The hair in my right eyebrow fell out ever since ive recently moved to america my hair has gotten to the length where...

The hair in my right eyebrow fell out ever since ive recently moved to america my hair has gotten to the length where trimming is required any suggestions to take the attention away from the eyebrow

What % black are you.

you're so cute
cut your hair tho
you pull off the eyebrow thing

Apparently my dad great grandma was black otherwise my family tree contains mostly iberian white people who immigrated to cuba shows how race mixing is bad
Im confilicted because i have extremely nappy hair


>race mixing is bad because I'm ugly

buy a brow pencil and fill it in this is not that hard

Go see a doctor. Of I forgot. USA.
Enjoy your meme healthcare.

I came from the cayman islands healthcare is unseemingly more expenisve

Okie dokie

It wouldnt feel the same someone suggested it but i couldnt walk with pencil on my face all day

thin out your left eyebrow then. Duh.

OP, this could be a sign of an underlying thyroid issue. Get it checked out, this isn't normal.

you're the ugly version of me

hey I'm ugly too partly black brother

Its okay one day well rule the world with our ciarse hair and puffy lips

>The hair in my right eyebrow fell out ever since ive recently moved to america
just a sign that you have to go back

I got tested for that to i have really no idea why my eyebrow fell out

I actually think you're pretty handsome. I'd go with a small circular frame tho and a thicker stache if I were you

I wish


>Potion seller, I need your strongest potions.



give yourself a scar on your right eyebrow it would look cooll

Brb getting tetanus shot

"my personal issues are the result of my parents"racemixing" >:^("


Wear big black nerdy glasses and nobody will notice your eyebrows.
Bonus. You even might look smarter.

Kim Jong-Un swag