky Forums?

If you're good looking , yes

1 from Looks good with a buzzcut

worst case scenario
you look will like a special needs child.

best case scenario
you look like a druggie who never finished 12th grade.

t. 14 years old

military fade is better

I do this every 7-10 days. No guard on sides and back and the top is a 2 closed guard.

Still very short but it didn't look like I'm balding or going through chemo.

All over buzz just looks lazy, but if you have dense hair and fade on the sides it can look good

Hair is for women and men who like to peacock. Shaving your head is one of the best things you can do.


Only the lower class and soldiers shave their heads.
Long, healthy and good hair shows that you can clean and take care of yourself.


What about balding men like me?

90% of men with buzzed heads looked like shit.

>If you're rich and your looks are irrelevant


If you've good a good head shape, then sure. If not, don't.

might not have a choice shape or no shape if you're balding, but that's why we have bridges to jump from if need be

>tfw norwood 3
>tfw my god-tier skull shape and size saved me from certain sexual death

I have hair but I shave my head every week. Feels good, comfy, suits my lifestyle and boosts my confidence.
Everyone I know likes it on me.
I think it depends on your personality a lot.


Sure buddy.

If only you people actually went out and hung out with some decent people rather than some ghetto trash bitches who hang out with tyrones. You are as sexy as you believe you are. Unless you are extremely like 1/10. Like obese or anorexic.
You can rock it when you are thin or even a bit chubby.
But I am talking about how I see that it works on me and most I know.
I have had crushes on average women just because of their confidence and personalities.

How can I tell if my head shape is good enough?

Look at Freddie Ljungberg, Jeremy Meeks and Jason Statham. They've got good head shapes.


>hot qt3.14 aryan at work said she likes it better