Reminder that we'd be colonising other planets by now if it wasn't for religion

Reminder that we'd be colonising other planets by now if it wasn't for religion

The problem are kike bullshit, not indo-european religions.

What exactly am I looking at?
Pic unrelated

The hole left by the Christian dark ages

Christianity is reason why Rome fell

>implying the dark ages were actually dark
Uneducated pleb pls

Where's the Babylionans at in the picutre? Also I do not see Mayans either. Picture is biased mate.

>Falling for the white guilt guns germs and steel 21st century liberal revisionist meme

>Christianity is reason why Rome fell
uhh I don't remember the ottomans being christian!

He implied the western Empire, but even for the East, it really was Christianity's fault.
If it wasn't for the crusade on Constantinople, at least the Byzantines would exist, probably.

>The gr**k empire was Rome

irrelevant civilizations
they have no valuable cultural or scientific achievements to speak of

>liberals hate christianity
>therefore, liberals would defend the "christian" dark ages

Really sick of the meme that the dark ages weren't dark at all

The pendulum has swung too far the other way

Seeing as he said the CHRISTIAN dark ages, Christian Europe objectively had small population centers, pointless warring and less technological advancement

>medieval stagnation
I got baited. Every time I am and will be baited by this shit. The medieval had no stagnation. People who unironically believe this are worse than hitler and stalin.

>and less technological advancement
And technological advancement none the less. The dark ages weren't dark. There's a reason academic nomenclature changes them to the middle ages rather than the dark ages.

You shouldn't use the phrase dark ages for the whole world during that time period but it's fine for talking about just Europe in isolation

>Rome went from over a million inhabitants to like 30k living in squalor and ruins

Hello Rebbit tier intellectual

>but it's fine for talking about just Europe in isolation
Except it isn't you fuckwit. You think all the technological and scientific base for the Renaissance just poofed out of fucking nowhere in the 15th century?

Literally a meaningless statement

Just because something isn't at it's potential doesn't mean it doesn't exist at all

It's like using bolt running the hundred meters in 30 seconds and you saying "umm bro did you not see him go over the finish line? Umm what do you mean he was slower nah"

Cultural and scientific achievements do not happen in isolation mate.

But sure Mayans were not into contact with the Old World. Doesn't mean they didn't have any cultural or scientific achievements.

>slower progress = no progress
Science progressed faster than it did under the Romans.

You're clearly baiting.

>Anything I can't disprove, dislike or don't agree with is baiting

Literally the worst type of post

Not in Europe


I knew libfags and STEMtrash were racists.

>Byzantium isn't Europe
>Italy isn't Europe
>Iberia isn't Europe
You are definitely baiting.

Most of Byzantium wasn't Europe, Africa starts at the Pyrenees so Iberia isn't European and Italy before he Renaissance doesn't mean the whole of Europe averages out better

>Christianity is reason why Rome fell

>The Dark Ages were really dark for Europe!
>If you exclude large parts of Europe